World tours part 1

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Whitney Pov (in New Jersey)
The movie release is coming up. I will always love you has been number one for about ten weeks now. Baby girl is 8 months. She is with her daddy. They went to visit grandpa. She been giving mommy headache. I was watching tv. I've been kinda sick lately. I know might be pregnant again. Clive talking about touring, but I don't think it's is going to happen. Latoya was in the kitchen.  "So...." she said. "So..." I said. "God Whitney. Are you pregnant?" She ask. I shrugged. "Come on. The way you and Michael." Latoya said. I hushed her. "I don't know if I am, but I went to the doctor a week ago. I fine put some time this week." I said. She nodded. "If you are. You going be big during the premiere." She said. I shrugged. "So how's little prince or princess doing." I said looking at her baby bump. "He or she is doing fine." She said l. "Felt any movement?" I ask. I mean she was almost 4 months. "Yea mostly when I'm on the phone with Prince." She said chuckling. "Awe." I said. "You know your mom called." I said looking at her. "I know. I'm going out there later on. When we head back to Neverland." She said. I nodded. I felt sick. I ran to the nearest restroom. "Nippy!" Latoya voice echoed. "I'm fine." I said after throwing up for the fifth time today. I clean up.  I wash my hand. I went to Micheal's and I bathroom. I brush my teeth. "Whitney you okay?" Latoya  voice echoed. "I'm fine just a little throw up." I said. She stared at me. "You have a glow." She said. I chuckled. "Are you?" She ask. I nodded. "Nip." She said. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. "No." She said pulling to the bed. "What going on?" She said. I had tears sliding my face. "I haven't told anyone not even Micheal. I thought I could handle it. " I said in tears. "Whitney what a matter." She ask. "I had a miscarriage about 1 month ago." I said crying. She look at me. It was nothing but silence. She look like she seen a ghost. I turn and saw Micheal. He looked at me. "Latoya can we have a minute." He said. She nodded. I had my back turn. I could hear her walk out the door. The door closing and  him locking the door. "Whitney?" He said in his soft voice. I knew he was upset. I know Micheal. I turn around. He wrapped his arms around me. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said. "I didn't want you to be upset with me." I said crying. "God. Nippy you can tell me anything. I made vow. For better, or worse, sickness and in health." He said. I nodded. "I felt like I failed you." I said. He nodded. "So anything else?" He ask looking at me in my eye. "I'm pregnant." I said. He smiled. "So out little lady bug going to be a big sister." He said. I smiled. I could tell his was hurt but he still smile. "I'm going to ummm go on the walk." He said. I nodded. He was about to walk out but I called his name. "Micheal?" I said softly. "Yes?" He said. "Where baby girl?" I ask. "She sleep. In her crib." He said. I nodded. He turn around and walk away. I knew he felt my betrayal, or pain. I exhale and went to check on baby girl. I went to see her past out. I decided to walk around. I knew I had a interview later on tonight. I did my make up stuff. The light is stuff was set up. It was so hot. "Man I'm not use to the lights." I said. Latoya nodded. She told me. Her and Micheal going to keep lady bug busy. I nodded. Micheal gave me a kiss. He went upstairs. I heard him talking. "Hey jersey?" I said. "Hey we getting out screen down here. There goes your head." He said l. "Oh look at that." I said pointing to my tv screen. "Yes that's you." He said. I just smile. "I know ain't that cool." I said. "Ain't that your kitchen?" He said. "Yes this is my kitchen." I said. "I for some reason can't see you cooking. You ever been in that room before today?" He said. "Baby I'm in this kitchen, everyday, well I'm here."I said. "Stop." Arsenio said. "I cook everyday."I said. "Let me see what is in that draw behind you there?" He said. "Which one?" I ask getting off the counter. "Ummm that one?" Aresenio said. Micheal walk in and smile. "This one right here?" I ask. "Yes that one." He said. "Okay this one.... has pots in it." I said. The audience and Arsenio laugh. Micheal was laughing too. "Why y'all laughing?" I said. "Huh? Because we know you haven't ever seen them pot. You look in the draw and.... she look in...Whitney! ......You open it up and was like it has pots in it." He said. "I cook a whole meal today!" I interjected after he called my name. We were laughing. "Let see that's a nice kitchen what kind of. Is that a microwave?" He act. "ThiS I the microwave this is were I... I warm up the food, sometimes." I said catching my self, in my little white lie. "Mhmm." He responded and laughed. "And-and this is the stove where I cook, everything and all of my meals." I said. "Yea." He said. "See." I said. "You know what?" He said. "What?" I said. "You haven't gotten away from your roots. I saw those plastic blue cups over there." He said. I giggled. "Go over, other way! Other way." He said trying to direct me. "Which way?" I said. "Go, go," he said. "Oh yes baby. .." I said. "Blue plastic cup." He said. "Oh yea. For girl..." I said. "You know why you have those Whitney?" He said. "Yes I do!" I said. "Cause you don't wash dishes and you never been in this room before today,  Whitney." He said. I laughed. "That isn't true." I said. "I know you do. Okay." He said. "I don't wash dishes, though but I cook." I said. "Well you know how I know you can cook?" He ask. "How?" I said. "A gentleman uh told me...and he said you was pretty good in the kitchen. And sometime he has to say to you getting a little