Ths bodyguard premier

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2 months later
Whitney pov
I was super nervous. Michael decided to come but only in disguise. He didn't want people to draw attention from me. I was getting dress. Baby girl is going too. She's going to come with daddy. Micheal said he going to enter from back. She had a mask on. I was going to have Gary escort me. I go on the red carpet only to have someone following. I turn to see Bobby brown. I had people ask me question and people yelling my name. My brother help me. I answer a couple questions. I was so tired. We enter the theater. I sat down. I felt someone sit besides me. I look to see both of them wearing hoodies and glasses. "Mama!" I heard her scream. We had shush her. She laid on my shoulder. I kiss her cheek. Michael had gave her to the nanny who took her back to Neverland. He help my hand. I was super nervous. The opening credits began to play. I could feel the baby moving around. I place Michael hand on my tummy. "Aww little man is very excited." He said. "It's a girl." I said. He laughed. Everyone know Michael laughs. So people began to look around. "Mike?" Magic Johnson said. He took off his glasses. "I wanted the attention on my wife not on me." He said kissing my cheek. "Okay so let's keep this a secret." I say. Everyone nodded. My mom sat beside me. "So did y'all." I cut him off. "We used a body double for some sexual parts." I said. He nodded. The movie began to play. I thought it was pretty good. Michael was a little upset on the kissing scenes. I could see he was clinching his jaw on some parts. I laid my head on his soldiers.
2 hour laters
I was so nervous but at eased. I did it. I stared in a movie and done a good job. Micheal was the first to stand up clapping. "Yes." I could hear people clapping. "I think it only far that Whitney say a few words after the movie." Kevin said. Micheal helped me up. "Thank you but really Kevin force me into it and my husband Micheal supported me. Dolly and just everyone wow. My mom, Katherine, latoya, just everone thank you. Also to the head of my life my heavenly father...." I said. Bobbi was getting up."Thanks and God bless. I said. Micheal was standing behind me. He told me how would be waiting im the limo. I nodded. I went to the restroom. I was washing my hands. I look up to see Bobby Brown staring at me. "What do you want!" I said. "A possibility that if you and mike don't work out. You give me a chance. I mean im better than mike and Jermaine" He said. I scoffed. "Hell to the naw. I am happy. So please leave me alone!" I sais grabbing my purse and walking out the restroom. He yelled he will always love me and Janet. I wanted to vomit. The paprazzi was snapping pictures as I left. I got in car . Micheal was sitting where they couldn't see him. I got in the car. It was silence. I was debating about rather or not to tell him. "Youve showed madonna."he said. I smiled and nodded. He study me. "What weong Nip?" He said looking upset. He looked stressed out. "Nothing. Just taking all this in." I said. He nodded. He sat beside me. He caress my stomach. "How the baby." He ask. "Its fine moving." I said smiling. "You know I dont think I told you. Thank you for caring my babies and being an excellent mom." He said. I smiled. "Thank you for supporting me. Loving me. Help me make these incredible babies." I said kissing his lips. He kiss my lips amd pulled back. "We should stop." He said.

We got home. I was exhausted. Micheal woke me up. He help me to our room. I sat on the bed. He took off my shoes. "What would you like to sleep in?" He ask. "Anything you get me is fine." I said. He just look at me. Brought out a lot stuff. I got some sweatpants and micheal tshirt. He help me get out of my dress. "You know you don't have to wear anything." He said. He caress my back. My dress wasnt completely off yet. He was kissing my neck. "Micheal." I moaned. "Nippy." He said in my ear. He undid his shirt. He turn me around. I kiss his lips. "See this is why yall having all these kids." Janet andRobyn said. "What? When?" I said. He smiled. Micheal said hi. I told them to give us a minute. "Only 1 minute." They said.

Micheal pov

Whitney went to put on some comfortable clothes. I went down stairs . "So janet is it true that you and Renè ade married?" Robyn says. She nodded. "I was hopping you didnt but you did. Man dang it latoya and now you. Just dont have a baby. God help us." I said. Janet laughed. "Why bother when you and nippy having the, back to back." She said. "Well if you so called me ms.jackson if you nasty. Boy you going to be pushing one out soon."Robyn said. We laughed. Nippy was wobbling down stairs. "Are you ready to have a baby?" Janet said. Nippy smiled. "Im ready for that and more." Whitney said. "So what are we talking about?" She said. "About how the jacksons are freaks in the sheet. Ms. Janet is call me ms.jackson if ya nasty while micheal is keeping it in the closet." Robyn said. Whitney chuckled. I carresses her tummy. "What yall think you having?"Janet ask. "I want another girl but a boy will be good." Whitmey said. "Micheal what you want?" I ask. "I need a boy. Princess is so sassy and.... woah." I said. "Speaking of Princess...I'm going to check on her." I said. I kiss nippy cheek. I open the door to see her sleeping peacefully. I kiss her forehead. I went to see the girls heading upstairs. My body was so drained. "Okay good night dunk and Robyn. Yall know the rooms." Whitney said. I said goodnight. Whitney laid down on her side. I laid beside her. I wrapped my arms around her. I kiss her cheek. I could tell she had alot on her mind. She was laying her head on the pillow. "Nip? Whats a matter?" I said. "What if I wasn't good enough." She said. "Let just wait and see. I think you were perfect." I said. She turn and look at me. I kiss her lips. "I love you." She said. "I love you most." I said. She smile. We both let the sleep take over our body.

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