Faking it

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Robyn and I have look over my tour schedule. Latoya, Janet,Cece and Robyn are here with me. "Okay it two am and I know you Nippy. What up?" She said. "Nothing it just how are my nieces and nephews doing? And my God babies?" I ask Cece. "Umm well they great." Cece said. "Well ph got the chicken pox and little miss Paris is working my last nerve." She said. "Terrible twos?" I ask. "Yes more lot terrible four times over. She said. I need nodded. "Ej is great and Brandy is doing great. So now what's going on?" Robyn ask. "Yes what going on because we been Look and discussing the schedule. So tell us what going on?" Janet said. "Well Umm." I said. Cece look at me. "Michael and I have been having sex, again." I said. They all stared at me.

Michael pov
I was walking my homies about sex with my wife. "Man I be hitting it just right and they way." I said. Prince shook his head. Eddie was laughing. "I know Robyn be doing the same things." He said. "I know you don't like us talking about your sister but Latoya is a freak. I mean girl be screaming in my ear." Prince said. "Know greater sound than hearing your wife moaning." I said.

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"And?" Robyn said. I look down at the paper. "Umm well I been having issues, with having an orgasm ." I said. "Wait you haven't?" Janet said. "Umm I been faking it." I said. "Michael doesn't know?" She ask. "No it just fake it." I said. "Well Umm it natural I have faked an orgasm." Cece said. "I mean I pretty sure every females has." Latoya said. "Well I been faking for a while now and I don't know whaat to do." I said. "How long is a while?" Janet ask. "Umm since Michael and I got back together." I said. "What!" The girl yelled. "Gurl That was 5 or six months ago!" Cece said. "That explains why you didn't have that glow." Robyn said. "I know but I never had this happen. I mean it embarrassing." I said. "Not exactly I mean The last couple of time Eddie and I I take it too. So Janet.." Robyn ask. "Okay so Umm is it... I don't know what the hell to ask here." Janet said. "Oh come on Janet your the nasty one. Miss Jackson." Cece said.

"Okay have y'all tried roll play?" She ask

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"Okay have y'all tried roll play?" She ask. I nodded. "Bdsm?" Latoya said. "Wait what?" We all said looking at her. "I mean sometime prince and I do a little Bdsm. We have safe words and it fun." She said. I took a sip of my wine. "Here I am thinking Latoya over here the most innocent one of us other than Cece. But she over here talking about Bondage, Dominance, submission and not sure what the m stand for..." I said. "Don't worry about sometime and and Prince have to spice things up." She said. I look around the room. "Oh really. Bdsm? Woah." I said.

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