World Tour part 3

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Whitney pov
No way in hell can I do this tour. I haven't fun doing this I interview but with this pregnancy. God help me I thought. I was sitting on the floor just kinda zone out. "Okay Whitney. We be back in 3..2..1." They said. I was more relaxed. My baby girl was playing with her dad. I loved watching them. "Whitney?" Arsenio said. "Yo." I said. "While you sitting there in a intimate mood. Why don't you tell us how did Micheal propose." He ask. I squealed. "How did it happen?" He ask. "Umm it was very sweet, Arsenio and romantic." I said. "You know he propose about twice but the first time. It was when we was at Neverland. We had just got done on a ride. We talk together. We were talking about the future. That was when I presented with an award. So we had a wonderful day. Umm we were in cuddle in his room and he propose. We were discussing the future and he pull out this ring and ask will you marry me." I said. "You don't have to much when you are Micheal Jackson." He said. I laughed and nodded. "How did you know was it the right time or was you like it Micheal Jackson any time is right." He ask. "How did I know?" I said. "Cause I was almost thirty." I said . He laughed. I laughed. "Whitney you suppose to answer with something about Micheal like it's not the right time it the right man. Arsenio ." He said. "Oh right then you should ask me that. How did I know he was the right man." I said. He said yea l. "Oh. The time was my clock was ticking. Yea but." I said. "The man." He said. I could feel Micheal staring at me. "How did you know Micheal was the right man." He ask. "Ohh. There's was a few things and uhh. Well, I don't know how to say it or describe it. Also with us we just connected. I mean God. I don't know. I guess You just find some things in common. You get to know one another. Ummm. We have certain nature that are alike. We feel the same about marriage. We feel the same about love and children. " I said. "Hey Whitney." He said. "Have you every watch Micheal Jackson videos back to back with a Whitney Houston video. I would think people would say. These artist are different. I mean y'all are kinda night and day a bit but y'all have very similar things." He said. "You think so." I ask. "Yeah. I mean what do y'all have in common other then. Aww look out it a rat." He yelled talking about my baby girl crawling behind me. I couldn't help but laugh. "Awww take Whitney to get her house." I cut him off. "That was not a rat!" I said. "It was a rat." He said. Micheal was laughing so hard. "It went around you. You didn't see it." He said. "Yea and I bet it came from your neighbor hood." I said laughing. I pick up my baby. She was behind me. "Man your Baby scared me."He said. Micheal came and sat beside me. "Yea right say I'm not rat and if I was I'll be from your neighbor hood." I said in my baby voice. He laughed. "Man now we got Micheal, Whitney and umm what her name." He said. "Michea-Lynn Nicole Katherine Jackson." I said. "Aww." I heard. "So Micheal you kill that rat." He ask. "It came from your house." I said. We laughed. "Whitney and Micheal she going to break heart." Arsenio said. "Man So back to Micheal. Wait I know what I want to ask. So this next question you and Micheal can answer. I know you have movie coming out near Christmas.?"
He ask. "Wait you done jumped from Micheal to Kevin." I said. "Well, this is a Micheal and Kevin question. What did Micheal you think about the love scene. Did Micheal come to set or did you care mike." He ask. I tried to talk over him. "No." Micheal cut me off. "I didn't come to the set. I understand. We talk about it. " he ask what did you say. "I told her I didn't like it." Micheal said. "He didn't like it at all." I said. "Did you tell Kevin to chill one the scene cause Micheal didn't like it." He ask. Micheal stared at me. "Uhh no. I told him that don't put his tongue in my mouth. And don't try anything." I said. He laughed. "Arsenio you and mike know how it is in the movie it is set up. You know it program and the way you hold, the way you kiss, the way you touch. You know. Kevin and I have respect for each other and our spouses. So you know it was cool." I said. "Yea so now. The movie come out around Christmas time. They telling me to wrapped up. I wanted to mention the network special is on tomorrow night and its call this is my life, and we also have a clip that has never been seen before from the movie my bodyguard is that the title of it." He said. "Yes it's called the bodyguard." I said playing with baby girl. "Oh my bodyguard is something I told people last night." He said. "You know I'm not sending you anymore tapes or anything." I said. "I don't have .... I just, Whitney ." He said. "You don't want to look at nothing." I said. "Whitney." He said. "No you are so busy looking into everything else. Look at the tape people sent you.." I said looking at the camera."Whitney... be nice. I mean your daughter in the room." He said. "What?" I said. "Plus we have millions of people watching. You can't treat me like you normally treat me infront of the baby." He said. "You know I love you." I said kissing my baby. "Okay let watch this clip from the bodyguard. Micheal I hope it not the scene from the bodyguard." He said. Micheal nodded and said I hope not. "The bodyguard." I said. "It staring Whitney houston and Kevin Costner. This is a piece of footage that had never been seen before. Not by anyone right."He said. "Yes that right." I said. "Can I as you one question before we show it?" He ask. "Go baby." I said. Michea-Lynn was moving all over the place. "Can you act?" He ask. "You'll see." I said. The played the video. Micheal kiss me. My baby girl was laying on