Sammy Davis Celebration part2

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Whitney pov
Recap: "Nippy." Michael said. "Mm." I said turning around to make eyes contact. "You okay baby?" He ask. I shrugged. "No come one talk to me." He said. I want to have a baby." I said. He look at me.
"I know I need to wait until after the album but I want to be a mother." I said. Michael nodded. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. "I want you to have my kids. So as soon as you find out the release date for the album we can get started." He said. I smiled. "Good." I said kissing him. We walk out and spent time with different people. We were watching everyone. Michael and I was hanging out. Bill Cosby look at us like we came out to quick."what?" I said. "It was commercial time when we heard you and Michael talking about having a baby." He said. I was embarrassed. Michael began to blush. "Oh I didn't know you could hear us." I said. "We could hear you with our ear to your trailer." He said. We laughed. "We wanted know what was going on." He said. I was laughing. We nodded. Dionne walk to me. "So when can I expect that little on." She ask. "Maybe after this album." I said. She nodded. "Okay but your ask better relax and take it easy." I nodded. Anita baker was singing. I love her music. She walk off stage and went straight to Michael. She was trying to get him to do something. He walk over to me. "Hey Whitney meet Anita." He said. I shook her hand and said hi. "I listening to you all the time" I said. She nodded. "Same here you are very talented." She said. "Yea but you are amazing." I said. We went back and forth but she told about another artist coming up. Someone name Mariah Carey. I shrugged. Michael was trying to tech me some dance movies while Stevie wonder song. Michael had to get ready to perform. "Can I get a kiss good luck." He said. I giggle and nodded but I guess Steve thought he was talk to him. "Well umm Mike. I don't like you that you that much. I mean I hear rumors." Steve said. I giggle and said he was talk to me. "Well umm can I have one after him ummm." Steve said. I giggle. I kissed Michael in to lips. "Your sure you want a kiss from her because Michael just tongue wrestle with her." Eddie said. Steve smiled. "Well I guess I have to settle for hugged. Beside I can at one from Michael too." He said. We hugged him and Michael got ready to perform. Dionne, Bill and Steve kept me company. We watch the clip they showed and laughed. Sammy reaction was price less. I was smiling and stuff and talk to a lot people. I watch in awe. A lot of people were here. I was talking to so many people. A lot of people compliment my voice and my ring. I went to talk to Stevie about performing with me on the Arsenio show. I was standing in the wing and waited for Michael performance. I felt little butterflies in my stomach. I watch a lot of performer go on before Michael. I was listening and watching on awe. They was some talent. Eddie mostly stayed making me laughed. Then Dionne came on. I was listening to her. She sounded beautiful. "Can we have this dance?" I heard a voice whisper. I look at up to see Michael. I nodded. He had his costume one. I nodded and we slow dance. He kissed my cheek as the song ended. Debbie Allen performed. I watch in awe at the dancer. I love watching other singers sing. I smiled and clap. They showed all types of clips that had me laughing. I told Eddie I think he was fired. He told me no I quit. I laughed. Michael was just holding me. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Awe. Look at these to love bird." Bill Cosby said making me laugh. I look at Michael. We watch the old clip and laughed. They told him he will be on in a few more people. He nodded and ask for a seat. Michael was talking to a lot of people and I would lie if I said I wasn't jealous. He would stare at me from time to time. He eventually kiss me on the cheek. "What?" I said. He whisper how beautiful I am. I smiled. I kiss his cheek. His make artist came and touch up his make up. We listening to the music and watch the show. I couldn't help but laughed at what some of theses people said. I watch and smiled. Michael got up and they got ready to set the stage up. I exhale as I watch him take the stage. I was in tears watching Michael performance. I was amazed. He had to escort ms Ella Fitzgerald. She was amazing. I smile watching her. We all got ready to leave. I was so tired. Michael and I hugged Sammy and left. I felt so tired. We got in the limo. I felt asleep.

Michael pov
I look to see Whitney asleep. I kiss her forehead. We headed to her home in jersey to go get some rest. I carried her inside. I undress her and put her in a shirt of mine. She was so tired. I got some pjs. I laid there and look at nippy who was snoring a little. I kissed her cheek and went downstairs. I decided to play piano. I just tired my self out. I written a bunch of song. The sun was beginning to rise. Since I couldn't sleep. I decided to start on breakfast.

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