(70)~ Rancor Pit

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Leia was forced into a slave out fit that showed her body off far too much of her skin. As a mother I didin't take very well that she was being forced into a slave. Of course I tryed to fight back but that didin't end very well, Boba just pulled me back and held a blaster to my head, "Didin't you know that your mission all along was suicide? It's worthless to waste your time on a filthy smuggler like Solo," The man said from behind you.

  Anger began to boil up inside of me before something finally stopped me from snapping. That person was my son. He walked up to Jaba after taking a quick glance at me, Jaba didn't seem intimated at all and just watched as the boy walked up to him. Luke spoke about having an arrangement for Solo's life. But, of course it wasin't going to be that easy before Luke finally spoke, "You can either profit by this, or be distroyed. It's your choice but I warn you not to underestimate my powers,"

  Threepio tryed to warn Luke that he was standing right ontop of the gate to the Rancor pit but of course the Hutt was enraged and said in Huttese that he would enjoy watching him die. Luke looked over in a flash and force grabbed a blaster from one of the guards and before he could shoot at anyone or anything the trap door gave out and Luke fell into the pit.

  My eyes widened at that moment and I tryed with all my might to break free but that didin't really turn out well. Everyone around me besides me and Leia and Threepio were hoping my son's death down there in the pit when the beast itself finally came out of the enclosure space. The size of it was enough to show whom ever messed with Jaba had to deal with the enormous Rancor.

  As Luke looked all around the place it became obvious that one of the guards had fallen with him and it was trying to get out along with him but there was really no way to get away from the beast. Luckily, the pig was snatched by the beast and was munched upon that gave Luke just enough time to back away from the thing over away from the gate. It didin't last long as the pig thing that it had just feasted upon wasin't forfilling at all for the tall beast so it chased after Luke before it was right under neath the gate and it had given Luke just enough time to pick up a rock and chuck it at the controls. It quickly sent down the gate ontop of the monster and killed it instintly.

  Me and Leia were thrilled that Luke was still alive and that he would be with us for a long time. But things here were far from over. 

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