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Whitney pov
I've be having false alarms a lot. Micheal made me stay at home. My mom had been by my side. I was currently relaxing. My baby girl had been so active and the baby isn't making it any better. Micheal had been awarded with many awards as well. He had to go and accept a couple of awards. He stayed home with me. My mom was here. I was relaxing. My eyes was almost close until my mom came in. "Whitney they are going live in a couple of minutes to the people choice award!" She said. I told her okay. "Awe is the baby giving you the blues." She ask. "I'm just ready for it to get here." I said rubbing my pregnant tummy. The people came and set up. I was so relive had a facial to day. I had my make done.  Micheal came in and supported me. I had a ear piece to hear what the person was announcing. So I listen and see if I won. Normally they tell us before but they haven't told me anything. It was last minute. "And you favorite new video is Whitney Houston I will always love you. Alright Whitney is not here cause she had to choose  between flying to accept this award. Or giving birth to Micheal Jackson's baby. Which she already gave birth to one and now she gave birth to another. She had a beautiful girl named Michea-Lynn and uh she had another on the way. They trying to break the Jackson record for the most children. Micheal always have to better then his siblings so he said f it, let try for twelve. It not like they haven't broken record before. I mean dang. Well of course we didn't want to bring the mother here and uhh put her at risk. Or her baby girl you know Micheal is over protective. He said no. (He did an impression) So she's at her house in Jersey. Well here Whitney at the house talking to us." He said. The announcer said. I try not to laugh. Micheal was holding our baby girl. She was being so good. She was lying on her daddy's shoulders. I look at at the camera and held the award. I smiled. I giggle at the presenter. "Thank you so much. Thank you all really.I'm sorry I couldn't be there  with you tonight. I am ugh having a baby any day now. I'm expecting my second child and as a matter a fact I could have it right here. No uh I would have love to been there, but I thank you all for this very special award." I said. My mom came in with another award. "Hey Whitney." My mom said. "Hey ma." I said. "The American people also voted you their favorite female musical  performer. I like to say I'm really proud of you and proud of the things you accomplish in your life, and uh now you're going to become a mother, again and uh now you know what it all about." She said making me laugh.we both said thank you. "Thank you again everybody. This is very special to me and it thank you. Also I would like to thank my husband, Micheal, because he is very good to me and very supportive. Very unselfish and thank you and I love you."I said, reaching out my hand. He walk over with baby girl. He interned our finger and kissed my hand. He said he love me too. His voice was deeper than his fans are usually to. So I knew they might say something. "I love you too ma and my oldest baby. So thank you guys so much." I said. "Mama!Dada!"My baby said pointing to the camera and lights. My mom giggled. I smiled and so did Micheal. They cut it off. They began to cut down they light and stuff. I was feeling exhausted. "Micheal and mother I'm heading to bed. I'm so tired." I said. They nodded. I have the award to my mom. Micheal had baby girl and help me up the stairs. I got in bed and went straight to sleep.

Micheal pov
Nippy passed out as soon as she hit the bed. I took off her shoes and cover her up. I went and took Princess a bath. Cissy came and help. Michea-Lynn was falling asleep, so I called her. "You think she's sick?" Cissy ask. I shrugged. "She didn't eat much today and she felt a little warm." I said. She nodded. I went and ask the nurses. The nurse said she was coughing and had a little fever early in the morning. They gave her some medicine. "Listen tell all the nurses that if she even sneezes I should be notify. " I said. They nodded. I wrapped her up and Cissy and I got her ready for bed. I tuck her in. I took a quick shower and put on pjs.  I check on nippy and then our daughter. She felt kinda warm. I took her to nippy and is room. I notify her night nurses and nanny. I put sock on her feet. I laid her on they bed. I kissed my wife and met forehead. I laid down and try my best to sleep but I couldn't I was worried about baby girl and my wife.

Whitney pov
I heard pacing . I turn toward Micheal side. I felt a small body. I open my eyes to see Micheal pacing and my baby girl in my arms. "Baby whats a matter and why is baby cakes in here?" I ask. "She's sick and I just want you and her to be okay." He said. "Okay." I look down to see baby girl having sweat on her noise  and she's sleeping peacefully. "Well the fever broke and in fine can you do me a favor and come back to bed. You'd stressing me out." I said with his face not look at me. He came over and laid opposite of our baby girl. He kiss her forehead and mine. He kissed my stomach. He wrapped his arms around me and princess as we all drifted back to sleep.

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