Over the Honeymoon Stage

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You've been in a relationship with Ethan for a little more than four years. Only 20 years old and both are very pure... kind of. With things moving nicely, the two of you moved in with eachother in a two bedroom apartment and supporting one another. Getting a little more comfortable with eachother by the moment. Including all the prank wars and little surprises, things can get a little out of hand.


"Ethan!" I placed the groceries on the counter along side my bag. "Ethan!" I called once more, roaming around the house looking for him. Not seeing him in the room or even in the guest, I knocked on the bathroom door and he wasn't in either. "Ari, where'd your dad go?" I pick up Ari, our baby puppy and walked over to the couch. Jumping around and playing with his chew toys, he crawled over my lap and squeezed himself in the little space from my thigh and the arm of the couch. Taking a nap. I pulled out my phone and saw that there was not even a single text message from him. When he usually keeps me updated on everywhere he goes.

Waiting out the night and keeping myself busy. I showered and cooked myself up dinner and made Ethan a plate. It was around 8 and he still wasn't home. Getting homework done and getting sleepy, I picked up Ari and brough him to bed with me. Since it's a little weird sleeping alone after you've been sleeping with someone for so long. Watching a few episodes of vampire diary, I ended falling asleep with the company of Ari's nasty farts in my face.

Midnight to 1, I had woke up and walked out into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle then to head back to bed. The front door had creek open and my heart stopped. I turned on the light and saw Ethan slip right in. "You're still up?" He walked over and kissed the top of my head. I nodded and took a slip of water. "Well. Just woke up."
Ari had came down the hall barking, jumping with excitement to see Ethan. Staying in silence while Ethan warmed up his spaghetti from earlier. I leaned on the counter and chewed the top of my water, looking at Ethan, seeing that something was off about him. "What's on your arm?" I pulled his plate out of the microwave. Ignoring my question. I had walked over to him, seeing the light reflect off whatever was on his arm. As I was about to reach for his arm, he pulled away. "What are you doing?" He gave me a dirty look, placing his food down. "What's that?" I pointed, he pulled down this sleeve. "Oh, so we're playing this game. Okay." I walked away, grabbing my water bottle with a smile. "Bup, come on." Ari had followed me to the room, completely forgetting about Ethan and his food. "Really Em? It's almost two in the morning." Shutting and locking the door, I got in bed and turned on Netflix.

Ethan's POV

"Sleep on the couch!" She yelled after locking me out of our bedroom.

I finished up my food before trying to sneak my way into being able to sleep on MY bed for tonight. Finding out the door was unlocked was a relief. She was fast asleep and her little side kick was laying with his head resting on her back up watching me. I walked straight into the bathroom after grabbing clothes to shower. "Ari, is your Mom awake?" I dried my hair off then looked down at him. He tilted his head, as if he doesn't know what I was talking about. "Good, because she would kill me if she saw this." Rubbing the ointment on my fresh tattoo. I pulled on my shirt and hung up my towel, ready for bed. "Really." Just as I took one step of of the bathroom, I was forced back in.

She pulled up my sleeve, "That's what you were hiding." I nodded my head, surprised about her reaction to my tattoo. Taking a quick minute to examine it, she then just nodded her head and walked out of the bathroom. "You're still sleeping in the livingroom." I threw my head back, groaning, not wanting to play this game that she's enjoying. "Then you're coming with me." I pulled her by her legs then carried her to the livingroom, bringing our comforter along. "How is this fair?" She wrapped her arms around me as I walked out into the livingroom. About to lay her out on the couch but Ari had already made himself comfortable, beating me to it. "Babe, your damn dog."
"He's still a baby Ethan, leave him alone." I had carefully brought her to her feet, letting her look at Ari and baby him for like ten minutes. "He's a brat!" I said as she brought him over to his doggy bed, wrapping him up in the blankets. "You are too, but you dont hear me saying anything."

I crossed my arms and looked around,  realizing that my girlfriend probably actually hates me.

"Get your ass up and go to the room." She grabbed the blanket and pointed her finger. Not complaining about being comfortable, I got my ass up and took it over to the room, not planning to get my ass beat tonight. "Are we gonna cuddle?" I asked, helping her place the comforter back on before we had got in back. "No, sleep on your side." Really not having her games, I grabbed the extra pillows and made a wall between the two of us. "Okay, now this is just racist."

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