Dangerous." He said. Making me laugh. "Yea he probably told you I was really dangerous in the kitchen. He don't like for me to cook." I said. He laughed. "Well everybody knows that Whitney is married to Micheal Jackson. Right?" He said. Everyone clapped. I showed them the ring. "I don't want to get to much in your personal business cause I have uh, about 45." I cut him off. "You always in my business." I said. He laughed. "You are always in my business." I said. "I'm going to come back and get business later. You know about baby girl, animal and her hubby." He said. "Are you sweating, baby?" He said. "Oh it's a little warm. I'm not use to all these lights, you know?" I said. I was also nervous. "Ah yea we kinda turn your house upset down. I'm sorry." He said. "That's alright. It's alright." I said. "Okay can we go into other parts of the house later?" He ask. "Yes you may." I said. "Okay its very nice." He said. "Someone told me you have a dog house for dogs. What are their names?" He said. "Lucy and Ethel." I said. "Now someone said  Lucy...." he had to pause and laugh."Some said that Lucy and Ethel and umm Bubble. They have their own houses out back. Bubble has his inside. But it costs 275,000." He said. "Aww that is all lies." I said. "How much did Lucy's and Ethel's house cost?" He ask. "Aww you know about... someone between 5,000 and 6,000." I said. "Oh ouch and someone told me they tore it up.Bubble saw that and was like nope I'm staying here. The baby and I will stay I he room together." He said laughing. I laughed. "They did. They ate it up. While,Bubble can stay in the house. He is house broken and very well behaved." I said. "Yea Dogs and monkey are completely different. Bubble you could probably get him a nice house and say gave a condo. But dogs they going to like raw raw raw." He said imitating a dog. "Yea you know and it really a nice house but they wanted to initiate. So they ate up the roof and everything." I said. "So uh we going take a commercial as the we hear some really funky stuff from a new hip hop era, College Boys.Over here and the possy. Whitney say hello to the College  Boys over here." He said. "Hey College Boys." I said. They said hey and stuff. "They are going to be with us all night and uhh they are very articulate gentlemen. They going to introduce us to new hip hop tonight and we going to be back talk to you, maybe Micheal and everyone. So let's go..." he said. I smiled. "Yes college boys. Yea College Boys. Yea dang. They not down with OPP. They're down with PHD." He laughed and so did the audience. "It's a new thing. You all know and for those of you who are just tuning in. One of the best selling, best sounding singers of all time we are live satellite at the home of Whitney Houston. So it." The audience applause cut him off. "Umm Whitney how long this house been finished?" He ask. "Arsenio I been livening in this house six years now. When I'm not on tour or at Neverland." I said. "Where you one the road and you just didn't get to it in a couple of year." He said. "Well you know. You on the road and you can't get to some of those things like you. So I had it built while I was on tour." I said. "So was it hard to adjust when you first move into it." He ask. "Yea it was. It was very difficult. Like Neverland it is very roomy. You know you get all these different sound and things you have to become a custom to, but it was difficult. When I first moved in." I said. "I know you and Micheal are married. Umm do y'all be at Neverland more or your house." He ask. "Neverland. This house is more so vacation to visit my mom and father. But mostly we at both." I said. "Aren't y'all living large. " he said. "Yes." I said. He laugh. "I didn't m is you wear glasses do you need those?" He ask. "Sometimes." I said. "To read close things.or." He said. I cut him off with yea. I took them off. "Let me see them again." He said. "No." I said laughing. "Awe come on. I just rewind the tape." He said.I laughed. "Arsenio!" I scolded. "Okay. Let me see again because you look very cute and sophisticated in those." He said. "I know I look like you intelligent." I said. He laughed. "Oh no not like me. Don't put that on me. So you got a special coming up, coming tomorrow night ." He said. "Yes." "What is this special?" He ask. "This special is about me." I said. He laughed. "And a what will we see if we tune in. I mean I bet Kevin Costner in it somewhere." He said. "How you know? Did you see the tape?" I said. "Umm I saw." I cut him off. "See I asked you very nicely. To look at the tape. Why did you look at the tape?" I said knowing my hormones was getting the best of me. "Well you know it's been real busy here." He replied. Everyone said yeah and applaud. "No honey. When I talk to you, you weren't busy.... Now you busy cause you doing your show." I said. "Okay I'm going to look at as soon as I finished and we all going. We all going to look at it tomorrow night. Right?" He said. They applaud and I said yea okay. "I assume Kevin was in it cause you just got done shooting photography on a new film." He said. "That's right we just finish shooting The Bodyguard, so we added some music scenes of the movie you know into the special." I said. "Yea okay let's look at a scene from a special. Sandy. If you have something que up. I would like for you to show them. Something from the special. Whitney go to another room. We want to see another room. Right?" He said. They audience scream. "Alright." I said. "Alright go to another room and umm." He said. "Alright." I said. "Sandy show me some of that clip. That uh. Special Whitney Houston." He said. "Show him the clip Sandy. He don't know what it is about." I said.

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