The heartbreak

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Whitney pov (1985)  A few months before the album release.
"Jermaine are you really going to leave wife or are you just playing games?!" I yelled. "Whitney, I live you but my kids and Hazel." He reply. "You know what I'm done, this relationship is finished and all we have in common is music." I said pushing out of my hotel room. "Whitney! Whitney! Open this door!" He shouted. "Bye Jermaine." I said. I knew I'll have to go record some song. I look a all the different ones. I need to just focus on my career. I was 21. Jermaine was 9 years older than me. He's been my mentor for 2 years. Helping me out with song teaching me stuff about the business. But I felled for him. He was sweet, charming and caring. He was so sweet. I thought he was sweet. Then he told me he had feelings for me. I talk to my mother who told me don't fall. But I did, I decided to call her. It was late but I need someone to talk to. "Hello?" I heard my father voice rang through the phone. She had just went home for the weekend to get rested. "Can I talk to mom?" I said in tears. "Whitney what is it? Are you okay?" He said. "Dad just please. I really need to talk to mom." I said. "Okay?" I could hear him say. "Em. Cissy." He called her name. "What?" She said. "It's nippy and it sound like she is crying." He said. She grab the phone. "What is it?" She said. "I broke it off with him." I said in tears. "Jermaine?" She ask. My dad said something who is this Jermaine and where he live. I laughed a bit. "Tell dad he isn't worth it. He didn't love me enough to leave his wife. After the year we had." I said in more tears. "Whitney, he was not the one but  that doesn't mean he isn't out there?" She said. "Yea but mom I have to see him again since we do duets and he's my mentor...." I said in tears. "Yes but Clive will be there and I will come down." She said. I nodded. "Yea we all coming.... I need to find my gun." My dad said. I laughed knowing he was right bet the phone. "Made you laugh." He said. "Yea you did. I miss y'all. mom when." She cut me off. "We are going  be there Sunday so two more days." She said. I nodded. "Okay I love you momma and daddy." I said. "We love you too, Nippy!" They said. I hung up the phone. I look through the songs they wanted me to pick for the album and one stuck out to me. Saving all my love.  I pick out some others. I put them aside and went to bed.

I woke up to the phone ringing. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Whitney it's Jermaine." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yes and..." I said. "Ummm I won't be able to make it to the studio." I cut him off. "It's fine I hope you and Hazel have a nice life." I said hanging up. I got dressed.  I went to studio excited. I walk into Arista records company. "Hi Clive." I said. "Hey Whitney have you look at all the songs we have record over because we need to pick the ones for the album today. Then do videos as well as release all the singer. "You know you should do the one you sung when I first saw you what was it?" Clive said. "The one that goes......I believe the children are our future teach them well and let them lead way, show them."  He nodded.
We talk about the song list. He told me I be workings other producer. We were talking the. He got a phone call. Clive had to leave but the producer stayed. I warmed up and stuff. I was singing it over because the producer ask me to sing it. Over and over again. I decided to call Clive because this guy act like he didn't know what to do. I called Clive and he told me he know a what he do my he just like to hear you sing it. I told the producer of we don't record this song I'm done. He nodded and I sung the song. I been so busy. I came out to see Jermaine. My heart was shattered. I saw him and Hazel. She was so gorgeous. I turn away and let early. I decided to leave.

A couple week later  (March 14, 19
Jermaine and I barley see each other unless it work related. I had  to prepare for touring. I was just chilling until I got ready. We were talking and goofing off. Robyn and I. The album is suppose to be release February. We been doing interviews and promotions. I'm just now getting to a place where I can breath.

March 30, 1985,
I have the best female selling album in history it sold millions of copies. I been getting very popular. But I never notice the negativity. Clive said a lot of people are calling for promotions and stuff. I'm so shocked. We have AT&T and Coke. It some amazing. My brother Michael been supporting me but we been trying stuff. Well cocaine. I'm trying to stop. 

August 9th, 1985
This fame is getting crazy but I'm super excited.  I been meeting a lot of famous people. We been planing for the first album but I'm super happy. I'm celebrating my birthday.  I couldn't believe I'm 22. I'm so happy. I decided to spend it with my mom and family. We just enjoying. Having fun. The only thing I hate is people telling me I'm not black enough or I'm not acting black enough. I been so sick and tired of it. But I'm not gonna my to let it kill my vibe. I decided to have a nice birthday with my family and a few friends.

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