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Whitney pov
I woke up but I wasn't happy. I was more confused it was like  mind and heart had just had a battle in a long war. I was looking at this old magazine. I was so happy then. I just had Michaelynn and about to have the twins. I didn't know what What yet to come.

I threw the magazine down

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I threw the magazine down. I got dress. Michael was watching Tv. The kids was in the room. I want to make it work but I can't go back here not just yet, last night was a big mistake. I went to the kitchen. "Hey Mrs." I cut Lauren. "I need the guest room set up." I said. "Exspecting." I cut her off. "Sorry it just for me. I know Janet needs her space and I just there's a lot to work out. So please. Can you have them move some of my stuff to the guest house." I said. I'm just so confused and something don't feel right. The. I thought back when we made love. "Oh Tia- Whitney." Michael had said. I just ignore it. I got some juice. I looked to see the nanny watching the kids. I pick up the phone. "Yea Tatiana. I love you. I just Okay Fine we can see each other on last time, but this is it." Michael said. I hung up. "Lauren, On second thought burn this whole place to the ground." I said walking out.

Michael pov
I was in the office. I had just got off the phone with Tatiana it was mistake. It just so hard to quit. We ending things tonight. Then a knock. "Come in." I said. "Lauren." I said. She look kinda upset. "What it it?" I said. "Your wife was on the telephone. Before she told me, to get her stuff and moved to the guest house and now she said. After she got off the phone she said burn it to the ground." She said. "Umm God. Where did she go." I ask knowing she heard my conversation. "I don't know." She said. I called Janet. "Hello?" Latoya said. "Hey put it on speaker!" Robyn said. "Hey it Michael." I said. "Okay you on speaker brother since you kick us or we had to crash at my place." Janet said. "Slumber party." Latoya said. "Yeah Eddie and prince are bugging so talk to them." Robyn said. "Well so it Nippy." I said. "What? How do you know she bugging." Robyn said. "She told my maid and assistant to burn Neverland to the ground." I said. The kind went silent. "What the hell did you do?" Janet said. I told them and I got chewed out beyond measures.

Whitney pov
I went and got my self massage. Got my hair and nails done. I'm doing trying to forgive and I'm not ready. I'm doing this for myself. I love my husband but I can't keep getting hurt. I went shopping. I have a date. I'm going out with an old friend. Well, more like friends but Michael don't need to know. It been a while. I brought me a nice little black dress. He's newly divorce. Kevin Costner. I walk in at my house to see Michael, Janet, Latoya and Robyn . "Hey girls." I said smiling. They look like what the hell have you been. "Well I don't have time I have to get ready for tonight." I said. "What goin on tonight?" Robyn ask confused. "Aren't you guys back together." Latoya ask. "Well Michael seeing his booty call and I'm going to have dinner with Kevin." I said. "Nippy." They said. "Hey I have to go Alright! Peace out." I said leaving them.

" I said leaving them

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