A Great Team

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Hi people! How are you? Quick shout out to Ella and Violet who are probably mad at me, as I told them that I would upload about two chapters this weekend (yesterday specifically) 😬 Sorry about, but here you go!

I hope you guys have a great Halloween! So this brings me already to the question of this chapter: what are you going/did you go as? I am going as Hermione from Harry Potter!

So I have two big announcements to make. Number one: at the end of November, I have my end of year exams, so I will be very absent on here because I need to study, so I am really sorry. I won't be able to update for about 2/3 weeks, but I promise you, once it is over, I will come back with everything and update probably as much as I updated when I entered my Winter holidays!

Number two: I am seriously thinking of changing the name of this story. This is because I feel like this story has gone very far from the initial "Treat You Better" concept, without counting that this story had a lot of changes from my initial plan, which was much more truthful to that concept. So I was thinking of renaming it to "Make A Wish". I think it has much more of the story in it, don't you think? Besides, when I started this, it was about a week or two after Shawn released that song. And now, there ate 17383729373947 fanfics with that name, and even if they have completely different plots from mine, still... Please tell me your opinion on this title matter! I am trying to let you guys have the final decision, so please comment below, I would really appreciate it! 😊

Now back to the story. I will update as much as I can before my full on studying starts, I promise!
Sadie's POV:

"Hey." I say as I enter Aaliyah's room after a long day of getting to know Pickering, and see her lying on her bed. She was looking at her phone, but when she sees me, she locks it and flops it beside her on her bed.

"Oh, hi Sadie! So how was it?" She asks me, sitting up. I sit down on my mattress and smile.

"It was fun. I missed doing these things, like actually being together for once, you know?" I answer kind of dreamily, and realize it probably was boring and weird for her to hear me say these things about her older brother. So I decide to change the subject. "And how was your thing with your friends? Weren't you going to the cinema?" I ask, and soon regret it, when Aaliyah's face suddenly drops.

"Um, I ended up not going..." She answers.

"But why?" I ask, knowing that something was wrong.

"Well, I texted them and called them to invitel them to hang out, but they just ignored me."

"Maybe they just didn't see the messages, or were nowhere near their phones?"I ask, trying to come up with valid reasons for what she just said.

"No, I know they saw my texts, and that they were with their phones, as they were close enough to them to put on their snapchat story a video of them in the mall together." She answers plainly, as if it didn't bother her, but her eyes said something else.

Suddenly, I am put in her shoes as I remember my first year at the school I am in now, and maybe even what still happens to this day. I mean, I never really had the guts to actually ask my friends to hang out as I felt like I was annoying them (and whenever I did they ditched on me), but I did know the horrible feeling of knowing that your friends were out together once again and never even thinked of asking you. Because it is sad to know that you consider some people your best friends to the point that they are the first people you think of when you think of calling someone to hang out, but they just see you as just another friend.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now