(43)~ Agonizing Pain

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I was in pain. I couldn't quite pin point were the pain was really coming from if not compleatly leaving my husband in pain; it only made me grow Weaker.

I couldn't even get up. I think I was in labor and now that Ani won't even be here- I just can't do this!

"(Y/N)!" I saw Obi run over towards me. His outfit had a few burn marks as to he had a few cuts and scrapes.

I attempted to sit up. "Is Anakin aright?" I asked as he looked down at me shocked.

"Oh no, (Y/N) the baby is coming!" He said coming over to me and carying me bridal style over to the ship. "I have to get you to a medical bay!"

I knew my water broke not to long after Obi engaged Anakin in a fight.
"Please..." I said before blacking out once again.

  *                            *                                *

I awoke in a med bay on a asteroid. My head was sweaty and my whole body was in pain. But what hurt more than what ever pain birth had to offer, I betrayed my husband! How could I just leave him for the order like this. And now he is gone!

My eyes began to tear up. "Obi Wan?" I sat as he sat right next to me. "What happend? We're am I?"

"(Y/N) Anakin is dead."

"What? No this can't be possible?! How did this happen?"

"I can't say. The doctors said to keep you out of stresses way since your condition may be life threatening."

"Life threatening? I can't die! My baby won't have neither a mother or a father, I can't do that."

"(Y/N) You child is coming fast. You have been in labor for nearly seven hours." How could this be? I was on the floor not too long ago! This can't be right!

"What? I was out for that long? How can this be?" The machine next to me started beeping and the medical droid came in.

"What seems to be the problem?" The droid looked at the machine. "Oh dear! The babies are coming!"

"Babies? " I asked out of breath.

"Your carying twins. We are to operate quickly if we are to have a safe birth."

"Agghhhghhhh!" I cryed out as soon as I felt it. I quickly clenched onto the sheets of the medical bed and I took in short breaths.

"Alright here we go!"

Obi Wan steps out of the room to give me some privacy.

I couldn't keep myself from crying. I would never be safe around my husband again after what he did to me. For all I know I could die at birth.

"Deep breaths (Y/N) We can't stop once it's started."

I cryed harder as the babies were coming whether I was ready for them or not!

"And here he is," I heard the sound of a baby crying. I saw my first child for the first time in my life. "It's a boy,"

Obi Wan came over as far as he could and held my baby wrapped in cloth. He was beautiful, a perfect baby without a father.

"Luke," I mutterd stroking his head as the second twin was coming!

I started crying more and more before-

"It's a girl," Obi Wan says holding her and leaning over so I could see her

"Leia," She had perfect black hair and the children were both crying until-

Everything went black!

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