Miles Away

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You've moved from town to town, state to state. Never knew what home had ever felt like. But you had always stayed in contact with this one boy through thick and thin. His name is Grayson and it was love at first sight... you thought. With the consist moving around, a stable relationship would never last. Plus, the feelings were never the same. But when you finally finished school and was able to move out on your own, going to school and starting a life of your own.


I was walking through my campus, in a rush to get home and start my weekend early. My earphones pressed in my ears and heavy books resting in my arms. "Loe!" Not bothering to look around when hearing the faint yelling of my name, I pulled out my keys. "Loe!" Again, I ignored it. Thinking it was just my mind trying to scare me. "Lara!" This time, I pulled my earphone out and looked, giving attention to the tall Male figure walking right behind me. "Uh.. sorry?" He walked a little closer and closer, I took a small step backward. The light post was closer than expected, "It's me, Grayson." The name hasn't been thought of in over five years, this can't be him. Can it? "From Morristown. We went to highschool together." There was a small smirk on his face. "Dolan?" I asked, squinting really hard trying to make out his face. "Yeah, Grayson Dolan." He walked closer and my eyes were starting to make out his face. "It's been a minute." He gave me a hug, not a loveable hug but an awkward on. "Sorry, I'm still trying to process this- holy crap it's you." Then I went and gave him a proper hug.

Heading out to my car, we had quickly caught up, talking about school and what classes we have and our hours inbetween. "It was nice catching up Grayson. See you around." I gave him a soft smile before turning around and walking the rest of the parking lot alone. "Hey, one minute." Slightly jogging, running across the parking lot, "What are your plans tonight?" Touching down at my car, he placed a hand on the hood. "Just going to head home. Why?" I crossed my arms. "Why don't we... go out." Taking my bag and books, he walked over to the passenger seat and opened the door. "Come on, you can trust me."

Giving my full trust in Grayson, I had hand over my keys and got in the passenger. Buckling in, I rubbed my hands against my jeans, kinda scared of what he had in store. Back in highschool, he was always getting me to go on random ass adventures... which lead to us getting in trouble with our parents. "You hungry? Oh you're starving. I got this." Not giving me a chance to answer, he pulled out of the parking space, then we were off.

We had grabbed burritos from chipotle and a few snacks from the market before heading back to my place.

"Damn Fische, you're a baller." Grayson's voice echoed off the walls of my half filled apartment. Following me into the dining room, to place down the food and put everything else away. "Not really, it's actually fairly cheap." I shouted. Just imagining him roaming around, trying to figure everything completely. "It's only about a nine hundred a month. Which is hard but I have money saved." He nodded his head, sitting down to get ready to finally eat.

Eating and choking on our food, we were having fun like old times. But of course, that was quickly ruined by Grayson's phone ringing and his girlfriend begging him to come over on a Friday night. Typical. Which is completely way we had never worked out. He was always tangled up with someone else. That girl was always more important. "Why don't you-" "No, it's fine." He cut me off, "She's out with her friends." Not believing it, I had still nodded my head. "I'm with her every day of the week. It's not common to run into an old friend."

Going on with the rest of the night.

I had fallen asleep, resting my head on Grayson's shoulder with both of us wrapped in the blanket. He had made a slight movement, waking me up. "Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean too."
"Oh no, it's fine... what time is it?" I asked, looking for my phone on the couch but obviously couldn't. "Late, imma get going." He grabbed his jacket off the chair and put it over his shoulders. "Thanks for tonight, it was fun." He gave me a quick peck on my cheek, "Are you going to be in trouble?" I asked as I walked him out, scared that his girlfriend would come after me if she ever finds out. "Lo, I'm single. Don't worry."

Spending another hour together before he had actually got home to his psycho wifey that doesn't leave him alone.

"If you're looking for a new roommate, let me know." Grayson patted my shoulder as he left me alone. "Well, your in lucky because I actually do." He smiled, not taking me seriously. "See you... later today?" I nodded my head, giving one last hug before he was off.

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