Family day

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Whitney pov
My mom had been trying to talk to me. I just want breath. "Mom you don't." Cut me off. "What the do think God says if you and Michael waist the talent he gave you?"She said. "Mom it's my life and my decision. Plus, I don't thing God would put a burden like this on me." I said. "Really because King David was had a burdens. Jacob had a brother that wanted to kill him. Jesus had to take the cross. He was betrayed by on of his own. Read any story in the Bible. You can see where each person struggle with something. God choose you. Remember what I said it is a gift to be chosen by God but it's also a burden just as Paul the apostle." She said. I nodded. Katherine nodded as well. I got up and went for walk. I have prince to my mom. He was asleep. Michael watch me. He was playing with the kids do care free. He agreed to still great album and tour. He just won't entertain the press. He told me he meditated, Talk to Jesus, and he felt better knowing all thing work together for those who love him. I walk to the other portion of the beach. I needed peace. It was silence. I began to sing. The wind began to blow. I felt a presence. "God, I can't make this decision. Please help me. Jesus. In Jesus name."I said. I had tears running dow my face.I song a couple lyrics of I Love the Lord. "How can you sing that sing when you were on tv. Having sex out of all things." An women said walking by. "Don't comment on something you don't know. Do you know me?" I ask. She look at me. "No really know me? Do you know my heart? I don't know you?" I said. "My name is Hannah." She said. "Well Hannah. My name is Whitney. My advice is don't judge me without knowing my truth." I said. "Yea I'm a Christian. For you to sit here and." I cut here off. "Look there a different than being a true Christian. For one thing I know when you heard me singing. You wouldn't have scoffed at my worship or my time with God. Instead you would have sung along. See If Jesus saw someone like me singing. He would haven't told to stop me. Instead he would have ask what wrong. He would have comforted me." I said. "Yea but there's a lot more people who needs more comfort that old man for instance needs help ." She said. "Really?" I ask. She nodded. "Why didn't you help him? I was wallowing in my sorrows and saw him. See don't mock or judge or comment on something you don't understand." I said. I walk over to the old man. He was hungry. There was a restaurant. I ask for food and they gave it to me. I gave it to him. I was about to talk to Hanna but she was gone. I turn to see the old man gone. Then I hear a voice."It's okay and God said he never give us too much." The a scripture can to me. "Come to me all who weary. I will give them rest." I said softly. Right then in there I gave it to God.I smiled. I walk back to the beach. I was almost there when I felt something was off. I ran to the beach. "Michael where's Whitney Nicole." I ask him. I heard a scream. I ran to the shore. Michael ran by my side.. "No God." I said. Michael and I yelled her named. . "Mommy?" I heard a voice. I look to see her standing with a towel wrapped around her. "Where did you go?" I ask. "I wanted ice cream and I saw a man. He brought it for me. He told me to you thank you." She said eating her ice cream. I hugged her. "Don't ever do that." I said. She nodded. "What man?" Michael ask. "Daddy. He is right over there." She pointed the parking lot. I just shrugged. Only God knows. We played with kids a little bit long then took them back to the hotel. We go them ready for bed.

"Okay now it time to pray." I said. We all got on our knees and prayed. "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep if I should die before I wake I pray to the Lord my souls He take." We said tucking them in.

We went to our room. Michael look around the place. "What are you looking for?" I ask smiling. "Making sure there no cameras." He said. I giggled. He kissed me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. "I wanted to make love to you our last night but."he said. "Well put bathroom had no windows so." I said walking in the bathroom. He bit his lip.

We had romantic time in the shower. We got dress woke up to the sound of the kids laughing. "Shh. You can't wake her up." Michael said. We weren't leaving till later in tonight. I look at them. "What are you guys doing." I said. "We were bringing you breakfast." Michaelynn said. I smile the food looked good. They must have order room service.

"Awe thank you did y'all eat?" I ask

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"Awe thank you did y'all eat?" I ask. They all nodded. Michael nodded. "Well how about we watched some while mommy eat her breakfast. They nodded and climb in the bed. Making sure to not spill anything off the tray. "Thank you." I said to Michael he smiled and kiss me. I ask my breakfast. It was good.

We had to pack up everything. We had to leave tomorrow. Michael and I went to different places. We went to this restaurant. We sat in the back no should notice us. It was karaoke spot. There was this guy trying to sing Luther song. Then some guy decided to sing Michael's song.  We looked at them like please no.

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Then another guy got up there. This guys was laughing. "So umm I'm not singer let me make it clear. But I'm a comedy. My name is Chris Tucker." He said. We clapped.

He was telling funny jokes. "I just brought me a new place man. I got neighbor that borrow sh-: all the time." He said making us laughed.

"Well my mom caught me having sex." He said making us laughed. "Yo what if Michael was pimp but on a real note. I would have forgot to. I wouldn't mind getting caught. Plus that with a woman like Whitney. I would be hitting that every night. Shoot he probably is." Chris said. At this point we were in tear because no knew we were here. Our security was here.  "I mean they have four kids now. " he said. "He probably. Going to created a new group. Damn musicians will have no chance. Them kids going to do it all. I'm glad I don't want be a singer:" he audience laughed. "I mean Michael is intimidating. He been dancing and singing since he was five. Br if you diva and they told you. 'Yea Whitney Houston will be there singing with you. Boy I would freeze up. She just come in and hit on note. I would be like." He felt out on the floor. "What was that. That was Jesus the Trumpets e coming back." He said making me laugh. "No but let me try to tell this joke. If Michael  Jackson was pimp." He said.

Michael and I let him finished and told tommy to invite him to our table after we sing. "That was Chris Tucker. We have special guest in the house. Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson." He said. We walk on the stage. People went crazy.  "Mike and I wasn't sure if we were coming. But I happy we came plus we enjoyed the comedy styling of Chris Tucker." I said. "Yep you did a good job." Michael said. We sung I just can't stop loving you. We met with Chris and Michael and him click. Michael made some calls to get him into a comedy club where it will be televised. We went back to the room. We went loaded up the cars and got ready to fly home.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now