Waiting to exhale

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Whitney pov
We have just finished everything. We had to go over a couple of things. I had to promote this movie and I could join him on tour because I have to work. The girl and are getting ready. We are trying to do an interview with Oprah. They had just did my make up. We were goofing off. Michael and I have been arguing a bit. So, I'm kinda work up and stress out. Oprah was talking about me and my cast mates. She was introducing us. I was encouraging them. I could everyone getting excited. The audience was so amazing and very excited. "How does it feel to be done." Oprah ask. "We can exhale." I said. She smiled and said you can exhale. "Was it great with you guys came together or was there tension. Or was it like was who going to be a diva today? Whitney or Angela? Whom was going to out dive whom? Was there any of that." Oprah ask. "We were just excited to have job. We didn't notice." Loretta said. "You didn't notice?" Oprah said. We begin talking about the characters. "Well shall we talk about you?" She said looking at me. "Well." I said. I giggle. "Well everyone wants to get into Whitney's business and as person who live her life in the spotlight too. Here's how we going handle this, today. You tell us what ever it is you want us to know." She said. I looked at her. I like Oprah. I'm so thrilled. I laughed and clapped. "Well lets put it like this. We are here to talk about exhale my life is none of your business." I said. She nodded. Everyone said cheered. "Imma try one more time." She said. "Okay." I said nervously. "Just tell us how Michael is?Ju-Just straightened out for us. What we reading in the tabloids versus what real, hows Michael and how are y'all doing?" She said. "Michael fine. We doing fine. The kids are fine. Michael fine and that's all I want to say." I said. "That all she want to say." She said. I nodded and said yes. Someone said go head girl. I nodded. "We going to take a commercial break. And the cast will address whether the movie and book promotes male bashing. I'm pretty Mrs. Terry will say something about that." Oprah said. I said oh no. They showed a scene and when we came back exhale was playing. "It come out dec 22. So will be right there watching the movie talking to the screen." She ask. "I was already there." I said. They called me Chatty Cathy.

We were wrapping up and the audience was asking question. "I just want to say. Whitney, I think you are The greatest and was this movie harder or difficult than the body guards. And how did they compare to you?" He ask. "Um, This is a lot more familiar to me. You know the bodyguard was Rachel Marion and that whole world. I familiar with Rachel's world, but Rachel and I are not the same because of you told someone was, trying to kill me. You gotta tell me once and that's it. Thats it. It's on. It's in after that. I'll see ya." I said. "D- this is very familiar." Oprah said. "Oh yes." I said. "Like home?" She ask. "Just like home." I said......."Whitney going to do the movie preacher's wife with Denzel." Oprah said. I agreed to do it out of anger. I was in the dressing room. I was kinda down. The kids went with Michael on his tour and stuff. The nannies are with them. Michael was suppose to be back today. I just missed him. I clean my face up. There was a knock. "Come in." I said. They open the door. "I have a special delivery for you Mrs. Jackson." A guy said. "Aww just sat them over there I said looking in the mirror. I was relaxing for a minute. The guy came and put his hand over my shoulder. I pushed his hand off. I got up. "Listen, I am a married woman." I cut my self off when I look in his eyes. "Michael." I said. He nodded. He hugged me. Angela came in and was like who is this. Michael pulled off his costume. She hugged him. "Well we should go." He said. We bump into Oprah. "Hey Michael  and Whitney." She said. We wave. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded. He had the flowers. I got into the car. I laid my head on his shoulder. I been feeling kinda down. He exhale. "I'm sorry." He said. "I shouldn't have let Prince be around Diana with out your consent and I should have told you." He said. "Yea you should have, but I should have told you about the movie." I said. "Yea you should have but I shouldn't have overreacted besides how is it like working with Denzel, one of the sexiest man in Hollywood ?" He said kinda girly making me laugh. "It good but there's one guy I'm interested in working with, well working with again. I think he the number one sexiest man in this Hollywood ?"I said looking at him. "Who?" He said kinda jealous. "Let me give you hints." I said. He nodded. "He was in a group with his brother and." He cut me off. "You wanna work with the Donny Osmond." He yelled. "Hell no, here's another hint. He's black. He married to the most beautiful woman and they have four kids. Plus, he is the King of Pop." I said. "Mhmm. We can work on something now." He said. I kiss him. The car came to an abrupt halt. Throwing Michael and I forward. "Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. A van oh shit it's the paps." He said. He rolled up the thing and said hold on. I was in pain. I hit my head. "Nip?" He said looking at me. He pulled me to him. He got me in a seat and put on my seat belt. "Have you been working out." I ask. He nodded. "I haven't you know so it like either cheat out work off that another way". He said. I nodded because I have been working out to get all this frustration off of me. We pulled in at Neverland. I need my husband. I pulled him through the door and into our room. "What are you." He said. I kissed him. "Pants off Mr. Jackson." I said. He stared at me. "Damn don't mine if I do Mrs. Jackson." He kissed me.

