Unexspected Guess

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Micheal pov
I open the door to see the last person well people I expected to see Madonna, Eddie, Tatiana and Bobbi. In my head I'm thinking Thank God she is pregnant and asleep. I don't want my baby in jail today. "Micheal who is at the do-?" Cissy said getting ready to go. She turn around and took her coat. She was mumbling something like the devil is a liar. Mumbling he may need a witness or two. "Are you going to let us in?" Madonna said. "Why in the world would I do that?" I said. "Look we just want to talk." Tatiana said. "Last I talk to you was to protect my daughter from you.Last time I talk to this messed up guy was when he attempted to rape my wife. Last time I talk to this supposedly Queen of pop, which is a lie because we all know Whitney can come after that thrown anytime. Lastly Eddie, old agh acquaintance, how you been." I ask. Bobby tried to step to me but Eddie stop him. "I'm fine Mike. I wanted to come and make a pieces offering. I mean I did almost take Whitney from you." I cut him off with laugh. "Yes but God knows. He did nippy a favor from saving her from you." Her mother said. I couldn't help but laughed at Corey sly comments as she tried to make look like she was doing something productive.  I mean she was acting like she fixing a picture frame. I shook my head. "You know you tried and failed. I have God on my side and that is all that count." I said. "Yea you may think everything is good now but what about in the next 2 years." Eddie ask. I shrugged. "Why don't y'all get the heck off my property and leave!" I yelled getting aggravated. I head  the sound of my princess running to me. I saw they all look at her. She stared at them.

She had one of her little dolls

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She had one of her little dolls. Cissy ran by her side. I could feel it something was off. They all tense up a bit and guilt was written all over there faces when they saw baby girl. She dropped her doll. Cissy walk over to her. "Michea-Lynn?" Cissy said. She had this blank stare in her face. I look to see Eddie holding a gun to my face. Cissy froze. "I want to talk to Whitney." He said. Madonna and Tatiana look shocked. They seem terrified. Bobbi smirk almost as if he knew what was going on. "Daddy?" I heard my baby voice cry out. "You said." He cut Madonna off. "Shut up!" Eddie yelled. I'm pretty sure he woke up Whitney. "So step aside Micheal or you will." He said pointing the gun to my head. I just prayed to God that nippy wakes up. "Look let talk about this." Cissy said picking up baby girl. She was screaming for me. "Don't do this in Front of her. Man I have kids I wouldn't want them to see me like this." Bobby said. Madonna and Tatianna stood frozen in the door way. "Get in here!" He yelled. They walk in.  "Daddy!" My baby was screaming her grandmothers arms. All the sudden Eddie pointed the gun on my daughter. "Shut that brat up!" He yelled. "Woah! Man I thought we  came to chat with nippy and Micheal." Bobbi yelled. "Shut up!" He yelled. "Please let me get her." I said: Eddie snapped. "Fine but all slowly!" He yelled. I walk over to my baby girl. Cissy handed her to me. She sob in my shoulder. I kiss her and shh her. She calm down quit a bit. She was whispering mama. I shushed her. I begin to sing a different song. She kept saying it. I look at Cissy gave me a nodded and sat down. I knew nippy was up and if she take wrong step the know. I sat down beside Cissy. I handed Michea-Lynn a remote. When I reach for it Eddie pointed the gun at me. "She like to listen to music so I'm going to play some music." I said. I turn on the radio for black and white  to come on. He nodded. He started bark orders at Madonna and Tatiana to sit down.

Whitney pov
I woke to the sound of Michea-Lynn screaming for Micheal but this didn't sound Normal. I walk down the hall. I could see Madonna, Tatiana, Bobbi and Eddie who was holding a gun. I watch from afar fear hitting every one in my body. "God help me." I said softly. I see baby girl saying something. I moved a bit knowing she might had saw me.  She was screaming in the arms of my mom. The others were too busy watching Eddie and the gun. " Woah! Man I though we came to chat with nippy and Micheal." Bobbi said. I look to see the gun is pointed at my baby and mother. My heart pounding now. I know if I move they might hear or see me. "Please God let Micheal come up with something." I mumble softly. "Please let me get her!" I heard Micheal voice. "Fine but slowly. I peek to see Micheal walking over my mom. My mom glance up to see me. She hand my baby to Micheal which help quiet her down. My mom and Micheal down as well as Tatiana and  Madonna. Micheal reach for something and Eddie pointed the gun at him. He look at him his eyes filled with fear. I could hear baby girl crying into his shoulder. I was so relived that their back was turn to me. "She liked to listening to music so I'm going to play music." He said. Eddie nodded. Micheal turn on the stereo, which made it harder to hear the floor board crack. Bobbi pick up my daughter doll and handed it to her. I walk to the office. I call security. They told me they will be in here to help. "Where is Whitney?" Eddie ask. "She ugh." My daughter cut Micheal off. "Interview." She said. I never felt a wave of relief wash over my body. I been trying to baby girl words. Like she ask me mom? You go bye?bye?" She ask. "Yes momma had to go to the interview." I said and she tried to pronounce it. So I helped her. She said it real well. "Yea she's at a interview." Micheal said. He nodded. "Where?" He said over the music. I peek and saw Bobbi playing with Michea-Lynn. "You know I have a daughter that is older than you she's 5. Her name is Laprincia." He said. So he had a soft spot for kids. I heard a thump. I look to see Eddie laid out on the floor. "The police are on there way." Security said. The door was open so I heard a car pull up. "Micheal what is?" I knew that voice anywhere. "Diana this isn't a good time." Micheal said. "I know but." I came down and cleared my throat. Don't think there any secret about what Diana did to him and I will be fool to let it happen again. Everyone turn their attention to me. "Unexpected are not welcome  unless we are notified in a hour advance. So...." Diana cut me off. "I need to talk to Micheal." Diana, Tatianna and Madonna said. "Look not today!" Micheal said. "My wife and I have had a long day beside y'all see what condition she is in so bye." He said. "Look I know I'm the last person you guys want to hear from but I'm here to tell you guys. I'm sorry and thank you. For real y'all help me get on the right track. I mean. I'm still probably going mess up but with out y'all. I wouldn't be clean and that's all I wanted to say." Bobby said. I told him he is very welcome. "Fine I will be back first thing tomorrow." Diana, Madonna and Tatiana said leaving. "I will be in jail and labor shortly after. Cause I'm going to beat their." Micheal cut me off. "Apples!" He yelled. My mom laughed as the police escort them off the premises while they arrested Eddie. I watch Diana glare at me and blow a kiss to Micheal. I kissed him. My mom held out daughter. I smiled as she slammed her car door. She left.

Next chapter Diana vs Whitney

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