All I Want is You III

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Friends are friends, until they hurt you from the inside out. Grayson hasn't left your side but your step sister has ruined you from the moment they laid their eyes on eachother. But relationships don't always last forever. Will things change?


Grayson's POV

Bells hasn't been giving me the silent treatment for the past two weeks. Refusing to even walk down the same hall as me. And Rae is not making it any better, this feud that they have is making me choose a side. This something I don't like doing. Especially since one is my bestfriend and the other my girlfriend. The whole situation is messed up, I just want to have both of them in my life before neither of them are making this any better.

"Bells!" I had shouted, seeing her quickly walking out of school with her head down and probably earbuds in with music blasting. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me with a huge smile. This was the first time I've seen her even do something as little as smile at me in the past two weeks. Then Kash walked up to her, wrapping his arms around and held her tight. My heart sank. She went up on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss.

After school I went and picked up Rae from her school. Heading back home, not wanting to even hang out with anyone at this moment. "What's wrong with you today? Did something happen?" Rae asked, slightly touching my arm. I had pulled away and switched my arms on the steering wheel. Letting a few minutes pass before apologizing for the reaction. "Did you know she was back with him?" Rae is her sister, out of everyone she would know what's going on. Even though they don't talk, their Dad finds out everything.
She gave me a confused look as if this all news to her. I asked again, "Rae, please don't lie to me. Did you know?" She nodded her head. I leaned back, with my foot placed on the break, waiting for the damn light to turn green. "Why did she go back to that douchebag? After everything he put her through."

Upset with everything; myself, Bells, Rae, everyone and everything. No one would even guess that she would even go back to him. Not in a million years.

"Out of everyone, why him?"

The following day, walking into school, there was some couple arguing. But what's new, couples always argue over the stupidest shit here. Nobody cares anymore.

Another school day had went by and another day of Bells ignoring me completely. It's all becoming apart of a routine. I just don't want to lose her at the end.

"Heyheyheyhey. Bells. Wait. " I had just caught up to her just before she was going to leave. She had stay quiet and looked scared, like someone was after her. Her lip was busted and she had soft bruising on arms and collarbone. "What happened?" I asked, ready to kick someones ass for even laying a hand on her. "Mind your our business Dolan." Kash came up and pushed me away, aggressively grabbing her. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards him. "You fucking touched her." I had nearly shouted, shoving him against the lockers, ready to kick his ass. "Gray, stop. Please." She had stopped me from making such a decision. I looked at her then back at him. "If I find any dirt on you Jenkins, your ass is mine." Grabbing my sports bag off the floor, I looked at Bell and took my keys out of my pocket. "I'm not giving you an option, go." I waited for her to walk in front of me before following right behind her.

The car ride home was quiet but she was very vocal when we got to her house. Screaming at me for trying to protect her. I just stood their and listened to everything that she needed to say. "I love him!" She stated. And the moment she said that, I knew that he had her under some hypnosis because this was not the Bella I know. "This isn't love, Bells. Abuse is not love." I tried explain but she had quickly attacked me for thinking what I know what it is.
"Him physically and mentally hurting you isn't love. You deserve better."

Rae had came over but tonight wasn't the right time to come. With everything that had happened, seeing her wasn't something that I needed in this moment in time. But she had held me for a good while, not saying anything or asking what was wrong. She just knew there was something going on.
"You love her don't you?" Rae whispered. I nodded my head, not even realizing who was asking. She played with my hair and wiped my tears. "Then don't let me stop you from having her." She smiled, I pulled her in for a hug. "Go get her wildcat." I laughed, not having her high school musical references today.

Practicing, what I needed to say to her I pulled up and saw nobody was home. Nervously walking up, her sister had opened the door and was leaving in a rush. "I can't talk right now Gray. Bella is waiting for me." Jessie had sprint to her car pulling out and quickly speeding down the street. Not even thinking twice, I got in my car and tried to catch up to her.

The roads started to become familiar and my stomach started to turn. We were coming up to the hospital. Jessie was running in when I had got there. Getting out, I didn't really know how to approach the situation other than just following Jessie to the hospital to be completely nosy. But when I had walked in, Bella came and hugged me. I just held her as she cried in my arms. "They don't know if she's going to make it." Jessie had broke into tears when the doctor had told her what was going on. Bella had left me and went to give her sister a hug. I stood there in complete shock. The person who basically helped raise me was possibly not going to make it.

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