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Whitney pov
All I can remember is Cinderella. I don't remember Serenity. I remember prince being two and now he is 11. Michaelynn is 15. The twins is 13. I just can't it too much. Plus I have another baby girl.i can't remember. I can't remember what happen, during the crash. Someone tried to killed me take my kids. I couldn't protect them. I was walking around neverland. Everything was a little quiet. Leaving me alone with my endless thoughts "Mommy?" I turn to hear a voice I barely recognize. "Serenity." I said.  She had her little cast. "Hey baby what are you doing up?" I ask. "Do you remember?" She ask in a whisper. "No not yet but, I am getting to know you." I said. She got closer and hugged me. "He's in my window." She said softly. I told her to hold on. I looked in her room. It was like ton of bricks hit me all at once The door was open. I looked and I saw a face. I ran out and got the kids out of their rooms carefully. I told them to go to our room. Some where crying. Michaelynn you know where we hid when you were nine because someone came in. Go now!" I said. "Mom you remember?" She ask . I nodded. I kissed serenity. "Mommy remember everything now y'all go now!" I said. I watch as he was working on opening Serenity's window. This little girl is smart. She got one of my wigs on her doll and pillows seeming like she's sleep. I ran to Michael and I room. I ran in and shut the door. Michael woke up. "Michael he's here." I said l. "Wait what?" He said. "The man he trying to get in serenity room now. I told the kids to go to the panic room. The on Michaelynn and I was in when, that man jump the fence." I said. He looked at me. "You remember." He said. I nodded. "What are we doing?" He ask. I woke up in sweat. I walk around Neverland. All the memories coming back. Getting upset with Michael. Having trouble Serenity and no bringing her home until almost a week. I looked in Serenity room. I went kids her head. "My little bean." I said softly. I picked up her little bear. I smiled and made sure to turn on her night light. I walk into prince room.Man how thing change. I remember how he use to like cowboys and now it getting to be Destiny's Child. I went to what use to be the twins room. When they got about eight we made the room into a guess room. We keep the bed and color because we have nieces and nephews. Plus some kids taht want to stay at neverland stay here. I went MJ rooms. Typical teenage but his room is kinda clean. He might have a few things on the floor but he fairly clean. Of course he is dating and majority of the time. The phone is off the hook and on his shoulder. I grab it to hear a dial tone. I hung up. I looked and found condoms on the dressers. I got it so Michael could talk to him. I went to Whitney Nicole. I walk in and saw a couple of notes from a guy. I smiled and I had to read one. "Dear Whitney-Nicole, I like you. I really would like to get to know you. Maybe take you out on a date. If you can't I understand but please consider it.-Matt" I smiled. I put the note back and made sure she was covered up. I went to Michaelynn room. I was surprised to see she was up. She had her pink pjs. She was studying for the SATs. I knocked. She looked up at me. "Hey?" She said.

 "Hey?" She said

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"Hey.... sorry I was remembering things and I wanted to walk around. I can't believe you are 15." I said softly. She nodded and smiled and hugged me. "You remember." She ask. I nodded. "From you getting your period the birth of serenity. It all here and I thank God." I said kissing her forehead. "So God. I trying not to get emotional. So it 2:30am. You have studied all day. Plus, you went to the library. Get some rest. Breath. Plus, your ranking high. So tomorrow, you and I have to take a break . Go out from some ice creAm and try to talk your dad and to letting go to prom but promise me. No sex." I said. "I promise besides we just started dating." She says. I smiled. "Let get you in bed." I said. I was about to walk out. "Mom?" She said. I turn around. "Can you sing and hold me like you used to." She ask. "Always." I said smiling. I kissed her and sung to her.

I went to the office . I felled asleep. I woke up to see Michael staring at me. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep and I remember." I said softly. He looked at me. "What." He said. "I really remember, like I know we use to have sex I. Here because it was the only sound proof room in the house ." I said. He nodded. I laid on his shoulder. "What all you member?" He ask. "I know thar the person who attempted to take our kids was a close to us but not to the kids. I'm trying to find out why?" I said. Michael nodded and held me. I am shocked. It was a person that is our friend but now it has to be was. I trusted them. Please God let me be wrong but I only spoke to one person. Could they do it. God please help me.

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