Hurt People II

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Just the thought of him knowing where you lived put you in a bad place. Forcing you to have consist nightmares almost every time you rest your eyes. This gave you trouble on focusing on school and work. Made you fall back into depression little by little. But with something so small made you also have troubles with Grayson.


Grayson's POV

I come home almost everyday with a slight buzz, dealing with Lila and her thought of someone in the house is hard to handle sober. This week is the week Theo is spending time with us while Ethan is out on business. Even though neither one of us are fit to even be watching a kid at the moment, telling him no last minute would just set him back on all his meetings.

But tonight, I'm refusing to come home, the drink in my hand is not going to cost me much as it will if I go home drunk. So I drank myself drunk and got me a hotel. Not caring of the consequences when I show up in the morning hung over.

Watching a group of pretty women from across the bar was pretty exciting, after all I've been in a relationship for the past three years. Just a little fun won't hurt.

Or so my drunk mind thought

Getting this boost of courage, I walked over and took a seat with them, flirting with this very beautiful women. She had soft freckles and the warmest smile. No ring or lockscreen of a guy, why not go for it. "Grayson." I greet, watching her dimples form on her cheeks as she smiled back, "Olivia." We stared into each other's eyes for a moment or two, was I actually about to do this.

Drinking a little more and getting to know Olivia, she seemed like such a sweet girl. Her hand was resting on my thigh as she laughed softly at very cheesy jokes. We ordered another round, this time, she was close to blacking out. I helped her out of the bar and went out for some air. One of her friends stuck by. I wouldn't blame her, if this was my friend, I'd follow along as well. "I really like you Grayson. We should get to know eachother a little more." Her small hand had ran down my cheek all the way to my belt buckle. I stopped her hand and thought for a moment.

Don't do it Grayson! You know this is a bad idea

"You mind if I take her for the night?" I politely asked her friend, she looked at Olivia then back at me before answering my question. "Here's my number. I'll pick her up in the morning." Handing over my phone, I looked at Olivia, she was smiling and letting her hands roam up and down my chest. Grabbing my phone and we left.

Now I was really thinking about it, is isn't worth losing someone I actually love and care about.

"Look, I'm sorry. You're such a beautiful girl and as bad as I want too. I just can't." Getting my phone off the dresser and shirt, I texted her friend. Knowing that this is just the best option rather cheating on my baby. "Who's the girl?" I looked up as she asked, fixing her top and crossing her legs. "Mind if I see a picture?" Letting her look at a picture of Lila she had a light smile appear on her lips. "I wouldn't cheat either. Beautiful girl. Keep her." I nodded my head and thanked her for the compliments.

Car ride back home, I had this guilty pit in my stomach. I needed to tell Lila, whether if it's going to hurt her and hate me or not. She needs to know everything.

Sobering up much more than before, I walked in the apartment and saw Lila and Theo both past out on the couch with some show playing on the tv. I couldn't help but smile at them.
"Come on bup. Let's put you to bed." Carefully picking him up and carrying him to the room, hesitating on even waking Lila to talk to her. "Babe, Lila, can we talk?" I asked, wanting her to know nothing but the truth. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, those beautiful brown eyes. How could I ever even think about wanting to hurt her. "What happened? Where's Theo?" She quickly panicked, before I had opened up and told her that he was in the room, sleeping.

Just opening up and telling her everything, I was really surprised when she had just sat there and listened. Letting me tell my story before blowing up and kicking me out of our apartment for the night.
Once I finished, she got up from the couch and told me to stand up, and so I did. She gave me and hug and held me for a moment. Just breathing softly and keeping myself close to her. My whole relationship with her is to protect the person I love the most and not hurt her, and tonight really tested me.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." She patted my chest then went into our room, bringing out a blanket and pillow. I sat on the coffee table as she did her thing and properly set up the couch for my comfort tonight. "There you go. Goodnight." She pecked my lips, running her hand through my hair and walked away. I watched as she did so, grabbing Theo from the guest and walking over to our room. I let out a chuckle and shook my head. "LOVE YOU!" I shouted, expecting a sassy one back. "GO TO BED DOLAN!" She shouted. This had really made my shitty night.

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