The adventure

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Whitney pov
We had been riding for about an hour until Michael pulled over. I looked at him crazy. "I'm going to let you drive." I cut him off. "Michael I can't." I said."well I guess we won't make it to put destination and of you can ride a bicycle you can learn how to ride a motorcycle." He said. "Michael I can't.." I said. "Theirs no you can't. It's either you don't want to try because..... Or we can camp out here." He said. I huffed and scooted up. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I said. He pulled another bandana out his pocket. He put it over my mouth. "Just try to balance is. Then ride." He said. "Michael I can't do this." I said. "Whitney trust me. I'll be right here. Just trust yourself." He said. I nodded. I took a deep breath and we took off. I balanced my self and so far so good.

After a couple of minutes we went to a dinner and ate. Nobody was there just the workers. Luckily no one recognized us. Michael and I had found some ugly torn up clothes and wigs. We sat down. All the sudden speed demon was in playing. I couldn't help but chuckled. Then After we left and left a couple hundreds at the tables. Michael pulled out a map. "Where would you like to go?" He said. "Hmmmm, well I don't really get out to go to Las Vegas." I said. He chuckle and nodded. It was fine until we got pulled over well I got pulled over. "Y'all were going a little fast back there. I need license and registration." He said. I was super nervous. I got my license out of my jacket pocket from my red coin purse. Michael got his wallet out. He saw put IDs he look at is funny. "Y'all carat kid getting fake IDs. Michael and I laughed. So we took the helmet and stuff. "Oh my you are." He said. "You the I believe the children are our future and you I'm bad and thriller. That song I'll be there." He said loudly and excited. Very fast. "Okay I'll let you off with a warning can you sign here." He said. Michael sign his name and I sign mine. I let Michael drive the rest of the way. We made it to a hotel were we payed for a suite. We had brought some clothes. We went up to the room and relaxed. I was taking a long bath. Bubbles was all around me. Michael and walked in. "You know what would make this perfect day?" We both said. I look at him. "Sorry." He said. I got out the tub and wrapped my towel around my self. Michael was too busy zone out. I walk over to him. I cleared my throat and he look up at me. "I was think may be we could get married." I said. He look at me shocked. "That what I was think but not under our real names." He said. I smirk. "Same here. We get married in a the most tackiest way every." I said laughing. "Maybe get married by Elvis or who know what." I nodded. "Come let make reservation at the most unique wedding in all of Las Vegas." O said. We finally did. We were to be married by Elvis on someplace weird. We gave them fake names. When we came up they died. We told them no legal marriage just one for fun. We had fun. The ceremony was terrible yet entertaining. They had us in these tight Elvis looking jumpsuits. We were laughing the whole time. We kissed and went back to the room. "I wish we could do stuff like this all the time just run away from out problems. We had pictures of us at a wedding. It was about 5 in all. "We should give one to our parents." I said laughing. He chuckled. "Yea. We should called and act like we got married." He said. "I could only imagine their reaction." I said. "Well let's  call them. Wait we have to do people who would actually believe it." I say. "Like people who really fall for it." He said. "Right How about Elizabeth and Liza." I say. He chuckle. "Fine but it hard for me to lie to Elizabeth. My mom and Joe." He said. "Same I'll do those and then You'll do Robyn, Dionne and I don't think my parent would believe it but we can try." I say. He nodded. He failed Elizabeth number first. "Hello?" A voice  said. "Hello this is Whitney houston may I speak to Elizabeth." I ask. "Umm sure." Some said.  Michael was already laughing. I shushed him. "Hello? Whitney?" She said. "Hey Elizabeth." I said. "Hey darling what's going on?" She said. "Well ummm, Michael and I have some news." I said. "Well if y'all having a baby. Let me know darling. I can have a crib sent over and I can be the God mother. It would be grand." She said. "Ummm no I'm not pregnant." I said looking at Michael. "Oh well darling what is it." She said. "Well Michael and I got married." I said. Michael came and sat beside me. The phone went silent. "What y'all? When and why in the world I wasn't invited. You know what I plan a party for y'all. We can have it Neverland. Damn y'all couldn't have at least called before y'all got married. Now I got to get ready for catering." She said. I laughed. "What so funny." She said. Michael grab the phone. "Okay Liz we were joking while we did have a pretend wedding we are not married. Plus we have just started our relationship. Plus don't you think the world would have know by now." He said. She giggle. "I'm going to get y'all back just you wait. Any way who next on the chopping block." She said. "Well we were thinking Liza." We said. "You know I can call her and we can three way." She said. "Yea lets do it." We said. "Okay you too don't say nothing let me do all the talking." She said. She click over. Michael and I looked at each other and laughed. Elizabeth click back over and told us it's ringing. "Hello." I heard Liza voice. I covered the speaker. "Hey darling you won't believe who call me today." Elizabeth said. "Who? Michael?" Liza said. "Yes and he told me that Whitney and him jump the broom." She said. "What!?" She said loud. "When. Now I know I said in a joking  manner but I wanted to be there." She said. Then Michael and I was laughing. "Hello?" She said. "It was just a joke, darling. plus Mike and whit are on the line." Elizabeth They  were laughing. We called other friends and it was the same. We talk to Liza and Elizabeth. We planned this big party and invited family  and the friends that we pranked. Elizabeth , Liza, Michael and I planned all by phone. It was getting kind of hard because Michael was feeling on my legs and stuff. As soon as we got off the phone. We made love.

Authors note: the prank !

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