Change of Plans (A/N)

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I can't update tonight because I have to go to sleep.

I have to wake up really early in the morning. Around 7:45 because tomorrow is registration for high school and they are taking our picture.

With that being said, I have to wake up, straighten my hair, apply mascara, and be ready to go by 9:00/9:30.

It sucks because I usually wake up around 2:30/3:00 PM because I go to sleep around 4:30/6:00 AM.

So sadly, I can't update tonight like I wanted to. I will update two or three times tomorrow to make it up and because I'll be bored all day.

Also, wish me luck that my picture turns out fine!! My school pictures always turn out terrible.

I have two ideas for Stone Cold Part 2. I don't want to tell you guys, but I do because I want your opinion.

Do you want Leo to beg Nico to take him to the Underworld to visit you before your trial?

Or do you want it to be like Romeo and Juliet where Leo can't live without you even though he has Calypso and...surprise.

Which choice is better? I like them both, but I can't figure out a way to combine them.

I'm sorry that I couldn't update tonight and I really wanted to.

I hope you guys understand.

Love you guys💕

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