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You've know Ethan since grade school. He was always picked on and bullied, nothing ever seemed to make his day so one fine day you had went up and decided to be his friend. And since then, you two were inseparable. Until highschool hit. Ethan had got into sports and became the school's hottie. Sophomore year was when he was fully disappeared from your life. You had no one after that. Things got rough and rumors had quickly spread about you. You didn't know how to handle it without your rock.


Ethan had ran the school with his group of friends and his girlfriend right by his side. As I sat alone with my earbuds in. Being the main jock at our school, he was quick to change. We went from being best friends to strangers. He had left in a heartbeat. "Ass looking tight." Then there's a new kind of kind species at my school. Like Ryan Moreberry. His parents have so much money that doing wrong doesn't apply to him. "Please leave me alone." I can push him away all I want but he just never leaves. A little thing had happened and he thinks he owns me.

He shoved inbetween a useless hall between the lockers. Dragging his hands under my shirt and touching my breast. As his other hand was holding me against the wall by my neck. I closed my eyes shut and waited for it to all end. But it felt like a lifetime. "Ryan please stop." Getting mad at my requested he tighted his hand on my neck, not allowing me breathe. "Tell what to do again." His grip got worse, I was begging for air. "And it will be much more than this." Shoving me against the wall and he tapped his hand against my cheek. My eyes were watery but I didn't want him to think I seem weak. "Be ready for a fun time after school." He grabbed me aggressively before leaving a soft kiss on my forehead. Ryan Moreberry does have a heart, it just is never shown properly. I learned the hard way.

Walking out of the hall a few minutes after Ryan, I looked both ways and had saw Ethan to my right. He gave me an upset look. Like this is what I want my life to be on a regular basis. I wrapped my sweater around my body, grabbed my bag and headed to class.

Once the last bell had rang, I quickly gathered my stuff and tried meet with Ryan, so things don't end up bad on my end. "Raina." Ethan had caught me before leaving class. Making me stay a few extra minutes. "Why don't I take you home today?" Ryan was waiting outside of class, watching me talk to Ethan. So I kept my distance, not wanting to take any chances with him. "I'm fine, thank you Ethan." Walking away he tried to call for me again but I didn't pay attention, I just wanted to get today done and over with.

"What the fuck was that!" Ryan had pushed me when we got to his house, walked in and shut the door. I had fell on the floor, hurting my wrist. He helped me up off the ground just to cause more pain. "With Dolan, really?" Not physical, but emotional this time. Giving me a lecture as to why he would be the wrong person to go after. But he didn't know him like I knew Ethan. No one does. "He's a family friend. Just offered me a ride home." Trying to explain but that made it worse for me. It just pissed him off and he got physical. Hitting me multiple times, getting me on the ground, wanting me to beg for my life.

"You've always been really pretty. Sad no one sees it." He said cleaning me up before doing what he brings me over here everyday for. Sex. I learned to just give him what he wants if that involves keeping me safe. Ryan uses me for his needs and punching bag. Has a bad week because his parents, takes it out on me. Get rejected by a girl, takes his sexual frustration out on me. My parents have even fallen for his act, he introduced himself as my boyfriend to them. They think he's the sweetest thing. Looking past my bruises I come home everyday with.
"Stopstopstop Ryan please!" I begged as he forced himself inside of me. He caressed my thigh as he pulled out. "What? What's wrong?" I closed my legs and faced the other way, grabbing the pillow and pulling it to my chest. Not giving him an answer, he had took the hint. Handing me clothes, allowing me to shower and change. To get comfortable in his house for once.

Laying in his bed, quiet and calm, he cuddled me. Something he never does because he plays this hardass role at school and carries it back home. Feeling oddly safe in his arms, I grew comfort and had almost fell asleep. Then I heard a door slam, his Mom was home. Wanting to get out of there before he was completely embarrassed by me, I got out of his bed and started to change back into my day clothes. "Where you going?" He asked. As I tried to answer, he got off his bed and I flinched. Thinking that he was going to hit me. "It's fine, I'm not going to hurt you." He kissed my forehead, "Maybe it's time for you to meet my Mom." I gave him a confused look. Ryan never wanted me to meet his parents or siblings. This is a whole new side to him.

"Finally get to meet one of Ryan's girlfriends." His Mom took one look at me and that was her reaction. "You must be Raina, Ryan talks about you all the time." She gave me a hug, I was surprised, about many things. Just couldn't get my thoughts together. "Are you staying for dinner?" She asked, going back into the kitchen, waiting for me to answer. "We have plenty of food." I looked at Ryan, wanting to know how to answer. But he gave me no clue or hints. "My Mom actually wants me home for dinner. But thank you."

Heading back up to his room, everything changed, his attitude and the way he was treating. Being friendly and treating me like a normal person. But more like a girlfriend. He wanted me to stay for dinner, he wanted to keep on his clothes he let me borrow. It was like a whole different side of him. And I was actually falling for it. 

Text Convo between Raina & Etee

Ethan: You date assholes now.
Raina: I'm not dating anyone.
Ethan: You going to Ryan's after school and him grabbing your ass says otherwise.
Raina: Why is that any of your business?
Ethan: You're a sister to me Raina, course things like this are going to be my business.
Raina: Well this isn't.
Ethan: So you and Ryan are together?
Raina: Why does it matter Ethan?
Ethan: Because people are saying he physically hurts you. And I can't have anyone messing with you like that.
Raina: And you believe them?
Ethan: No, I believe what he's done in the past to girls.
Raina: The only person who hurts me is you Ethan. You left me and this is how you're making a come back, acting like you give two fucks about me, when you actually don't.
Ethan: Rai, are you serious? This is how it's gonna be?
Raina: It's been like this, good night Ethan.

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