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Michael pov
I walk in the room to see my wife holding another baby in her hands. The doctor look at me. "Ummm your wife was pregnant but didn't know. She was in so much pain because she hadn't been properly gaining weight. Plus, the doctors made a mistake. Luckily no harm came to the baby. Or you wife." He said. I went and walk closer to Whitney. "Hey." She said. I kiss her forehead. "It crazy hum?" She said. I nodded. "So what do we have?" I ask. "Mhmm well I don't who because I have named him yet but...." I cut her off. "Him?" I said. She nodded and smiled. I kiss him. "I love you." He said. "I love you." I said. Our moms and dad cleared their throats. "I think we would like a chance to meet our new grand babies." They said.

Whitney pov
I smiled and handed him over to my mom. "Aww. I guess they trying to go for ten right?" Katherine said. I smiled.  "Mike I can as soon as I." Eddie cut himself off. Robyn was beside him. "Aww who baby?" Se ask. "Well y'all might want to sit down." I said. They nodded. Eddie made sure Robyn sat down first. Prince made Latoya sit down. I explain what the doctor told me. "So your as was pregnant." Robin said. I nodded. "God nippy what your going to do with 4babies." Janet ask. "Well I was going to let y'all each of them." I said laughing and joking. "No I couldn't do that I have leaving them for an award show and other thing. I'm just going to take some time off." I said.  My mom nodded and took him. Michael had this big smile on his face. He kissed my forehead. "I'm happy. I have a beautiful family and beautiful wife. Now 4 kids." He said. "I'm grateful and other than my wife, secondary. I believe that God had bless even thought I'm not worthy. So, we have to find a little name for this little fellow." He said. "Man this is hard. Matt." My dad said. I laughed. "How about you name it Terrell Jackson." Tito son Terrell yelled. "How did y'all know." He ask. "Well mom called and updated us." He said. I nodded. "Is this him and the twins?" He ask. Michael nodded. Tito missed out on a lot. Him and his wife have been busy having a family."May I hold one of the babies." He said. We nodded. "Hey so you be Mj. "No we have to come up with a name for you baby brother. So help me out." He said. "How about Mike?" He said. Mj look at him. "Naw if don't fit him. What about we name him. Nicolas?" He said. Mj stop smiling. "Okay don't worry I come up with something," he said. Mj began to said some words. "Wha about Wally?" Eddie said. We all look at him like shut up. "How a bout prince your grand father name, your mother's father?"Joseph said. "Mhmm Prince Michael Joseph Jackson." Katherine said holding him. "He does favor my dad." Katherine said.

"Hey would you like Prince

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"Hey would you like Prince." Katherine said. He smiled. "Prince it is" mother  said and smiled. I was begging to get a little tired. I
was falling asleep.

Micheal pov
Everyone left. The kids will stay with my moms. I was staring her Whitney sleeping. God how did I get so lucky. Prince was asleep. I made a couple of calls to have people go in and add another crib in my room so we can have access. I began writing some lyrics. I saw Whitney was up. "What do you want anything?" I ask. "No. I'm just so happy." She said smiling. I walk over to her and put the piece of paper in my pocket. I say beside her. "He's asleep?" She ask. I nodded. "What were you writing?" Sheask.

Whitney pov
"It's a surprise." He said. He look at me. "Michael I don't like you hiding from me." I said. "I know." He said kissing my forehead. I look at him. We turn on the tv to see we made the news."Pop Diva Whitney Houston has been hospitalized. According to a source, the diva was suffering from stomach pain. We haven't gotten any confirmation, but we did spot Jacksons and Houston family living with their children looking relieve. Ow here's someone now! Clive! Is Whitney okay?" They ask. A police officer block them. He ran in the hospital. "Well Clive is here?"Michael said. "Ugh can he just let me breath." I said. He nodded. "Well lets pray. Because Sony has been pushing for another album." He said caressing my back. I heard a knock. "Hey whoa I didn't know you were.... did I miss something." Clive said. "No I just find out I was pregnant and they thought it was in the wrong place. When in actually I was pregnant and I was just in pain because I wasn't gaining weight." I said. "Wow what the little guy name?" He said . "He named after my grandfather Prince." Micheal said. He nodded. "May I?" He ask. "Yea I think this one may give Michael a run for his money. Your going to be singing lead or singing with your siblings. Soon." He ask him. "Nippy and mike having kids like no tomorrow. Good thing they are beautiful." He said. "What is it?"I ask. "Whitney Nelson merely want you and Michael to come and perform."He said. "It's in 6 months and I didn't expect to come and see a new baby."He said. "Michael can you take the baby for a minute?" I ask. He got the baby out of Clive's hand. He walk out the room. "I've just had baby! A new born. I have a 2 year old who is about to turn 3 in couple weeks. I have twin who are  almost 1. Now I have a new born. I missed out so much and after this I want time off and I mean it at least two years!" I said. "Fine I give you 4 years and then in the year of 1998 and your renew your contract." He said. "Deal but if not final until I see proof and I you go back I will go back on mine. Clive if you cross me, I mean by an inch. Your ass will have to pay." I said. He nodded. There was a knock. It was the nurse. "Come in." I said. "Well little man here is getting kinda fussy so I was wondering are you going to try to breast like you did the others. I nodded. "Also I planning a trip in Africa for the next six months so I need to get the shots with in the next six months and I need to know which of my kids are able to go." I ask. She nodded. Micheal handed me prince who was crying.


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"Okay." I said. I look at Clive and Michael  who was watching me. "Umm I don't mind my husband watching but Clive . You know what both of you go." I said. "Okay I get baby and mommy time. I'm going to go home pack a bag and check on the kids and our moms and dads. Check on how his nursery coming." Micheal said kissing me and then our son. "Okay bye Whitney." He said. "Oh Clive you can tell he press." I said. He nodded. I watch the tv a news flash came up. I was breast feeding and I was tying to make sure he doesn't eat too much. I was talking to him. "You know I'm happy your here  you should know. Mommy and daddy not like everyone. While you will grow up love. You going be surround by people who will use you for your gift, name and more. I can't let that happen to you or your siblings. You guys will at least have a normal childhood. As close as possible, but you have to bear with me these next few month because people going to want to see you. You aren't a way to make money or a god, a gift from god but never a god. You are human. A little baby, who going to have a long life and it going to get hard but you going to know God and he going to help you. Out of he gifts I give you and your siblings on how to serve him and focus on him." I said. He smiled. I burp him and then continue feeding him. "So Whitney did have stomach but it wasn't from what the doctor thought. She was pregnant, and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Named Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. Both of them are fine and are being taking care of." Clive said smiling. "Well there we have it here! Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson welcomed their 4th child. Baby boy , Prince Micheal." They said.

3 hours

I was awaking the noise of airplane. I had to get up and look. I thought that they will settle down after they knew but it made it worst. "Whitney you seem to be okay and this procedure was okay, but what going on out there is nuts so we want to transfer you to another hospital with better security." He said. "That will be fine just notify my family and ambulance." I said. "We will you will be transfer to the in a ambulance and no one should know. I work at this hospital  and have other patient there's so I will be there to make sure everything is okay. The other doctor Goldsmith. She will be there to ensure everything is okay with and little man here."he said. I nodded and thanked him.

We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson Where stories live. Discover now