Am I good enough?

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Whitney pov
I have this screen test. I was so taken back because the way Kevin was taking. It was like I already head the role. They were applying make up. I just had  so much doubt. Like when I woke up this morning. I was rehearsing my lines. I was panicking. God help me. I said looking over my lines. I can't believe this. I threw the script on the floor and began to cry. I went on the balcony. "Why don't we come in and see what momma doing?" I heard Michael say. I quickly wipe my face and put on this smile. I could hear my baby making noises. "Hey baby?" He said examining me. "Hey." I said. I kiss Michae-Lynn's chubby cheek. I kiss his lips. "What's a matter?" He said. "I just don't think I'm cut out for this part." I said looking at my baby. She was chewing on her hand. I walk away before he said any thing. I got her teasing ring. I turn around to see Michael holding Michea-Lynn. He smiled at me. I took her little hand out of her mouth and put her teething ring in. He held it for her. "Nippy I know how you feel but how will know if you don't try." He said. "Michael you have no ideal how I feel. I mean you are the king the pop. Everywhere you go people are willing to give you anything. I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough for anything. Not this part or." I said as tears stream down my face. Michael handed my daughter to the nanny. "Nippy!" He said. "You are good enough. I love you. Kevin choose you. He believes you are good enough. I think you good enough but until you know that their will always be doubt. So do me a favor try to think you good enough. Just try and if  it doesn't work out. Then you wasn't good. Go get ready and do this screen test. Prove to the people, the doubters and anyone including yourself. You are good enough.Also don't dare think I have never thought I wasn't good enough. I have. We all have but its up to us to make them and ourselves realize we are good Enough. God knows you are good enough." He said. I smiled. I got ready to go. I didn't out on any make up. I kept going over the script. My heart was pumping. Michael had to take or baby to get her shots. A lot was going through my mind as we got closer. A lady showed me to my dressing room. They told me the makeup artist will be in a second. I had my bible. I open it and read a few scriptures. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV.  There was knock. I told them to come in. It was the make up artist. I smiled."Hello my name is Amber. I will be doing your makeup." She said. I smiled and told her nice to meet her. We chatted a bit. She ask about Michael and I. I told her. When she was finishing up, Kevin walk in and talk to me. We talk about our church roots. We pray and he help me relaxed. I ask home to give me some time alone. He left out  and told me I will be perfect. I look at my make up. It just felt different. So I removed it and put the make I wear to  music videos.

We were doing the lines, about four lines in Kevin stop me. He rush me and him off the set. "What a matter I screw up. I knew I wasn't good enough." I said. "No umm." He turn me around and let me looking the mirror. "The lights melted your make up." He said. I was so shocked. "Do you think they notice." I ask. He said no. I cleaned up my face. The make up artist came and redid my make up. We went back in and did a couple more lines.

I went home and ran to Michael and I room. I took some wine up their. I lock my self in the room. My mom came in checked on me. I took a gulp of wine. Michael came in. When he saw me and sat at the edge of the bed. "Do you think any to talk about it?" He ask. I shocked my head. I was about to take another drink but he took the bottle. He wrapped his arms around me. "Don't shut me out." He whispered. I turn around and kiss him. "I will never shut you out." I said. "Okay so hears what I'm thinking. You and I can go out while my mother watch our little angel." He said. I kissed and told him I would love that. We were kissing when I heard Michae-Lynn crying and the phone ringing. "I got my baby beside you had her all day." I said to Michael. He got the phone. I went and change her. She was so fussy. Michael came in with a smile on his face. "The phone call was for you." He said. I huffed and went to pick up the line. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Whitney. It Kevin. I wanted to call you and be the first congratulate you. You got the part." He said. I was I tears. "I got the part!" I said excited. I told him thank you. Michael came in with my baby girl. He smiled. "They want to run over everything about the music next week and don't forget to study the script. Also if you need any help I will send you another script. I will also make sure I give you my number in case you want to rehearse. Also I would love to have dinner with you and Michael, my wife and I. Maybe some time this week." He said. I told him tomorrow will be fine. We hung up. I kiss Michael. "I got the part." I said excitedly.  He was feeding our baby. "Well now I'm going to get ready for our date." I said smiling. I took a quick shower. I was in my robe. I went and open the door. "Hey Katie." I said. She said hello and was followed by Elizabeth. "So sorry I didn't mean to intruded but I had to bring this cute outfit for my godchild. I mean y'all need to do a photoshoot asap. She so gorgeous." She said. Katherine agreed. I told them fine. I went to go get ready. I came down in this black dress. It fit my curve perfectly. I did my make up. I saw Michael wearing this nice tux. We got ready to leave. I kiss Michea-Lynn. I hug Katherine. Elizabeth left but left about 7 outfits. I put them in the room. We promise Katherine to be back at a good time. She told us don't worry about it will give her time to bond.

A/n: the next chapter will be called date night.

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