Drunken Nite

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Grayson's POV

"You're pre-gaming, already?" I shook my head, taking my pizza and sitting down at the table, minding my own business while my girl enjoyed her girls night. Being in college and locked down, I do let Rik from time to time go out to big massive parties like these, other nights she just stays in and we invite friends to have a kickback. But tonight is one of those big massive party nights. Which I hate. She dresses up all cute, pretty revealing but again, that's none of my business on girls night. To me, it's just her living her best college life to the experience. Ethan doesn't necessarily agree with how I allow her to go out half 'naked' but if she feels good about herself, got to support. 

Getting her to drink some water and eat a little bit of food, one of her friends came over of course with more alcohol. Being a helicopter partner, I made sure that she was keeping hydrated as well.
Soon all her friends had met up at the house and now were making sure that they had got something to eat and drink. But when I tried and take care of her, she didn't let me.
"We're gonna leave." Getting me from my room, I got out of bed and gave her a hug. Having a gut feeling that something might happen. "Looking-looking pretty sexy if you ask me." Grabbing her butt, she laughed slightly pushing me away. "No seriously, you single or looking for a quickie." Just being annoying, I gave her a kiss and just did a quick run down on what I usually tell her before she goes out. "I love you, be safe. Dont drink out of anyones drink or anything anyone offers you. Keep you cup with you 24/7. Call me if anything." Holding her for a little while longer, she wiped the excess lipstick off my lips. "Will do boss. Love you."

Waiting just a few hours, I had got a text from Rik and just as I expected. She drank one too many drinks.

Erika: Dude, hey!!!!
Gray: Yes?
Erika: Someone gave me their phone and said text you.
Erika: Said you were cute an single.
Gray: Idk about the single part. But thanks
Erika: Dang that sucks. Welp
Erika: Let me tell her.
Gray: How bout you? Single
Gray: Cause those snaps you sent me. Looking kinda cute. And that booty pic. Enjoyed it.
Erika: I have a boyfriend you sick ass. I hate guys like you. Always going after girls who aren't interested.
Erika: Didn't you even say you were taken. Even worse. Ugh. Hate boys like you



Leelah: Gray, uh, come get your girl. She drank a little too much. And now is trying to fight everyone.
Gray: I'm down the street. A friend of mine that went texted.
Leelah: come quick, she's determined to fight tonight.
Gray: Be there in 5

Speeding down the street, I parked just two houses down and ran my way to the house. Leelah had her outside, standing right in front of her holding her back. Both of the idiots were screaming and yelling at eachother. Just as I was going to pull Erika away, she pushed past Leelah and attempted to get the other girl.
"And back home we go." Throwing her over my shoulder getting an emotional waves of 'boos' and cheers, Leelah and the other two followed me back to the car. Leaving whoever else to drive their way back to my place.
Being aggressive and hitting me several times, I managed to safely get her in the car.

Helping me out with the crazy drunk, she once again started throwing hands. Taking one or two good swings to the face, I refrained from just sending her home with Leelah because there was no chance in hell that I was going to even deal with her tonight. "No, I'm not- Stop touching me!" Screaming and shouting, making our neighbors think we are murdering someone, I picked her up and threw her ass inside, tried of her acting up.

Thanking Leelah, she had retired from the night and went home, leaving me to deal with satan herself. Within time she was still agressive, smacked me a few times but I still managed to get her showered and take her makeup off, as well as clothing her. "You're a good person my kind sir." Crawling into bed, not laying the proper way I sighed and once again got ready for bed myself.
But that didn't happen.
Throwing up everything shes ever ate and drank in her entire life on my bed including myself, that was where I was about to draw my line with her. Cleaning it all up, I sent her to the livingroom with trashcan and a blanket, so she can attempt to fall asleep somewhere.


Spending the morning and afternoon, icing my face and laying in bed, Rik had came in acting like she was all innocent and Leelah didn't catch her up on a single thing that happened last night. Coming up and giving me a hug, I jokingly pushed her away. "Go brush your teeth. I'm not giving you a kiss or accepting your apologies until you do so." Not listening to what I said and coming in to give me a kiss, I pushed her away with my foot and kept her at the distance. "Go." Whining, she walked into the bathroom and did as I asked, including a shower and getting dressed for today.
"Ew, you're ugly." Laughing hard as she came out of the bathroom looking like a wet rat. Mimicking me, she grabbed the pillow and threw it at me. "Wow, you've been abusive lately." Grabbing her waist and pulling her towards me, she smiled. "No one told you to get in my way." Lifting up my chin to see my bruise that she had violently given me last night. "No, but" pulling her up onto my lap and holding her there, "Have another drunken night and that's where your fun ends."

Dolan Twins Imagines And PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