Pt. 10 Baby time

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You and Ethan have been trying to have a baby for the past two years now and each time it was a fail. Until you were two months late with your period but they were already irregular. You told Ethan and both of you went to the drug store to by a pregnancy test.

That five minutes you had to wait was killing the both of you. This is something you hope and pray no one ever has to go through. You sat on the floor with your head resting on your knees facing towards the door. Ethan sat on the toilet, staring blankly at the tests.

"You okay?" He asked and you shook your head just wanting to know the answer already. He swiftly sat on the floor having me sit on his lap. You put your face in the crook of his neck nerve.

The timer went off and both of you quickly got to your feet. You grabbed the test getting shaky picking up the stick. "You look." You handed Ethan the pee stick and as he took a quick look at it then back at you.

You waited for him to tell you the bad news because each time wasn't a big surprise. He stood silent for away. Tears were brought to your eyes already knowing what the test said.

"We're having a baby!" He mumbled. You head shot up and looked at him. "What?!" You took the pee stick away from him and took a look for yourself.
You screamed to the top of your lungs out of excitement. "We're having a baby!" You hugged Ethan tight and he picked you up and spun you around. He pressed his lips against yours making your smile bigger.


You and Grayson have been married for about a month now. You both promised your guys parents that you'll wait until marriage to have sex but with Grayson's looks, that didn't happen. We always promised we'll wait at least a year both having a kid.

What Grayson nor our parents know is that You haven't had my period in three months.

You snuck out of the house one day we'll Grayson was at work to get a ultrasound. You invited your bestfriend, (y/b/n) because he/she's been there since day one and you wouldn't want to have anyone else there, we'll maybe Grayson but you wanted to make sure you were actually pregnant and not just have an irregular period.

The wait was horrible. They called your name and both of you went to the back.

They lady put the jelly stuff on your tummy. She searched around for the baby. Your fingers were a crossed as she look for the baby. You squeezed (y/b/n) hand as you heard the heart beat of your baby. A little tear slipped from your eyes as you softly said to yourself, "I'm pregnant."

After the lady cleaned your belly she asked if you wanted picture and you nodded your head.

You guys both waited for the pictures then headed back home.

You shot Grayson a text message that you have a surprise for him at home.

"Babe I'm home." Grayson said hanging up his keys then went to give a kiss. "Whats the surprise?" He asked looking around the living room confused because there was no one or anything new about the house.

You went to the kitchen opening the kitchen drawer and pulled out the envelope that held the picture.

Before you handed him the envelope you grabbed your phone ready to record his reaction.

"Here." You said as you pressed record. He smiled as he tour the side of the envelope and pulled out the pictures. "Whats this?" He asked turning the pictures around and taking a look.

A smile appeared on his face. He looked up at me and then back at the pictures. "No way!" He said looking at me. "I'm pregnant." You smiled and made him laugh.

"We're having a baby?" He asked and you nodded your head. "Babe if this is a prank I'm never talking to you again."

He came up and hugged me, giving me a hug and a kiss. "I love you and soon to be baby dolan." He kneeled down giving my little baby bump a kiss. "I want a girl." He look up at you and you smiled.

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