Suit and Tie 2

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Ooh go on and show 'em who you call daddy
I guess they're just mad 'cause girl, they wish they had it
Ooh my killer, my "Thriller" yeah you're a classic
And you're all mine tonight

Justin Timberlake


Grayson's POV

Tapping my beer bottle on the dining table, not able to enjoy my night with my family due to the fact that Mirela isn't here to enjoy everyone. Checking my phone as it vibrated and placing it back down upset that it was just some notification from some app I no longer use. Now, sliding my bottle from hand to hand, my brother walked into the room. "And you're still sitting here. Mom is looking for you, come on." Grabbing my beer and walking away, I got up and followed. Seeing my entire family being all happy with their loved ones, including my little sister and her boyfriend. "Yes?" With attitude, I grabbed my drink back and waited for my Mom to answer. She reached for my beer and took it away, "How many have you had?" Taking it back, "A half. I haven't finished it." Apologizing, she had explained herself and how worried and concerned she is for me and this 'problem' that I might have. "Mom, my soon to be wife left me and won't even acknowledge the fact that we were together for seven years and about to get married next month because of what happened." Giving me a hug, she held me for as long as she possibly can until someone had ruined the moment. "She'll come around soon baby, promise."

Walking around and seeing my family, giving a friendly smile here and there as well as a hug. It was surprising not hearing them talk about what happened on Saturday night. "See you left the girl at home. Including the alcohol." My Uncle, patted my tummy, ruining my streak of not hearing anything about my drunken mistake. "No, more like she left because the alcohol." Trying to explain it to him, he laughed and said what everyone else, what my Mom had explained to me after taking care of my hungover ass.
Hearing what everyone has been saying about my beautiful queen, I got frustrated. "She doesn't even drink, why is everyone saying this? And we don't have issues! I just had one too many drinks." Now angry, I took my empty bottle and walked into the kitchen, throwing it in the recycling. Debating on wasting my life tonight on alcohol once again.


Walking up the driveway, stumbling on the way, Ethan held me tight. Going back to the empty house, literally empty. We moved into this huge house just two weeks before everything happened so now, it's just me and my thoughts. "She doesn't love me dude." Keeping quiet and not saying a word was probably the smartest thing for him to do in this point of time.
Struggling to open the door, I took the keys from him and did it myself. Or at least tried. The door opened right in front of me, I looked up. "You're home?" I asked, seeing her dressed in her pajamas and wet hair thrown back into a ponytail. Attempting to stand up straight, my body started to fall backwards. "And you're drunk." She pulled on my shirt, wrapping her arms around me to keep me steady. As Ethan kept his hand on my back, walking slightly behind me. "Thank you for bringing him home safe." She mumbled as they got me through the door without taking a fall.

Hearing mumbles, while I was laying face down on the sofa that I didn't know we had until five minutes ago. Running my hand up and down it, liking the texture I heard the door shut. Not paying too much attention, I felt the cushion sink in a little above my head. Her hand was running through my hair. I don't deserve her. "Want to make an attempt to get showered and changed?" She whispered. Placing my hand on her thigh and rubbing my thumb up and down, it just was too comfortable to even move an inch from here. Nodding my head she helped me from the sofa down the hall into the guest bathroom. This wouldn't be the first time she struggled carrying my 200 pound ass a long distance. We've been doing this since we were seventeen, sixteen if you count all the parties that she caught shitfaced at. I've been in love with this girl since she walked in my home room confused. I was the nerdy bench warmer who got the pretty girl. And that will forever be my biggest flex.

Coming into my sober state, I slid my boxers on and slowly grabbed my pajama pants off the counter. This hangover is going to kill me. I walked out of the bathroom to see Mirela making the bed, "I'm washing the bedsheets and these sheets don't fit on our bed so we're sleeping down here tonight." Nodding my head, I hung my towel to dry and helped out making the bed. We, she said we. Not just me but we, we're sleeping down here. Even after what happened the other night she still wants to sleep with me, in the same bed as me.
Laying down the last few pillows I threw my body on the bed, completely exhausted, rubbing my eyes aggressively I sighed. "Just in case you throw up." She placed the bathroom trash bin right on the side of me, her mood had changed and she seemed more upset and angry all I was able to think was, did I do something wrong? Before I was able to ask questions, it was almost timed perfectly, the doorbell rang. Throwing my head back in pain and frustration she left the room to go get it.

"Gray." The tone in her voice sounded so sad, there had to be something wrong. Opening up my eyes and sitting up, trying to regain my clear vision I rubbed my eyes once more before realizing who was there. "Excuse me." Ela's voice had softly asked as she exited her way out of the room. With a few beats of silence my Aunts voice started up, "And you still let her sleep in the house. Disgusting. Look what she got you into. Drinking alcohol, wasting for your precious life away." She sat on the edge of the bed and placed her hand on both my forehead and cheeks. Going on a rant about how I can do so much better, bringing up one of her friends daughters and how beautiful she is, I respectfully declined that offer because I already found someone worthy of spending the rest of my life with.
Hearing the sound of shoes walking on the wooden floor upstairs and the shutting of doors, I excused myself and slowly made it up to our bedroom. "What are you doing?" I asked, seeing that Ela had an overnight bag packed and she had changed from pajama shorts into leggings. "Spending the night at Charlie's house, she's on her way." As she finishes up making our bed she took a seat, dropping her head and twirling the ring on her finger. I've seen this only once before and it wasn't good. It had happened when we first moved in together, an argument that had happened over some stupid rumor that an old friend spread around, put our relationship in jeopardy. Coming so close to losing her, I knew that I never wanted something so stupid to come between us again.

I walked over to her side of the bed, seeing that her eyes were watery but she was trying so hard to fight the tears. "You know your family hates me right." Her voice cracked, "They express it so well and I don't think any of them ever had." Coming to her final breaking point, she did just that, she broke. Trying to comfort her she pushed me away and wiped her tears. Something she had always done, always there for everyone else but once it came to her, it's hard for her accept other people wanting to be there for her. I sat on the bed and pulled her close, allowing her to rest her head on my shoulder, the only comfort Mirela had ever allowed me to give. Sitting there for a moment of silence she got up. "Your mom said she will be staying here for a few days but out of the house most of the time. So.. don't act stupid or too reckless. Ethan and Nat are coming over tomorrow to help with a few things, Nat knows what she doing so just listen to her." Giving me instructions and rules to followed, I listen and paid careful attention, this house is her dream house so if something goes wrong she will be upset.

She walked down the stairs and I followed, sad that as I thought she would be finally back home she's off once again. Holding her bag, I opened the front door for her as she walked out, telling me to stay here because Charlie wasn't my biggest fan right now. As she started to walk away, a few feet away, I had to pull her back; giving a hug that felt like our last. Trying not to be insanely cheesy, I kissed her forehead, "I love you." I mumbled through my lips, resting her head on my chest she mumbled the same words back, "I'll see you soon." nodding my head, I let her go and watched her walk away and get into the car, fuck that really hurt.

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