Childhood friend pt.3

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Taking it one step further in yours and Nate's relationship, the two of you are starting to be more public. On social media and just out and about in general. Once in a while Grayson would text and actually compliment about your guys relationship. But the negative party also comes along with it.

Conversation w/ Ethan and Nate

Ethan: Hurt her and I'll kick your ass.
Nate: Like said before, I've changed.
Nate: I really really love her Ethan. And because you can't own up to being in love with her yourself doesn't mean you can put your mistakes on me.
Ethan: Mistake? The only mistake here is her actually being stupid enough to take you back after what you did.
Nate: I was 18 and she was 15. Leave it in the past. We've both grown so much and the fact that you keep on bringing up a mistake is tiring. The two of us talked about before and she is more forgiving than you are.
Ethan: You're 21 and she's 18...
Ethan: Wouldn't it be great if her Aunt and Uncle found out the age gap.
Nate: Go ahead, tell them. They're the ones who agreed to us dating. And they know everything about me, us, and our past relationship.
Nate: So whatever pleases you.

Text messages

Ethan: Skye! Answer your phone please.
Ethan: its important
Ethan: I just don't want you to get hurt anymore than he had already hurt you.
Ethan: I found something out about Nate.
Ethan: You're not going to like it.
Ethan: Text me back when you see these test messages. I'm worried about you and the kids.

Family day w/ Nate and the Kids

"Skye!" James had complained, seeing me distracted by random messages that Ethan was spamming my phone with. Ignoring them completely, I put my phone away and went to continue to enjoy our day together. "Let's see who can get to the car the fastest, ready, set, go!" I yelled as they raced down the hill and ran along the sidewalk. Giving me a minute or two to talk to Nate about the weird text message Ethan was sending me.

"Ethan has been out to get me since he found out we were talking again." Nate explained, "Making up these unbelievable lies to end things between the two of us." Listening to what he had to say and reading the text messages, I started to believe that Ethan is really jealous about me choosing Nate over him.

Conversation w/ Ethan and Grayson.

Gray: Why can't you see that she's happy?
Ethan: Wdym?
Gray: She actually sees a future with him and you just have to make up lies to break her heart into a million pieces.
Gray: You're the reason why she has trust issues with guys.
Ethan: It's the truth Grayson. She deserves better.
Gray: Like what?
Gray: You?
Gray: Someone who pushed her away because a girl had stepped in and took her place. Skye was actually willing to change everything for you, Ethan. But you looked past that. Only if you knew half what she's been through just to impress you.
Ethan: Like dating Nate... yeah. So impressive.
Gray: omg Ethan. When will you learn?
Gray: Just leave them alone. She's the happiest I've seen her been the past year. He makes her happy and the kids happy also. Why are you just ignoring this?
Ethan: Because she belongs with me Grayson.
Ethan: What don't you understand?
Ethan: I've been at this girl for the past four years and she still chose him over someone who can give her any thing she wanted. From material items to just spending a day with her siblings. I was willing to do all of this for her.
Gray: Shouldve said that the day you pushed her away.

Conversation w/ Gray and Skye

Gray: Are the kids upset?
Skye: Yes! Lydia won't stop crying about it. She grew so attached to him these past few weeks. Seeing him leave is so heart breaking.
Gray: That's adorable.
Gray: They need a father figure in their life.
Skye: Yeah, I'm honestly happy that they really love him. James acts likes he doesn't care but he's been locked up his room, refusing to come out and see him.
Gray: 😂😂 Boys always hide their emotions. Don't worry, it's completely normal.
Skye: Figured. Well Gray. I'll text you once we get back home from the airport.
Gray: Alright. Be safe. Love you.

Conversation w/ Nate and Grayson

Nate: I'm so nervous bro! Do you think I should go through with it? It's a bit soon don't you think?
Gray: She's going to love it. Promise. I know Skye like the back of my hand. This is going to be exciting news for her and the kids.
Nate: God, what if she hates it? Or if everything changes between us because of this? I really love her. I don't want her to think I'm rushing things a bit too fast.
Gray: Okay. Stop over thinking everything. She'll love it and if she feels overwise, she will tell you. Just don't take it personal.
Nate: My hands are you sweaty. I can't. I'm bitching out!
Gray: YOU BETTER FUCKING NOT! She's been waiting for someone who can deal with the package deal. Nobody wants a girl with two "kids" and they just so happen to love you like a Dad. JAMES EVEN LIKES YOU!
Gray: And he doesn't like anyone.
Nate: Fuxk. Okay. I'm just going to wing it.

At the airport

My hands started to sweat, my bladder was going to exploded, and it doesn't help that she is emotional right now. Lydia was holding onto me tight, not letting go. So I had just held her until it I had to check in for my flight. "I'll be back in two weeks." Skye had pressed her head against my chest, holding on tighter than Lydia was.

James had stayed at his Aunts, and I know for the exact reason why. Seeing his sisters this upset would had made him cry. We had a one on one, and he promised to keep my secret. Along with being the man of the house while I'm gone. Not that Skye can't do it on her own but she sometimes gets a tad stressed out.

The time was getting closer and I started to get nervous, rubbing my hands against my thighs and completely about to chicken out. But Grayson had immediate popped onto my head.

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