the third brother

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Being from a sort of small town but a big school, you were almost well known by everyone. Captain of the volleyball team and ASB president, you were on top of the world your senior year. Your two bestfriends were star athletes at your school. Captain of the wrestling team, star running backs, and first string lacrosse players. But the one left out of the limelight was there brother Nolan. Ethan and Grayson neglect him in and outside of school. Going to there house a lot, you would see both sides of it.

Since middle school, Nolan had this huge crush on you. Getting excited when he would see you come over to his place or smile and wave at him in the halls. Small little things like that had made his day.

But he never built the courage to go and talk to you due to bullies. They would through trash, pick on him, physically hurt him, and be straight up assholes.

One day at lunch, instead of hanging out with your friends you wonder the school looking for Nolan. Your phone was blowing up but you ignored it. You had past by the sophomore hall, hearing little noises echo. This had caught your attention. Walking down the hall and seeing Nolan sitting on the floor playing with zipper on his jacket.

"Nolan?" You called out. He nervously hid between the spaces of the lockers afraid that you were going to bully him. "Please don't hurt me." He pushed up his glasses with his middle finger, trying to hide behind his collar of his jacket. "Nolan it's y/n. I'm not going to hurt you i wanna hang out." Slowly coming out, he couldn't believe that you actually wanted to hang out with him.

The two of you were hanging out, having laughs and making easy conversation. Figuring out his personality you actually really liked the kid. His brothers would always make fun of him and call him a complete loser because he's nothing like them. But he was different and you really liked that.

Lunch had ended and you decided that you would walk the halls with Nolan. This was something he didn't want but you insisted. To put the cherry on top, you held his hand, getting stares from everyone. You didn't mind but Nolan was getting nervous.

For the next few weeks you hung out with him, enjoying his company. But his brothers had found out. And decided to end all of it. When you went to join him at your usual place he wasn't there, thinking he was just absent you went back with your friends. But there was a little crowd hanging out in the junior lockers. Going and checking it out, you realized that it was your friends, pushing and shoving Nolan around. You pushed your way through the crowd to protect him. "Nolan, are you okay?" You asked, having everyone just stare at you. He nodded his head, wiping the blood off his lip. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You pushed one of your close friends for being involved with this nonsense.

After school you had went to the boys house, to hang out because it was a Friday. Not liking you at the moment was something you didn't really care about because it was Nolan who you came to see.

"You look really pretty today." He had said with his hand behind his back, swaying side to side. You had took a seat on his bed, hoping that he wasn't too awkward to join you. "Thanks Nolan." You sort of blushed at his complement.

Having some plans for tonight instead of going out to parties like you always do you had planned to stay in with Nolan. And watch some movies and what not.

Nolan's POV

She had fallen asleep on my chest when we were watching movies. I kinda of played with her hair instead of my zipper this time. My parents would probably freak out if they find out that there was a girl in my room. They want me to get a girlfriend but none of the girls at school like me. So I was even surprised when y/n started hanging out with me at school.

Ethan and Grayson had came banging on my door, knowing that something was up. Ever since the two of us started hanging out, they would pick on me at home, saying that she'll never fall for a loser like me. And they aren't wrong, she's most likely to date Grayson because Ethan is a slob and annoying. "What? The two of you are fucking now?" Ethan had yelled at her, scaring me a little. "Why is that any of your business?" She yelled back. It had turned into a screaming match. Going back and forth. I wanted nothing apart of it.

I went and hid out on the roof, trying to get away from all that mess. Not to long after y/n joined me. She looks like she's been crying. And I don't even want to see her cry. So I tried to hug her without getting a restraining order from anyone. But I was too awkward to do so. "I think it's best if we just go back to how everything was." She lifted her head off my shoulder and gave me an odd stare. Trying my best not to look at her, I failed. "You don't deserve to be crying because you want to be my friend." I looked down, trying to place my hand on her thigh without throwing up on myself. She intertwined our hands and placed them on her lap. I wiped away her tear that ran down her cheek. "I'm sorry but maybe one day this will work out." She placed her forehead against mine. "I'll be waiting for that day then." She whispered. I hesitated on kissing her because it would be wrong. But I managed to get the courage and go for it. She bit her lip, mumbling against mine, "I love you Nolan."

"I love you too."

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