A thief

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Michael pov
I was rewinding the tape. I can't believe it was Chloe. She's a little younger and I know she is struggling but why take things from nippy. I went through my stuff and realized some of my shirts are missing. I had to go make a surprise appearance and nippy went back to Neverland with the kids. I was in my room asleep. I woke up to Chloe be in my bed staring at me. I hope up. "What the hell are you doing here!" I yelled. "Michael I know you fired me so your wife wouldn't get suspicious." She said. "How in the hell." I said. "I called and told them ya wife sent me to get something g for you and that told me to wait until ya up. "James!" I yelled and they removed her. I called Nippy. It was 3:30 am here in Boston. It 12:30am plus she had the kids.

Whitney pov
The kids were knock out. I was asleep. The phone began to ring. I answered. "Hello?" I said and looked at the time. 12:30 am. I'm about to cuss out somebody. "Whitney?" Michael said. I got up and snuck out the bed. The kids was knock out. "Hold on let me get up so, I don't wake up the kids." I said. I got up and walk out. I grab my baby monitor. I went and check in on prince who was asleep. I went to the office. "Hey sorry about that I had to check in on prince. What are you doing up I mean it's 12:30 In Morning here and it has to be about 3 in the morning or something like that. Is everything okay?" I ask knowing it a dumb question. "Are you sitting down?" He ask. "Yes I'm in the office." I said looking around like okay. "Whitney once I tell you can't lose it." He said. "Lost what?" I ask. "Your temper. Your sanity and most important just promise you will try to stay calm." He said. "Michael? I promise and where are you because I hear a lot of noise."I said. "I'm coming home." He said. "Michael its late." I said concerned. "Yea but after waking up to find Chloe in my bed." He said. "What?" I said. "Yea she snuck in the hotel." He said. "What." I said. "Yea we need to double check nannies and stuff." He said laughing. "Yea we do and I'll see you soon. Beside I have to clear the bed so you can have a place sleep." I said. "You don't have another man in my bed." He said chuckling. "More like three little bodies who wanted to sleep in your side of the bed, because daddy wasn't here." I said. "Mhmm I know your talking but I love it when you say daddy." He said. "Well I'll see you later on daddy." I said bitting my bottom lip. "Mhmm and I can't wait to see you." He said. "Okay goodnight. See ya soon. Love you." I said. "Love you too Whit." He said. I hung up. I look at my pjs. I had to change, because I look like a grandma. I got the kids in their bed. Put Prince in the other crib. J cleaned up the clothes. I mean I have fully unpacked put stuff. I went ahead clean up everything. I took a shower and shaved.

I was waiting on Michael. I knew he might be a little tired but I didn't want him to arrive to a mess. It's was now 5. I had a robe on. I look out the drive way to see car lights. It was still dark out. I was so happy he made it home. I was in a robe and slippers. I open the door. The car pulled up. The security team and people got the luggage. He thanked them. He hugged me. "Where are the kids?" He ask. "They are asleep but if you." He cut me off with a kiss. "I can wait besides I just wanted to see my beautiful wife." He sad picking me up. "What about the luggage?" I ask. "Put it in the Closet!" He yelled and he carried me up stairs.

I woke up to Michael up. I got dress. He was planning a day for the kids. "Okay then  they go to the zoo." He said. "Okay." Another person said. "Look just be careful I know you work with Chloe but don't allow her around the kids." He said. "What's going on?" I said looking at them. "Ummm." Michael said. "There no umm just tell me." I said. "Chloe got in the house." He said. "Okay what happen?" I ask. "Can you take a moment please." He said to the other nanny, Emily and she nodded. He walk me to the office. I noticed something happen. "What happen?" I said. "Ummm she got in the here and she laid herself out on there couch. She was umm doing something in approach and Michaelynn saw her. I was fixing the kids foods." He said. "Where is my baby?" I yelled. "She fine. She didnt see any body parts she just heard things and uhh. She's okay." He said. "No the hell it not mike. She's will not be okay." I yelled. He looked at me. "Where the hell is my daughter." I yelled. I went to her room. She was playing with her baby dolls. I hugged her. "Mommy?" She said. "I know. I just missed you do you okay." I ask. She nodded. "Okay well why don't you finished up?" I said. She nodded. She seem a little spooked.   "Mike what happened?" I ask. "She told her she's her mom and that." I cut him off. "That Bit." Michael cut me off. "Kids!" He yelled. "I don't give a damn! She messed with the wrong one. She thinks she crazy well she had yet to meet, Whitney Elizabeth Houston as knows as Nippy. From Brickcity. I promise you I will kill her Michael? Either tell the security to bulk up of set aside and make sure you have bail money." I said. "God help us." Michael mumbled.

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