Over night stays {Grayson}

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"Babe, that's sketchy I'm not doing it." I told Grayson as he walked into some abandoned building. The story behind all this is a girl had committed suicide and there's been a few deaths here. Grayson being the little Dora the Explorer wanted to check it out. Ethan stayed behind at home because he doesn't fuck this shit. This is how Grayson got me to come and check it out with him. He offer food, I said yes. Thirty minutes later we end up here. I'm an idiot. I like food too much. "Y/n it's fine. Just come on." He walked over towards me and held my hand, forcing me into this sketchy ass place with broken windows.

We walked through the first floor and everything was going fine... then glass fell and shattered. "Nope." I turned around trying to get out but bumped into Grayson instead. "You're fine." He wrapped his arms around my waist, securing me. "I hate you." I said before he leaned down and kissed me. We continued looking through the warehouse and the further we went in the noises and all the sounds had just got louder.

Grayson started to climb up to the second floor, leaving me peeing myself and thinking I was going to die on the first floor. "Okay you fucking Olympian. Not all of us can do that." He laughed as he pulled his body up and was safely on the fllor. "Stay there." What the fuck Grayson. I'm scared out of my mind and you're leaving me. Worlds best boyfriend. I was just waving the flashlight around when I saw a figure just standing by one of the open doors. It was gone the second I did so. "Babe, we need to leave now." I whispered but Grayson was long gone.

Grayson's POV 

The abandoned warehouse seemed pretty cool, minus y/n being scared the whole time. Should've just came alone. I was wondering the second floor and there was alot going on. Broken glass, spray paint, it was all vandalized. The moon light was peeking in from the broken parts of the roof, it looked like a scene from a horror film. I continued walking around looking for a staircase or something so y/n can get up were with me but there wasn't one that I was to find.

There was this big opening in the wall and I went to check it out. The look out was amazing from it... then I looked down. "GRAYSON!" Y/n screamed and I hauled ass down to the first floor. Forgot that she was downstairs by herself. Running around the main floor and she was nowhere to be found.

Footsteps where coming towards me by I couldn't see anyone. Heaving breathing echoed and my heart began to race and my eyes were watery. She's missing. "Y/N!" I scared and there was still no sight or noise leading to where she could possible be. I lightly jogged around the place looking for her. Everyone corner and pile I looked in and she was nowhere. Hands grabbed my arms and right as I was going to swing, they spoke. "Grayson we need to leave now." I shined my light on her and the side of her shirt was covered in blood. This made me worried. Before I was able to ask any questions she took my hand and ran out of the building  wincing in pain. Once we reached to the parking lot two miles away she was out of breath and so was I.

"What happened?" I asked once I caught my breathe. She was going through her gym back looking for something before showing me why the side of her body was bleeding a shit ton. "I don't know." She took off her shirt and a big gash was on the side of her body. "Babe, what the hell? What did you do?" I got mad. This is going to look back on my end and her parents are going to think I had something to do with it. We're only visiting for a week and if they see this I'm dead. "I don't know Grayson. I can't remember." She yelled and I just stepped back and let her clean off the gash.

She sat in sat in the front seat, waiting for me to leave. Once I did she started to loosen up and was as scared. The sound of cars and the street lights made her happy. I laced my hand with hers and brought it up to my lips, gently leaving a kiss. "I love you." I mumbled, leaving her hand in my lap as we drive down to her house. "I love you too Grayson."

We quietly walked in her house and up her room. Showered off and got into comfy clothes. It was already 3 in the morning and we have to be up by eight to go to breakfast with her parents. "You left me." She mumbled as I got in the bed with her. I wrapped my arms carefully around her, holding her close. She placed her arms around mine holding them close. "And I promise to never leave you again. I don't know what I would do if I lost my pride and joy." I softly kissed her cheek then cuddled her close. Holding her tight. Y/n is one I do not want to let go of.

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