my shoulder. She always did this, when I was nervous. I kiss Micheal and waited for the crowd reaction. "The up coming video will be release around Christmas time it called the bodyguard and we have tomorrow night. This is my life staring Whitney Houston. Ahh it the rat naw the baby. AwwShe so pretty. Can you said uncle Arsenio". He said. She look at him and and smile. "Can you said bye bye." Micheal ask. We gave him a little wave. "Okay bye Whitney, Micheal and little Michea-Lynn." He said. I was so relive to get off. They pack up. "You wanna eat." I ask. She nodded. I got her something to eat. I couldn't even look at Micheal in there face. "Nippy what a matter?" He ask. "Clive want me to tour and I've been so busy. I just want to be with you and baby girl. I just wanna." He cut me off. "Your pregnant so we can delay that but that don't mean I don't have Tour. Now I may have solution."  "What?" "We can double it. Now we just gotta come up with name." He said. "Mhmm. Micheal and Whitney, where we meet?" He look at me. "That sounds kinda mhmm. Now if you don't stop baby girl here is going to." He said picking me up. Latoya walk one "why don't my niece and I go out and visit Grandma Cissy and you two. Go have fun. What do you saying baby girl." She said. Michea-Lynn threw down her food. "Fine we can go now." She said. Our daughter scream and smile. "God you are diva like a mother. Gotta make a statement. God let this one be boy." He said. I giggled. She laughed. "Fine why don't I clean her up and you clean up this mess." I said tossing him a dish rag. "Come I momma's princess." I picked her up. I took her a quick bath. "You are so nice and clean." I said. I put her on an outfit. "Hey." Micheal said wrapping his arms around my waste. He was kissing my neck. "Mike the baby." I said. She had her foot in her mouth. "You going to be eating on your foot. We didn't feed you." He said picking her up. "She squealed. "Hey it wasn't my fought you threw the food down." He said. She pulled his hair. I chuckled. "Ouch. Let go! Michea-Lynn Nicole Katherine Jackson.." he said getting her off. "See this is why we having another baby." He said. She begin to cry. I got her. "But no matter what you will still be my baby." I singed kissing her little face. She made this face like we shall see. "She will be mine too. Right?" Micheal said. She just stared at him. "Awe come one smile at daddy. Please I want to see you smile." He said. She just stared at him. "Fine you." He said as he did a couple of dance moves. She begin to smile and clap. "Awe thank you." He said kissing her. He got her and put on her shoe. Put her In her car seat. We walk outside to see another person car pull up. He slowly walk over to the way. It was amazing. Latoya squeal with excitement. "Prince!" She ran to him. "Hey." He said and kiss her. "Wow." He said he caresses her little bump. "I can't wait to see my little peanut." He said kissing her stomach. He glance at us. "So what going on?" He ask. "Micheal and nippy wanted some alone time. So Michea-Lynn and I was going to spend time with grandma Cissy." She said. "Ah I have a better ideal why don't we take baby Michea-Lynn and drop her off at grandma Cissy house and you I play catch up." He said kissing her neck. I look at Micheal who look disturb. I giggle. "Nippy will your mom be okay with that?" She ask. "Yea I told her it might happen cause I knew he was in town." I said. She nodded. Prince and Micheal eyed on another. "Take care of precious car go." Micheal said. "I will." He said. They fist bump. Latoya and I hugged. "Nippy can I ask you a question?" she said pulling me away from the guys. "Sure." I said showing her inside. "Can we have sex?" Latoya said. I couldn't help but giggle. "Of course. It actually suppose to help the pregnancy." I said. "Oh well I hope y'all have fun and try not to walk funny." She said. "You too." I said. "Yea but I have an excuse." Latoya said. I giggle and walk her to the car. Prince and Micheal had the car ready. They were ready for them to leave. Michea-Lynn was in the car. She was playing with a toy. "So baby girl birthday coming up in about few months. Let me know when where and what time. If you need help." She said. We look up to see the guy staring at us.

"I think they trying to tell us to hurry up

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"I think they trying to tell us to hurry up." I whisper. "Yeah so we better get going." She said waving at me. I wave. She got in the car. Prince said something to Micheal before hopping in the car. I walk beside and wrapped his arm around my neck. Micheal smile. "You know as soon as they pool out this drive way. You better run." He said as they pull out the driveway. I ran upstairs. We were kinda playing tag. He of course caught me. He kiss my lips taking me to the bed. "Why do you have to be so beautiful." He said leaning in closer. I felt a tingle up and down my spine. He rip off my overall. He took off my shirt leaving me in my underwear and bra. "You so damn bad to bad you going to get soak." He said laughing. I felt my self being sprayed with water. "Micheal. I said. I got up. He had sprayed me with water gun. He ran. I went and found a couple of water balloons. I went and found him. I hit him. He was in the backyard by this big tree. He failed down. "We you got me." He said. I climb on top of him. "Yes I did." I said laughing. "You want to do it out here?" He said. I shrugged . "No one around." I said unbuttoning his shirt. We were on the grass. I undid his pants. He pick me up and carried me to the kitchen. He took off my panties. Slowly undid my bra. He planted kissed up and down my body......

A/n: y'all know what happens.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now