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*Based on Teen Mom 2

After being with Ethan for a few years, things just stopped working out. Ending up in a divorce. The two of you are still fairly good friends and even better co parents. Until he screw it all up and dates a girl you are not so friendly with. And being filmed almost 24/7, this had just made matters worse. Drama was being stirred up when she started tweeting vulgar things towards you and your kids. But you remain mature about the whole thing and didn't stoke to her level.


Heading out to LA to film the newest reunion of the show. And quite frankly, I'm not very excited. Ethan and Kendra are no longer together, which is probably best being that our relationship had literally went down the toilet the moment they started dating. But she still hasn't stopped talking shit about me and my kids. "Hi gorgeous!" One of the girls from the show had said as I walked into her dressing room after getting settled. Having a quick friendly greeting, we got on the topic of Kendra and Ethan. "All she wants to do is talk all this nonsense. And I don't know if she understands but, I'm 24. This shit isn't me anymore. If I was 17, then a bitch would've been long gone." Laughing it off, Andrea laughed, knowing the complete truth behind that.

"Alissa, we got the room ready if you want to settle things?" Our producer had came in and asked. I nodded my head, wanting to be an adult in this situation. They had called the security in to walk me down to the room. "So this is how it's gonna go down." He continued to tell me how they are planning to do it without cameras but still have security in the room present just in case. I had agreed to all of this, not really seeing a reason to seeing any other way to do this.
"Hi, how have you been?" Trying to be nice and friendly with it, she immediately came at me with an attitude. Just finding it funny, I sat down and smiled, listening to her just go off. "You're just mad cause I got with your man and he preferred me rather than you." Not being able to hold my laughter in, it had just came out. Obviously not finding this funny, she got up and in my face. Thinking she big and bad. "I suggest you sit down and don't try me. Because this ain't gonna go slowly if you continue to be this close." The security had put his hand right against her chest, holding her back. "And you can have Ethan because at the end of the day, who's his baby mama." I mouthed 'me' and pointed to myself, laughing harder than ever.

Going from nice and silent, it quickly turned into a yelling match and brought out a side of me that a lot of people haven't seen before. And none of it was really pretty, especially for Kendra. "Nah, nah, stay over there. Don't come near me." She said the moment I got up from my seat, pulling up my hair and ready for whatever she got. "Then why you acting big and bad Kendra? You wanna talk all this shit on the internet, I'm right here. So do something!" I yelled. Not being able to handle it anymore, she got her phone and sweatshirt, leaving the room. "I'm 24, this game is too damn old." I sat back down in my seat, not really understanding how she can have two personas.

"Imma beat your ass bitch, just watch!" She yelled as I past by her room, heading over to mine. Andrea had just walked out of the room, holding her baby. Ignoring what Kendra had said, I walked over and went to say hi to the baby. "What happened?" She asked as I took the baby from her and walked into the room, as if it was my own.
Explaining what had went down, Ethan walked into the room, with our son who he had for the week so he can go out for vacation. "Hi Michael." He came running, jumping on me to give him a hug. Then Ethan had gave me a side before taking a seat on the couch. "So Rocky Balboa, how everything going? How'd everything go with Kendra? " I rolled my eyes when he had said that. As if I was a horrible person who just fights everyone. "She took me to the point when I was about to put hands on her." Ethan's eyes had widened when I said that, since he knows that it's pretty hard to push me to that level.

Getting ready to film the reunion, they had got us all rounded up and ready to be put on stage. But separated us up, just in case something goes on.

Introducing us one by one, we took our seats. But having a show with a normal greeting is impossible for this show to have. So the moment Kendra had got out on stage right after her sister, she decided to cause a scene in front of the whole audience because just the two of us and the security guard wasn't enough. "You stupid bitch. Talk all this shit bout me but the moment I say something to protect myself- you wanna get all big and bad huh." She yelled, immediately getting security guards to hold her back as if she's some type of threat. "But what did I say about you?" I asked. She repeated over and over, the same thing she's been saying for the past few weeks. "You pick them good." I patted Ethan's leg, about to leave off stage because this was childish. But her sister, who I'm on good terms with had tried to drag me as if I was the type of person to even make myself look stupid.

They had put the show on a break, allowing every back in their rooms. But of course that didn't happen because Kendra was trying to fight me. "So you going to wait for cameras be around, there you go! Touch me. Lay a hand on me." I yelled, speed walking towards her but Ethan had caught up to me and held me back, not wanting anyone else to even come and try to deal with me. "I fucking dare you bitch. Do something!" Remaining calm, I didn't bother to try to fight out of his grip because there's no point of me start the fight first. "Ali, let's just go back to the room." Ethan said, as he swung me around like a rag doll. Holding onto my waist, forcing me to walk as if I was really trying to break free.

Back at the room, I changed into comfy clothes and took a breather, really upset that- that side of me had even came out. I laid out on the floor with the blanket I bring everywhere and Michael trying to comfort me. "Are you okay? Everything's fine?" Our producer, Ariana had came into my room and asked. I nodded my head honestly about to cry, just didn't want to do it with Mike there with us. "Babe, go with Dad. We're gonna have grown up talk." He grabbed his DS and nodded his head, running onto the other side of the room to Ethan. "I'm upset that she got under my skin and was able to take me to that point." I wiped the sad single tear that ran down my cheek away and tried my best to keep calm. "In the few years we've been filming, I don't think that side of your would ever come out." She said, making me chuckle a little bit when she did.

"We're gonna film Andrea's part, so you guys are free to leave and we'll pick this back up another day." Ari came back into our room as I was having a serious conversation with Ethan about certain things that don't need to disclosed to cameras or other people that are not the two of us. "We're fine to film our segment, if that's okay?" I had said, and she took in a heavy breath before saying okay.

Heading back on stage, wearing jeans and a tee shirt, Jackie, our interviewer had complimented me as if it was the best outfit on earth. "So why did that happen? What caused it?" Starting off very bord, I struggled to answer so Ethan had took the lead on this question. "Internet drama. Kendra says one thing and wants a response from Ali. And when she doesn't answer... fuel gets added to the fire." Just agreeing with him, they asked several more questions and showed a few clips. Sending it more into light more rather leading it down the wrong road. "The fans been wanting to know-" Already knowing the question, I gave me answer. Getting a surprised look from everyone. A couple of laughs from the audience. "So you and Ethan aren't planning to get back together anytime soon?" She asked and I looked at him before shaking my head. "I love Ethan, don't get me wrong. We're better off friends and I'm sure he agrees also." We all looked at him, but he looked away and smiled. Having the audience think otherwise. "Uh no. Yeah. We work better as friends because we aren't together all the time. But I wouldn't mind trying our relationship out in the future."

Ending our segment, we went back to our room and packed up our stuff. Going back to the hotel and getting some rest. "I'll see you back in Jeresy?" He gave me a high five, holding onto my finger just like Mike, swinging my hand back and forth. "That's the plan. Don't plan on moving anytime soon." I gave him a quick huge before getting in my Uber with Mike. "Or I can just go by your place." I rolled my eyes and shut my door, putting down the window. "You want Dad to come over?" Running it by Mike first, since he only gives honest answers. He nodded his head, not taking his eyes off his DS. Not saying any words, I opened my door waiting for Ethan. "We're in this together." He patted my thigh and kept it there until I placed mine on his, slipping my fingers under and interlocking our hands. "Always."

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