DNA Results

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Two weeks later
Whitney pov
I going to try my hardest to make it work. Cheyenne have been very forth coming. She didn't just sleep with Michael but also with his brother randy. She talk to both brother and they both agreed to do a DNA test. She told me Michael was the only one who actually help. Randy just told her he will pay  child support and make arrangements for him to spend time with him. I have been taking meds. I had very bad concussion and everything is just terrible. My whole body aches. Michael had been trying to help but I'm not feeling it. The person work for CNN. Trying to make his big break. Cnn is currently under  a lawsuit by my husband. The doctor agreed and did if Michael hadn't got me out. I would have died or be in coma. I have been so tired. I got to mail. I have so many fan gift. The doctor has me on very limited things to do. Try to walk around and I have nurses coming in and out my house. Plus Michaelynn haven't left my side. I'm like you gotta go to school and you have to live your life. I'm recovering well. Just taking it slow. I was in the office looking at the mail. I saw the envelope. The maid was there. "Can you get Michael?" I ask. They nodded. I can't lie Alex and I have gotten a little close. Alex ran in right in. "Whitney." He said. I hugged him. "Hey remember what  I told you." Cheyenne said. "He's fine." I said. I hugged him. "Is that." She ask. I nodded. He sat in my lap and I  got him some paper and pen. "Can you draw me a picture?" I ask. He nodded. He smiled. "I'm surprise how good you been with him." She said. "I love my children and I want you to understand if he's Michael. He's mine as well. Now I won't let him call me mom but for now on he is my son. Regardless of what this test say. Besides I'm already attached." I said tickling him. He smiled. I like to see Cheyenne having tears in her eyes. "Cheyenne." I said. "Umm goodness I thought this would be easy." She said in tears. "What?" I said. She sat down. "I wasn't going to tell anyone about him. Not randy or Michael. Until  about 7 months ago. I went to the doctor. I was getting these headache. I thought it might be stress and everything. Whitney." She said. "Cheyenne." I said. "I have cancer. It a tumor and the doctor said he will try everything but I don't know. I love Alex and he is the greatest thing God have to me. If I die please take him in as a mother. My mom is not stable and I grew up in a harsh environment. Please." I cut her off. "I will." I said. Michael look at her. "You have what?" He said. "Michael." She said. "You want Whitney to do what?" He ask. "I don't have money but this is what I can do for him. Please. I know he will be safe. Randy signed this paper giving up all rights. He didn't want to  take the test." She said handing him the paper. He breath. He look at Alex who is in my lap. I handed him the results. He open the thing. "I'm not his father but there is a relation." He said. She got another paper. She had tears running down her face. "This paper is where I relinquish all rights as him mother. I had your lawyer draw it up. It's for adoption. Michael please I have no." He cut her off. "Fine but at least try to fight." He said. "What?" She said. "Do the treatment. Michael and I will pay of course you will have to sign a disclosure." I said. She agreed and cried she didn't understand. "Don't question. Jesus led you here. Randy is the father and Michael will talk to him." I said. "I'm calling Joe for back up." He said. I nodded. Alexis was to busy in his own little world drawing. "What are you making." I ask. "A lion." He said. I smiled. They both smiled at me. "What?" I said. "You know you once said you wanted to be a teacher and I have to say you would have made a great one." Michael said kissing my forehead. I smiled.
2:30 am
It was late. It was raining. I got up. Michael was sitting up with baby girl, Serenity. There was another knock. I got up. "Whitney." He said. "I can't sleep anyway." I said. I open the door to see the Prince. Not long after I see the twins. Michaelynn came out her room. "Okay come on." I said. She ran in the room. Michael then around. "Woah." He said. "I know but they all scared." I said. "Fine but let make palettes on the floor." He said. They nodded. We heard another knock. I open the door. He was crying. "Aww honey where your mommy." I said. "Mommy won't wake up." He said crying. Michael look at me. I ran to the room. "Whitney!" He yelled. I came and check on here. She was barely sleeping. I called the ambulance.

Michael and I sign the check. She was scared but I told her I will stay by her. She cried and I cried to. Michael took the kids to Katherine. Katherine was upset about Alex and how her son not stepping up. Michaelynn has a bunch of question about what going on. I told her I will talk to her. I waited  her room.

3 months

Cheyenne hair has fallen out and this is a hard time. Michael is about to go on tour. Cheyenne boyfriend is here and I don't trust him. Not as far as I can throw him. His name is Conrad. He is a doctor. I just can't trust him. It like every time Michael and I are kissing or just having fun he pop up. I mean Michael and I were in the office and boom. He says my bad I just wanted to get that book like was talking about. One time he almost walk in on Michaelynn. I had enough. I told Michael I'm going to New Jersey or staying wit his mom. He agreed.

Michael pov
I was bored so I started going through stuff. It my house. I went to Conrad's room. What I found disturb me. He had picture of my wife and daughter. She only 14. What the. Whitney came in and told me she wants to stay wit my mom and go to jersey. I agreed. She was stun. "Michael what?" I cut off with the pictures. "Most of them contain picture of you almost naked and Michaelynn. She's only in her bra in one nip." I said. "Mike." She said. I cut her off. "I'm going to kill him." I said.

Whitney pov
I was pissed but there's a better way. I look through the photos. It was one when I was in shower. Thank God for steam. This guy is sick. Michael had made all the kids and Cheyenne come sit in the office. Alex is with randy and he's coming around. "Are we I trouble?" Michaelynn ask. "No Cheyenne can I show you something over here." I said sitt by at the desk. The kids were on the sofa in the office. She look at them. "Who did this?" She ask. "Conrad." I said. "What but." I cut her off. "Not just of me but." I look over at Michaelynn. I showed her the pictures. "Did he?" She ask. "No. That what she's says but I'm taking her to the hospital just in case." I said. She was mad. "We get his ass out of here asap." She said. I nodded. Michael talk to the kids Serenity was just crawling t me. I hugged and kissed her. I was trying to keep together. After all was said and the kids were inform on why they had to go to grandma with Cheyenne.

The next day
They left. I Went to Michael room and cried. Michael came and and held me. How can you do that. Someone who allows you to come in and take advantage of people like that but if bad you did to me but to my baby. I began to scream. I have to keep together. Michaelynn wasn't touch or hurt but why would you do that and I had to explain why. She cried for hours. Michael and I comfort her plus we just got over what happen to the twins. I can't believe it. I wanted to scream. Every time I let my guard something like this happens. I can't do it anymore. I don't want to sing another note. I don't want to breath another breath. It hurts to much. Cheyenne dying. My brother le and I are on the outs. We haven't talk to each other in months. Michael living and the kids. Plus Michaelynn is mouthing back. Lord help me. Now I have this creep in my house. I can't. I was crying. Michael stood by and comfort me. I could tell he was  dying. He told me every tear he see falls from my face it like a wave  in the ocean that washes over him  and drown him. He says is hard to breath.

Conrad was kick out and we have a restraining order file. They granted us a temporary until we go to court. God help me.

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