Honeymoom ruined

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Whitney pov
I woke up to the shower running. I was trying to get up but I felt nothing but pain. I've had this pain before. Well after the abortion. My heart was pumping hard. I was praying so hard for something I knew I might have lost the baby. The maid saw me up. At this part  I was in tears. She ran to my side and called Michael. I was speechless. "No!no!" I pulled back the comfortable to reveal a blood stain sheet. Michael entered the room in a robe. He wrapped my body around in the sheet and told the people to get the car. I was crying he got me robe and some pjs to put in. He had a mask on his face. He held my hand and tried to comfort me. I was sobbing in his chest. We came to the hospital. They rushed me to the back. Michael never left my side. My mom and dad came by and visited. The doctor came in the room and talk to me. My parents step outside. "Hello. I'm sorry but the baby didn't make it. We have to schedule an arrangement." He said. I begin to cry. Michael kiss my cheek. "No!" I scream. My mom ran inside and talk to me. My dad tried to comfort me. She held my hand. The doctor told me he be right back to discuss the situation. He walk out. Michael was holding my hand. I was just crying my eyes out. He was too. He hugged me. My heart was broken. I did this. If only. Only if I would have keep my baby. I guess this is a punishment. Why didn't I fight harder for my baby. I saw my dad staring at me. He walk out the room. My mom followed him.

Cissy pov
"John where are you going?" I ask. "I'm leaving." He said. "Nippy needs you." I said. He look at me with tears in his eyes. I had tears in my eyes as well. "I did this I shouldn't have forced to have that abortion." He said. I shook my head. "John. I know
Nippy would want you here." I said.
"I can't." He said walking away. Katherine and Joseph were showing up. I ask Joseph to go talk to him. He nodded. "What happen?"
Katherine ask. "Well um. The baby didn't make it." I said as my voice broke. She looked very shock. I was in tears and so was Katherine. We decided to walk around and gather ourselves. Before going back to the room. We walk back to the room to see Michael and Whitney asleep.

Whitney pov
I was dreaming. "Michael! Michael!" I found note well a letter. 'You lost my child. Well children, you murder one. There got to will lose me.' I woke up to see Michael beside me. He was staring at me. Our mothers and Joseph surrounding me. "Whitney you okay?" They ask. I just nodded. I look around the room for my dad. "Where the doctor?" I said. Michael said he will go get him. His mom ask Joseph to go with him. They left us alone. "Something bothering you." My mom said. "Mom I just have a miscarriage." She cut me off. "No you know you can't pull the wool over my eyes. But I will let it go." She said. Katherine just nodded. "I'm sorry I notice something to you kept mumbling Michael name. " she said. My mom studied me. "It was just a bad dream." I said. "Do you wanna talk about it." she ask. I exhale. The guys came in with the doctor. "Yes, Mrs.? Wait before I ask you a question. I need to know umm do prefer Jackson or Houston." Be said. "Jackson is fine." I said. "Okay so when would you like to the procedure." He ask. "As soon as you can." I said. "Okay I'll send a nurse in and prep you for the procedure we get started an hour from now." He said.
The nurse came in and prep me. My mom and Michael stayed in the room. My ran out for a second. I look at Michael who tried to put on this fake smile and support me. "When can I try again and is there any way to prevent this for happening again?"
I ask. "Well it shouldn't be that bed since you wasn't far along. About in a month." She said. I nodded as I sign the paper work. I handed her and she said. As soon as they finished my blood work they will start on my anesthetic. I nodded. The nurse left the room. Michael stared at me. "Whitney?" He said walking over to me. "Mmh." I said. "Are you okay." He ask. I shrugged my shoulder. I was in tears. I couldn't look him in his eyes. He wiped my eyes.

1 month later
I've be avoiding a lot of people. Michael is on tour. It hurts me so bad because the person I really want to talk to is not taking my calls or anything. Luckily nobody found out about the miscarriage. I was in jersey getting ready for another albums. People been telling I'm not the same nippy they know. They right, I'm not. I am my worst self right now. I stay in side, lock my self in my room. I stay in bed for weeks. My mom has help me a little. Along with some other things.
I was looking through a drawer. I saw something that caught my attention. It was a sonogram photo. I look at the bottom. It was the baby I had aborted. I got a little upset. I began to call my dad. It been like this since that day. Almost as if he disappeared. Like he could careless. I feel so bad. I look at the photo. "Not only did I mess up but what I am I doing." I said.  I took the picture and went and got the a some pills. I was about to open the bottle but the door bell ring. "Who is it?" I said on the verge of tears. I was upset. The door open the reveal Michael. He ran to my side. "Nippy." He said. I broke down in his arms. "I'm here and I'm not leaving your side until you are okay." He said. He kissed my forehead. I nodded. He shut the door. He picked me up and put me in the bed told me to relax.

Michael pov
The place was a mess. Whitney was not doing well. I called and she be like I'm fine but lately it worst. I felt it. I knew it. I got on the plane and put my tour on hold. I put her in her room. I began cleaning up. I saw some powder stuff on the counter. It was in a bag. I went upstairs. She was laying down watching tv. Tears staining her face. Her voice horse. Her eyes wasn't feel with nothing but pain. I went inside and cut off the tv. "Please tell me this isn't." I said. She shrugged. "Nippy I love but doing this will be your down fall. Is there anymore." I said. She nodded. "Show me." I said. She took me to different room and got the last of it. I flush it all.

2 days later
Nippy getting better. More healthier. She slowly recovering. Her mom had move in and help me. She recording again. She was in the studios of her house. She finally decided the title I'm your baby tonight. I went to mess with piano but nippy was sitting on it messing around. She was rehearsing for the song she was recording for her next album. I listen to her singing.

Whitney pov
I was singing this song. 'Miracle.' I would get have way through and when I get to that one part where o have to sing I wonder if I could be your miracle. I shut down."I'm not much of a miracle considering my dad won't talk to me." I mumble. I huffed. I felt someone hand running my shoulder. "well it is his lost." He whisper in my ear. I got up and look at him in his eyes. He kissed my lips. "Michael." I said giggling. He pick me up. "Do you think you ready to start a miracle of our soon." He said. "Maybe, but give me a couple more months." I said. He nodded. "That's fine but that doesn't mean we can't practice." He said. His hand caressing my body. I nodded. I been on the pill since I had the miscarriage. I just need to take a minute. Michael understood and supported me.

I turn around and look at Michael. I smiled at him. "So do you think we should go one that honeymoon." He said kissing my nose. "I think we should go. I mean make it a vacation and then make it back for the holidays." I said kissing him. "You know I don't celebrate Christmas." He said. I nodded. "If fine but I'm going to church at least." I said. He nodded. He caresses my cheek. "I might allow you to put a tree up and decorate but you have to help me with some else." He said kissing my neck. "What." I said moaning. He stuck his hand in between my legs. "Let me make love to you over and over again." He said. I smiled. "I love that." I said

A/n: these is around September 1989....

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora