Starting Our Family

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Starting off the new year, you and Ethan had almost everything you wanted. All your needs were met and you had nothing to really worry about. But things did not feel complete. Something in your life was missing.


Kailee: Ethan...

Ethan: Kailee...

Kailee: So uh..

Ethan: What did you do? How bad and how much?

Kailee: mmmh... that's a very good question. Let me google it.

Ethan: Babe, I'm serious.
Ethan: Kailee! What did you buy? Why do you do shit like this?

Kailee: uh, excuse me but you're the one who bought a beer pong table for 200 just for new years..

Ethan: So what! It was worth it.

Kailee: Nobody even used it.

Ethan: We're not talking about me right now, we're talking about you.

Kailee: WEre nOt tALkiNg AbOUt mE RiGHt NoW

Kailee: WEre nOt tALkiNg AbOUt mE RiGHt NoW

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Ethan: 😑
Ethan: Dont be annoying

Kailee: stfu and get home, I need to show you.

Ethan: I'm getting home around 11, work late then to dinner with my coworkers and Gray.

Kailee: Cool beans, another dinner alone. This is why I got me a little something something.

Ethan: sex toys don't count.

Kailee: that's gross.
Kailee: The only sex toy I have is you.

Ethan: Why? Why do you say this stuff?

Kailee: Why do you use me for sex then leave to go to work?

Ethan: What the fuck do you mean? When have I ever done that?

Kailee: Yesterday


Kailee: Who tf you yelling at?
Kailee: I know for sure it's not me. You're gonna sleep on the couch tonight.

Ethan: Oh my gosh!!!! I might kill you.

Kailee: A long lived dream. When? Where? Time?

Ethan: How have I been with you since we were 16?

Kailee: Good question... let me ask my side hoes.

Ethan: Babe.

Kailee: What?

Ethan: Stop.

Kailee: What?

Ethan: You and your side hoe thing.

Kailee: Why does it make you insecure?

Ethan: You know why.

Kailee: Eth, you know I'm joking. I would never.

Ethan: Return it.

Kailee: Fuck you! I hope you eat shit when walking down the stairs today. And rip your bottoms

Ethan: 😑

Kailee: 🤪

Ethan: 👌🏼

Kailee: 😘

Ethan: 🖕🏼

Kailee: 🍆👅💦

Ethan: You ruin everything

Kailee: 😁😊😚

Ethan: You're lucky that we aren't busy today. And I have no clients.

Kailee: Imma go shower now.

Ethan: Oh wow.

Kailee: Try out my new little friend.

Ethan: Enjoy
Ethan: Oh yeah, by the way, I have a package coming in today. You might getting it?

30 minutes later

Kailee: Get it when you come home you little bitch ass.

Ethan: The dinner was cancelled. Imma come home home right after work.

Kailee: Well, now you can pick up your package.

Ethan: I want a divorce

Kailee: File the papers then.

Ethan: There's times where I do consider it.

Kailee: Imma keep the ring though. Sell it.

Ethan: Okay, you do that.

Kailee: We're not even married. I don't even want to get married.

Ethan: I know you don't.

Kailee: I mean, as of now anyway. One day.

Ethan: I'll keep that in mind.

Kailee: When are you coming home? I'm almost done with dinner.

Ethan: In like 10 minutes

Kailee: Oh shit, maybe I would actually start making dinner.
Kailee: How does spaghetti or homemade pizza sound?

Ethan: Why not both?

Kailee: Choose one or the other Dolan.

Ethan: Is there gonna be pineapple on the pizza?

Kailee: Sardines

Ethan: I'm not coming home.

Kailee: More food for me.

Ethan: I'll see you when I get home.

Kailee: Ew.

Ethan's POV

"Go away!" Kailee had yelled as she heard me walk in and the alarm inform her that the garage door opened. "Good afternoon to you too." I walked up and kissed her on the cheek, picking at the bowl of pineapple that she had sitting out. Walking into our room, I had saw a little something run across the floor and under the bed. Getting on my hands and knees I peeked under the bed to see this little tiny fluffy dog filled with such anger. It snapped at me, taking a small nip at the tip of my nose. "Babe!" I called out. Picking up the little thing and carrying him over to the kitchen. "Mama, what's this?" I asked Kailee. She just smiled and started to giggle as if this was funny. "That's Tommy." She dried off her hands and took him away from me. He pressed his face into her chest and just looked at me. As if he just did the ultimate steal your girl. "Grayson's allergic." Shooting down her dreams and basically making her cry I had honestly felt bad.

Talking it out for an hour, she was doing the most, crying her eyes out and yelling at me when I tried to take the dog away from her. "Ethan, we can just get rid of Grayson." I took the dog away from her and put him on the floor so he can run around and we can have a serious conversation. "Babe stop, you're doing the most." Leaning up against the cupboard as she cried and begged for us to keep the dog. "Hi little guy." Grayson's voice had came in as he walked into the house. "Kay, he's cute." Looking back at Kailee as she had just smiled at me. "You knew about the dog?" Gray nodded his head as he walked in to give Kailee a hug. "She asked because she knew you were gonna say no. So I told her yes."

Later on that Night, Kailee had brought the dog to bed with us since he can't really sleep by himself or on the couch since Graysons allergies would act up.

"Tommy, go lay with your Mom." He walked over and crawled onto my chest, laying on my shoulder. Each time I would grab him and put him with Kailee but he would just come back. "Fine, you can stay, just don't tell your Mom."

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