Childhood Friend pt.6

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You waited several hours for Ethan to respond but just never did. Leaving you not knowing what to do. Keeping this secret just between you, Grayson and your brother. It's two months later and you obviously can't hide your little baby bump much longer.


Conversation w/ Nate

Skye: So I got some news.
Nate: What is it?
Skye: Please don't freak out.
Nate: I won't. We're engaged and have our own little family with your brother and sister. What can make me freak out.
Skye: I'm pregnant.
Nate: You're what? Oh my God. Wait?
Skye: What 😂
Nate: How far along?
Nate: Holy shit! I'm excited.
Skye: Two months.
Nate: We're gonna have a baby?
Skye: Yeah.
Nate: Holy shit! This is insane

Struggling to tell him the truth had just made me feel so stupid. How does a person fuck up this much and hold it in this long. I called off the wedding, Ethan and I still don't talk, my brother won't even talk to me anymore. Everything is just falling into several pieces and I'm no longer the glue to keep it all together.

Conversation w/ Grayson

Skye: I told Nate.
Gray: Does Ethan know?
Gray: Please tell me he knows.
Gray: What did you get yourself into?
Gray: This is literally horrible.
Skye: E won't even answer my calls or text. Being with Nate scared him away 😔 Now my bestfriend is gone.
Gray: That's a lie. Ethan will never leave you and you know this. He just needs some time to process you being engaged and finally moving on.
Skye: It's been two months Grayson.
Gray: Don't lose hope.
Skye: I just want him back.

Conversation w/ Ethan and Gray

Gray: Are you done with your silent treatment with Skye?
Ethan: It's not a silent treatment. I want to cut her out of my life. She means to much to me and seeing her happy with another guy makes me miserable. I love this girl. And she'll never know that.
Gray: Then why are you acting like you are four years old
Ethan: Cause she's pregnant with his baby!
Gray: What?
Ethan: Don't act stupid Gray. I heard your guys phone call the other night.
Ethan: She's pregnant and now I'll never be able to have her. This baby is going to be the reason why she will always stay with Nate. She doesn't want a relationship like her parents. She wants him to be around and have a great family. Something I want to give me but clearly can't anymore.
Gray: Can you just do me a favor and listen?
Ethan: Sure.
Gray: Talk to her. Give her five minutes of your day and fortnite life. She misses you. And the fact that you're pushing her away is making her upset. She loves you E. You said you'll always be there for her and look what you're doing. Being her parents.
Gray: So please Ethan. Talk to her.

Conversation w/ Ethan

Skye: Ethan we need to talk.
Two Months Later
Ethan: I'm here for you.
Skye: I know.
Skye: I just don't get why you keep on leaving.
Ethan: I'm scared.
Ethan: I'm afraid of losing the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm scared that the moment things start to have a slight change, you'll be gone. I fear that one day I'll wake up and you will have your own big family, married with kids. And no longer have time for me. Things will be different and I'll still be hiding in the corner holding in all this love I have for you. But it will be too late because you moved on and grew up.
I'm scared of losing you to someone who doesn't deserve you.
Ethan: I love you Skye. I always have and I always will.
Skye: Ethan...
Ethan: Yes?
Skye: I'm two months pregnant
Ethan: oh... So I am a little too late.

Conversation w/ Nate and Ethan

Nate: So Skye told you?
Ethan: Yup. Congratulations. Hope you got what you think you deserve.
Nate: Oh trust me. I did.
Ethan: You don't deserve her Nate. I see through your bullshit.
Nate: Okay. Your point.
Ethan: Stop playing dumb. You know my point exactly.
Nate: She's pregnant with my kid, we're gonna get married. We already have a house together. Her family loves me. So when are you gonna stop chasing someone who doesn't have feelings towards you?
Ethan: Is this a game to you?
Ethan: Skye's heart isnt some prize to be won. Which you clearly don't understand.
Nate: As long as you don't have it. I'm winning all the time.
Ethan: You'll never beat or replace the relationship we have.
Nate: Don't have too because I already did.
Ethan: Do you even love her?
Nate: 😂😂
Ethan: You're a sick person. Cant believe she fell for your games again. I swear next time I see you..
Nate: What are you gonna do? Because all I need to do is open my mouth and say you threatened me. Then it's bye bye to Ethan Dolan.
Ethan: You're a worthless piece of shit.
Nate: Skye doesn't think so. I mean look at our life. She's having my baby.

Conversation w/ Nate and Gray

Gray: Congrats on the baby bro. I'm proud
Nate: Thanks bud. I was in shocked when she told me.

Conversation w/ Gray and Ethan

Ethan: What aren't you telling me?
Gray: What do you mean?
Ethan: You're hiding something Grayson and I know you are. I'm your twin brother.
Ethan: What's going on?
Gray: Again, what are you talking about?
Gray: Nothing is going on with her.
Ethan: Lair! Just tell me.
Gray: Did you talk to her?
Ethan: Yes.
Gray: Just let her tell you. It can't come from me.
Ethan: Why not?
Gray: Because it's not my business Ethan. Not my place to say.
Ethan: Then why is she telling me it's not too late?
Gray: Again let her tell you.

Conversation w/ Ethan

Skye: I'm two months pregnant
Ethan: oh... So I am a little too late.
Skye: It's not.
Ethan: Skye? What do you mean?
Skye: Please don't be upset. I didn't want to keep it in this long.
Ethan: Skylar spit it out.
Skye: No not like this. I can't do it over text.
Ethan: Babe. Please, I'm tired of running around like this. I poured out my feelings and told you everything. Why are you keeping this from me?
Skye: Because it's not that easy.

Phone call w/ Ethan

"Skye what are you hiding that it's not that easy to tell me?"

"I don't want people to think any less of me."

"Why would I think less of you? You haven't done me wrong."

"Just give me time to think."

"Spit it out already! What are you hid-"

*small pause

"What? What do you mean it's mine?"

"That night you came over and we... I haven't had sex with Nate or anyone else in that matter. The baby. It's yours Ethan."

"I'm having a baby!? I mean, you're having my baby!"

"Yes babe. That's how it works."

"Holy shit! We're having a baby?Wait?"

"I'm not ready for this, what?"

"Does Nate know about us, about the baby?

"That's the hard part."

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