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Whitney pov
I was walking with my daughter at the show. The began to Boo. I had a interview. "Whitney why are we here I mean you left your fans what do you want them to know?" I said. "So you guys know I had a family emergency. I had to delay the tours. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I have five children. My favorite song is the greatest love. In that song I sing I believe the children's are our future. My child needed me and for people to sit and judge me. I have put thing before my family and my God. I am human. My child needed me. Parents who are a fans of mine. What would you do. My dad is sick. My brothers are fighting addiction. I have a baby at home. I missed out on taking her first step. My first child I missed out on a lot. I came home to find out she's teething. She spent more time with a nanny than I. The twins had to spend their months on a tour bus. Blanket, I barley get to have any time. Michael is the only person to understand me. What would do if your children need you?" I said tears began to fall. Barbara Walters look at me. She handed me the napkins. "Do you regret being famous?" She ask. "Yea. I love my husband and my children. I love That I  get to do what I love. But I don't like I don't get to have a life. I can't walk down hand and hand with my husband. I can't volunteer at my kids school. I can't take my kids to a restaurant with out renting their whole place out. I have to put mask on my kids so people like you won't harass them.    I want them to have a normal childhood." I said. "So marrying Michael..." she said. "Was the best decision I made! He loved me." I said. "What about the time he hurt you? What about the time he cheated? I have quote from your wedding counselor." I cut her off. "We had our trouble. We worked a lot. It was taking a toll." I said. She nodded. "Why cancel the tour?" She ask. "I never canceled the tour. It was delayed. I will be back Mexico to continue. Then four more months away from the kids."I said my voice broke. "You." She was cut off by Michaelynn. "Why! Don't you understand! I wanted! My mom! I need my mom!" She yelled. She ran in my arms.  I rub her back. "I'm sorry." She said. She was sobbing into my shirt. "Please can I talk with my daughter." I ask. "We will be right back with Whitney Houston." She said. I calm her down. She laid on my shirt.  "Our Time is up. I'm sorry Whitney but." I nodded. I cradle Michaelynn. I had Robyn called Michael. "We're back with Whitney and little Michaelynn the oldest. Who just express how she felt about her mother touring. Can I ask her a question?" She ask. I look at her. I told her yes. I look at Michaelynn who look up at me. "I promise I won't bite." Barbara said. "How do you feel about your mom and dad touring?" She ask. "I feel it cool but hard. I mean we left with one parent of our grandparents. We have nannies but I missed Mommy and Daddy. I missed her tucking me in at night. Singing with me. Giving pet talks. I missed how dad can make me laugh when I'm feeling down. I love how they help me with my homework." She said. "So when you heard they have to leave How did that make you feel?" Barbara ask. "It's hard to describe. I get so used to them both being around they make sure they home. I hurt. I hurt because I sometime think they never coming home. I'm scared. I can't call her everyday. I can't ask my dad to come home to father and daughter dance. I can't ask her or daddy to take time off." She  said. "Umm wow. Did you know that it had impact on your kids." She ask. I had tears running down my face. "Part of me knew but I didn't want to acknowledge it. You forget my mom was singing with Elvis and Aretha and even had a own solo act. It's hard. My heart breaks every time I'm away. My voice cracks and I got back stage and cry. Because I know if I'm with them my voice can crack and I can laugh it off. I can  come home with just one task being her mom and Michael's wife. To love and cherish what God gave me. I have five wonderful blessings. My children and sometime I feel like I'm failing them." I said trying not to cry. "Is whitney a good mom?" She ask. "'Mommy is the best. Daddy is good it just hard to spend more time with them." She said. I smiled and kiss her head. Michael walk in.  "What your favorite thing to do with Mommy?" She ask. Michaelynn laughed and answered. "I love to sing." She said. "Really can you sing with Mommy now?" She ask. Michael looked at me. He walk closed and listen. He never heard her sing. "You and I must pact." She sung. I joined in. He rarely sing with her. Well it been a while. He look shocked. 

Michael was upset but I couldn't stop her but they did sign something to block out her face. So her face will appear a blur. Michael carried her in. "I forgot how good she used to sing. She sounds so good." Joseph said. "I'm not going to do this now. Please leave." He said. Joseph left. He put her to bed. I was in the room. "How in the hell she learn to sing like that." He yelled. "My mom and vocal classes at dance." I said. "Whitney! No! You promised!" He yelled.  "I can't break her from not wanting to sing. I can't." I cause tears was falling. "Stop!" I cut him off. "I can't. Michael I love you but if we stand in the way she going to resent us. Love isn't trying to destroy her love. All we can do is talk to her and let her know the truth. See what she wants." I said. He nodded. "So you recorded another song for He kids?" He ask. "For you both." I said. I played the song. He hold me.

3 days later
To say is a The day I leave. I wanted to cry but I can't. I have to be strong. Michael and I was wrapped up in his arms. I kissed his head. I took a shower. I made the kids breakfast. I spent some time with Serenity. Then blanket got up. The twins and Michaelynn followed after. Michael came down stairs. I was feeding Serenity. She was happy baby. I can't believe how big she's gotten. I hate I have to leave. The critics are mixed. I'm a bad mom or it either she sign up for it but it doesn't matter. My kids know how much I love them.  I'm not worried about anything but God and I relationship. I'm trusting him. I know he is the only truth that matter. I spent my last couple hours with them. Then hoped on the plane to continue my tour...

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now