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Michael pov
Whitney, Janet and our mothers decided to go to the spa. Robyn is with them. Eddie and I are keeping the kids. Prince and Latoya came so she went and meet the girl while prince, Eddie and I are goofing off. "I'm sorry but how the hell do you tolerate Latoya? I love her but her voice is so annoying at times. Like God." I said. "Micheal have you seen your sisters, damn I mean they are sexy, classy, sexy, beautiful and did I say sexy." Eddie said. "Yes and plus it not as bad when we in that bed room." Prince said. "Hey." I hade to cut him off. "Okay but how do you handle nippy cause I know her ass be mean as hell at times." Eddie said. "Hey she is a great. I can tolerate the attitude besides it dies the moment we in the room." I said. "No wonder why you have 3 kids." Eddie said. I heard someone crying. "That is princess." I said hopping up. I got her. She was so upset. "Where's Mommy?" She said l. "She with your aunts and granny."I said picking her up. "I want Mommy." She said. "Okay but Mommy don't let you have you cookie." I said but she threw it downs. "Dang she nippy made over. Attitude and all." Eddie said. "Okay let call Mommy." She was crying. I look to for the hotel spa they at. "Welcome to spa just for guest ." I cut her off. "Hello his is Jackson. I need to speak to my wife. A lot of people know her as Whitney Houston." I said. "Oh your Michael." I heard some clear their throat. "Hello sorry about that mr.Jackson she is knew and still haven't quite gotten use to seeing or hear pop stars like you and your family. I mean when she saw your wife, Janet and your sister she fainted. Any who what can I help you with." A male said. "I need to speak to wife." I said. Michea-Lynn was screaming. "Of course I go get her." He said.

Whitney pov
We were drinking some whine. Relaxing. Robyn and Latoya had to have water of sparkling. "Mrs.Jackson your husband is on the phone." The manager said. "Which one?" We all said. "Whitney." He said. I got up and followed him. "Michael?" I said. I could hear Michae-Lynn screaming. "Yes baby it me little bit."I cut him off. "Put her on the phone" I said. "Michae-Lynn Talk to Mommy." He said. "No! I want her here." She yelled. I have the phone and told the manager I will be right back I need to straighten up something. I went and got my room key and let the girls know I will be right back.

Michael pov
"Mommy's on the phone."I yelled and she began to cry. I put her down and she threw the biggest fit. Kicking and screaming. "Hello? Whitney?" I said. "She is coming up to the room. Sir." The man said. Prince came and tried to calm her down but he couldn't. I heard the door slam shut. "Hey Whitney." Eddie said. "Where the hell is my daughter." She said. I pick Michae-Lynn up and took her to her mom.
Whitney pov
I am mad and annoyed. I know she's is almost two but she will not act like this. Michael brought her to me. I got her. The moment she saw my face and how serious I was she tried to go back to Michael. I took her to another room the guys followed. "Daddy?" She said. "No! Don't you dare." I said. "Nip." I cut him off. "Don't you dare or all H-E-L-L is going to come crumble down on your head." I said. He shut up. The babies start crying. "Their extra milk in the refrigerator they should be hungry." I said. They nodded and went to get the babies. "You need to calm down what is wrong?" I said. She shrugged. I could tell something was wrong. I felt her forehead. She was warm but that could be from her tantrum. "You feel sick?" I ask. She nodded. "Show Mommy where is hurts?" I said. Before I knew it she threw up. "God!" I yelled. It was really bad. It was in the floor almost hitting my feet. The boys came in with the babies all having their pacifiers in their mouth. "Call a maid and ask can't they bring something to clean this up. Then came the spa tell them to reschedule my pedicure and massage for tomorrow and tell my mother to bring my stuff when they get theirs." I said. They said okay. I pick up baby girl.  She was about to cry again. "Shhhh. Its okay." I said. "I don't feel good." She said. I rub her back. "I know. Let get you some water and get you in the bed." I said. She nodded. I fixed her juice. She was drunk it. The boy had the bottles boiling in the water. I check the milk it was a little warm. I ran it underneath cold water. "Guys! The milk is ready." I said. I had Micheal and prince the bottles. "Are you sure you can feed the baby?" I ask Eddie. "I need to practice." He said. "I'm not sure I like you using my little prince here for as an experiment." I said. "Come one Whitney." He said. "Fine but Micheal and prince you better watch him. If anything happen to  him y'all are in the dog house for, 2 months. The maid brought the stuff I clean up the vomit. I fixed my her  some soup. She ate some of it and I gave her some medicine.

I was so tired. She was asleep . I went and check on the guys. I swear it is the most funniest stuff to see Eddie change the diaper. I decided to video it. "What the hell! Damn this smell like a grown ass man. You sure you only drinking milk. Mike don't laugh at me. Damn. God. Jesus how in the world." He said. I would be funnier if he peed on. "Aw shit did this baby pee on me. Micheal what the hell. You and Whitney are raising a dog peeing on me." Eddie said. "Let me show you how to change the baby diaper and not get peed on." Micheal said. Took off the diapers threw it away in bag prince was holding it. Mike clean him up and put a new diaper on. "And all done." Micheal said. I stop recording and clapped. "Hey mommy's little man." I said picking him up. "So you just going to walk past Mike like that." Eddie said. "Listen I don't mind because. So, night time I get all the attention." He said kissing my cheek. I heard a knock. It was my mom and Katherine. Their hair wasn't even done nails still wet. "I heard one of the children are sick." Katherine said. "It Michae-Lynn but she's fine. I got her medicine and her fever broke a couple minutes ago. She's fine." I said. "Yes but." My mom said. "I've done it all so why don't you guys get you hair done and nail finish then comeback." I said. Pushing them out. It going to a long night.

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