Road trip

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It was about ten o'clock the next morning when Gold knocked on my door. I opened the door to see Gold, Emma, and Henry all standing there.
"Henry's coming?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.
"Yeah!" He said. "Road trip!"
I rolled my eyes but couldn't but smile at Henry.

Ten minutes later, in Gold's car, Henry decided to pipe up, disturbing the silence.
"So, where are we going?" He asked.
"Logan International Airport," Gold replied.
"I think he meant after that," I said.
"Let's just take things one step at a time, shall we?"
"You really think that shawls gonna work?" Emma asked him. The shawl had been given a magic potion. Making it help the wearer remember his or her memories after going over the town line. That's why Hook had tried to taken it.
"Well," Gold said. "If it doesn't, and I revert to my cursed self, we're all going to have some problems. It will work."
There was silence until we drove over the town line. Some kind of blue misty light washed over Gold and he shut his eyes for a moment.
"So?" Emma asked.
"My name is Rumpelstiltskin. And we're going to find my son."

At the airport, it didn't take too long to get through. We had to get Henry a ticket since Emma had not wanted to leave him behind in Storybrooke with Cora. The only real problem that came up is when we had to go through one of the metal detectors and take off shoes, purses, etc. Gold would have to take off his scarf. And if he did, we didn't know what would happen.
"Scarf and cane go in the basket," the guy who worked at the airport said.
"I can't," Gold said to Emma and I.
"You have to," Emma said.
"It ain't rocket science buddy," an irritated guy behind us said. "Haven't you ever been on a plane before?"
"Have you ever been impaled upon a cane before?" Gold snapped back to him.
"My...fathers a little nervous," I said. "We're headed to a family reunion. Sorry."
"Yeah, I don't like it any more than you," I replied. "Just put your shawl in the bin. We'll help you get through."
"If I let this go, I could forget who I am."
"I'm not gonna let that happen," Emma told him.
"Okay," Gold whispered, breathing heavily. He took off the shawl slowly, walking through the detector. Emma went through quickly after him and put the shawl back over his shoulders. She also grabbed his cane and jacket and handed it to him. Gold nodded, letting us know he was fine-not that I cared-and Henry was the first to talk again.
"Guys!" He said happily. "There's a Cinnabons here!"
We all followed Henry to the food court. I went with him to the Cinnabons and bought him his food.
"How exactly did you get back?" He asked me as we walked back over to Emma and Gold.
"Uh, I don't really know. It all just kind of happened."
We sat down, Henry next to Emma and I say next to Henry. Gold wasn't sitting, he was pacing back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.
"Do you want something to eat?" Emma asked Gold.
"No." He replied sharply.
"Is something wrong?"
"Stop asking me that!" Gold snapped.
"I'll be right back." He turned and walked away from the little sitting area.
They called our flight, telling us we could board. Henry had to go to the restroom and retrieve Gold.

Once we were aboard the plane, we all settled down. Gold was staring ahead, a black expression on his face.
"Are you alright?" I asked Henry.
"Are you kidding me? First plane with, I'm with you and Emma, and we're on a quest just like in the book? The only think that could make this day better," he said, holding up his Cinnabons box, "is more frosting."

I promise there will be another update today, maybe even two. xx

okay, sorry. update soon xx

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