I woke up to someone licking my feet. "Mike." I said smiling. I was all good till I heard a low growl. This sounded like a real lion. I look to see bubba the lion. I screamed.

Michael pov
I was asleep and I got awaken a knocking. "One second." I said getting up. Whitney was knock out. I put on my pjs and some slippers. I was thankful the kids was with my mother. "Umm mr.Jackson we have a trouble with bubba." The zoo trainer said. "Okay what is it." I said stepping out the room. "Umm we lost him." He said. "How do you misplace a whole lion?" I ask. "Well, we clean his cage and we made sure he fed. We turn around and he was gone." He said. "So okay is his nail filed." I ask. They nodded. "So he won't be able to mauled anyone. We need to move the other animals. Plus we need to secure the fences." I said.

2 hours
"Where in the hell would a lion go." I said. Then, we heard a scream. "Shit." I said. "I think Mrs. Jackson find the lion." The zookeeper. "No shit Sherlock." I said. We ran up he stairs to see nippy screaming in the bed. The cover wrapped around her body. I was trying not to get turn on. "Where he go?" I ask. She pointed to the bathroom. I look to see the trainer checking out my wife. I cleared my throat. "Boy that's mine. This is my house. My lion. My wife. So don't even try." I said. He nodded and said you can't stop me from dreaming. I rolled my eyes. I sat on the bed. Whitney was shaking. "Calm down." I said rubbing her hair and caressing her face. "Michael!I just got my foot lick by a 300 pound lion!" She yelled. Bubba ran out and look at Whitney. She jump on me. Damn she was turning me on. "Michael do something." She said clanging on to me. "Bubba sit." I said. He sit. "Whitney let go of me." I said. She nodded. "Bubba follow." I said getting up. The train came out the restroom. The covers was showing Whitney legs now and he was practically staring. I cleared my throat. "Owe. Bubba come." He said. Bubba came. He had some meat so he fed him. I made sure he was in his cage. I felt bad we had to lock him up but it was way bigger than the ones at the zoo. Besides it's not even cage. Plus he gets to roam off but he roam off too far, today. I went to check on Whitney.

Whitney pov
I was still shaking up. Michael came in laughing. I threw a pillow at him. "Not funny." I yelled. "Yea it was. I mean he won't harm you. He had a full tummy." He said. "Yea but he wasn't licking your feet." I said. He smiled. "What is it with my animals and your feet?" He said picking up my feet. "I don't know bubba and bubbles have a habit of." I was cut off by him kiss my ankle. "Mm." I said. "Lay back." He said. I nodded he pulled the cover from my body. Exposing me to him. He began kissing my thighs. I tilted back my head and moan. "Maybe I should show people and my animals who you belong to." He said husky. Sending shivers up my spine.

I woke up to the moon shining through the window. It was 8:30. 'Had to leave. Went to spend time with the kids. We be back by 9:00. So try to be decent.-Michael.' I got up and went to the bathroom. I room a bath and wash the sheets. I was shivering. God we haven't don't it like that since before had the kids and when we dated. I mean we never spent a whole day in bed well half of a day in bed . Besides, the time we dated. I mean we have don't things but staying bed all day was perfect. Plus we made up. I'm just happy I'm done with promoting this movie and now I have to get ready for the preacher's wife. "Monmy!" I heard a couple of voices. I hug my babies. Prince is almost 10 months. My babies are growing up.

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