Lovers on Adventures

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Almost every week you go out with your close friends, Ethan and Grayson. Just one little secret that you have been hiding from one of them. You're not afraid of what the reaction might be, you're scared that everything will be different at the end of the day between the two of you.


Ethan's POV

Banging on Lo's door, we waited on her so we can get a move on this roadtrip. Half asleep still, she opened the door and allowed the both of us in. Finishing packing her last bag, we waited in the livingroom. Since it was fairly early in the morning, we didn't bother to bug or even tick her off before getting on the road because there's no chance of her bailing on us last minute. "Who's driving first?" Logan asked as she put on a jacket and threw her wet hair into a ponytail. Gray and I had both pointed at her, which basically broke our rule of pissing her off at 6 in the morning. "I'll drive and the both of you can sleep." Grayson had stood up and volunteered, taking Lo's bags and began out of the apartment wanting to get on the road right away.

Only about thirty minutes into the drive, Logan was past out in the back and Grayson was serving in and out of each lane trying to make almost every exit we needed to get on. As for me, I sat in the passenger seat and played calming music on the aux because that was needed at this point in time.

Another hour or two had past by and we switched drivers. I had drove the next few hours and Grayson went to sleep, leaving me with Logan and her moody self. Up until we got food in her system then she was okay to talk to. "Who made the impulse idea to even go to Vegas. We're not even 21. What the hell are we able to do?" She turned down the music, wanting to talk instead of listening to nothing but music the whole rest of the drive there. "Gray just wanted to go site seeing and take pictures then drive to San Diego." Rolling her eyes far enough to see a brain back there, she turned back up the music and kept silent for the next hour.

Driving our car through valet, we grabbed our bags and walked into the casino. The smell of cigarette smoke had ran through our noses and alcoholic beverages were being walked around us the ten minutes we were standing there to check into our hotel. "Ethan Dolan." I walked up and said to the lady at the front desk. Logan had stood by my side as Grayson went off and did his own thing. Waiting on the room key, Lo had placed her head on my shoulder probably resting her eyes after the long drive trying to keep me entertained.

Heading up to the room, I had opened the door and there goes my two children running to jump on the bed. Claiming which bed they want to sleep for the next few days. I sat on the one Gray was gonna sleep in since it would be more appropriate since Lo probably wants her own bed. "No, go sleep with Lo. She needs a cuddle buddy." Gray pushed me off the bed and onto the floor, laughing up a strom as I slowly got up. "It's fine, I dont have an issue." She had gave Grayson a dirty look, dragging herself off the other side of the bed to get her charger. Not knowing what was going on, I had just got comfortable an watched the two just sit there and make faces at eachother.

After taking a nap and changing into something more reasonable to walk around in, we had went and walked from hotel to hotel, trying to find out which had the better restaurant. Which took not much longer than an hour to go eat at some pizza place in Paris.

"Third wheeling always feels nice." A random person had said as they walked right past us, giving me a sad look. I nodded my head and watched Gray and Lo be all cute and fun with eachother, leaving me out of the picture as usual. When Grayson had got up to go to the bathroom, I actually had the chance to ask Logan the question I've been wanting for ask for a good minute now. "What's going on with you and Grayson?" Not holding back, I just put it out there, wanting to have the truth. Instead, she laughed and shook her head, "If your brother and I had anything going on between us, trust me, you would know." Lowering our voices, the waiter came and served us our pizza.

Keeping what she said on my mind the entire time, I just wanted to crack the code. But knew if I kept digging that it would just lead me to a dead end.

Minding my own business for the rest of the night, I just followed them around as we went to the strip and took a little shopping spree.

Logan's POV

"Don't get mad when your brother is cuddling me at night." I told Grayson since it was his bold decision to make Ethan sleep in the same bed as me. "He has a crush on you, you have a crush on him. What can go wrong?" Grayson had said loud enough for the entire mall to hear. I had walked away as fast as I possibly could, not wanting to get exposed that quickly. "Where you going?" Ethan walked out of the bathroom, bumping into me as I tried to not embarrass myself. "Looking for the bathroom." Pulling it out of my ass completely, he laughed. Not questioning a single thing. I just walked into the bathroom and smacked my forehead a couple of times before exiting.

Back at the hotel, we all had got ready for bed after hitting the gym. Yes, gym rats, what can we say... its fun at hotels because nobody goes to the gym so we screw around most of the time. "No sexy stuff going on, okay." Grayson smacked my cheek, spitting out the foam from brushing his teeth on my face. "Yeah, cause any of that is going to happen." I rolled my eyes and got up, grabbing my clothes to get in the shower.

Gaining the courage just to talk to Ethan as Grayson's grandma ass goes to sleep early, I was a little bit nervous. We've been friends for many years now, I just couldn't find the courage to not be a pussy and just talk to him. "Anything you want to watch?" After connecting his phone, he had handed it over letting me chose the movie or the show. And since it was me, I ended up choosing the most amazing film ever to be created. The kissing booth. Just a movie about being bestfriends with someone and completely in love with the brother. What a coincidence.
"You're lucky I like this movie." He had got into bed with me, pulling the blankets up to his chest and propping himself up so he can see the tv. As for me, I just sat up. Not wanting to make things weird.

"Imagine having a crush on your bestfriends brother... I couldn't even think of you having a crush on me. Grayson would flip." My stomach dropped and started burning. He really didnt just say that, did he really. Not knowing what to do, I just nervously laughed, agreeing with him. Even though it was the 100 percent truth.

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