Remebering Whitney Houston

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I am a fan of Whitney Houston. I think she had her demons like the rest of us. She wasn't perfect and I think the world/ work she was in made it seem like she had to be. She gave into pressure. She turned to the wrong things like drugs and etc. she made wrong turns and she was only human.....It's amazes me how people are showing so much love to her when she is gone. It also hurts me, because this is just me when I see people drag her down. I respect Bobby Brown, but that book is a way of making money. He made Whitney seem like she was just an terrible. I didn't read nor do I want to. I hope she and her daughter is resting comfortably. I have seen a lot people post about Whitney and I know life goes on but her impact will live on. Her legacy is something to be remember and to learn from. Was she perfect? No. Did she try hard enough? Yes. So let us remember her for the good not for the bad. She was human and every one is going through a battle of good and evil. Some of us pick good and some of us evil, but it is our decision. It is up to us to make good choices. I just think that we need to remember people are human. Instead of judging them, whether they are addicts or celebrity or  anyone. Just let them know God love them and try to show them a light. Be positive and try to make a difference. Encourage them. Whitney you have left the earth but your loss is still felt. I hope you are looking down and smiling. Singing to the Lord with your daughter and anyone else we miss. Celebrity or not.  So Rest In Peace Ms.Whitney Elizabeth Houston, The voice.

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