Keep it coming

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Starting from a young age you have always been an outcast. Mistreated and misunderstood. Nobody was able to connect to you on a personal level, especially your family. Mom had dated an abusive guy who hated you. But that relationship soon ended. Going through life with a struggle you found out that your one get away was creating. Drawing, filming, writing, photography, anything that you can create something your own was for you. But, your family didn't support it. One day you picked up a camera and it went from there. Within your first few videos, you blew up. Now you're living happily with friends who support your every step and move. Meeting several people but there was this one guy who was determine to teach you how to love yourself, knowing a sneak peek of your past.


Heading out to a little kick back that your close friend Maggie Lindemann, who was celebrating her new single 'Obsessed'. Inviting your friend to keep around since the whole party scene wasn't too much of your thing.
"I'm nervous." I told Ethan as I put my arms through the sleeves of my jean jacket, not being able to stand this ocean breeze. He rubbed my shoulders, reassuring that everything was going to be okay. "I'm right here." He grabbed my hand and held it, "Not leaving." Shaking it as if we concorded the world together. "Promise." He lightly kissed the top of my head before we had walked into the massive party.

"Hey babe." Maggie had walked up to me as we walked in the house. Hugging me quick then giving Ethan a one. Chatting up, one of our friends has called us over. So she dragged me away from Ethan, who looked the clueless on what to do after I left.

Ethan's POV

I watched Addison from afar, mingling with a few of the guys there. Since there's really no one here I know. "Hey bro." A random guy had came and dapped me up. "My girl's girlfriend thinks your cute." I rose my eyebrows and slipped my soda, looking in the direction he was pointing at. Nodding my head, not really interested he insisted that I had go and give a chance. To make her feel good. "Hi, I'm Lara. And that's Janie." The girl who was interested had just waved, making this completely awkward.
Again, not really interested so I kept my eye on Addison since she easily has panic attacks in crowded places. "So do you have a girlfriend?" Janie asked, coming into me before I had even gave her an answer. "Sorta. Not official." I stepped back, making her lose her balance a bit. "Oh. She's calling. Got to go."

Sneaking my way out to the back where some random couple had been getting it on. But since that's none of my business, I put my phone up to my ear and covered the other one. "Hello?" I loudly sound.
"Ethan, where are you?" I whipped around to see if she was anywhere on the first floor. But it was no use, there was a shot ton of people just hanging out by the windows.
"I'm outside. Addison, where are you?" I went inside and made my way through the crowd and try to find her.
"Upstairs, I'm ready to go." She had loudly swallowed. "Maggie is keeping me company.
I quickly went upstairs and walked into the first room, to see Maggie holding her as she softly cried. Mags looked up at me letting her go to step out and fill me in on what happened that made her upset. "Zayn, her some what of an ex boyfriend had just came up and started stuff." Just giving me a belief story, I got pissed off. "Kay. I'll talk to her."

Walking out, I held her hand and kept her close. Even when she was saying bye to a few of her friends, I didn't let her go too far. Especially because that asshole was here. She's over him and he's just around to torture her now. Knowing damn well that she isn't into his sick anymore, he wants to win her back and doesn't want anyone else to be with her. "Hey babe. Come on." I pulled on her jacket, seeing this douchebag from afar, making his way over towards us. But with me around, that was going to happen. I put my arm around her and out of habit, she wrapped hers around my torso.
Being able to see the jealousy in his face made me happy, he needs to learn that she isn't his and she moved onto better things. "You ready?" I said into her ear so she was able to hear me over the loud music. She turned to me and nodded her head, saying the final, "night, love you." To her girlfriends.

Heading out of the house and down the street to our car, I wrapped my arms around her torso and just wanting to love her. She had giggled and placed her hand on my cheek. "What the fuck are you doing?" Not even able to turn around and see who the fuck was talking, I shoved and almost knocked down Addison. Not even thinking, I shoved the guy back, ready to start fighting if I had too. "Ethan stop. Please let's just go." She had came and pulled me away as we were just having a stare off. Some random guy I didn't even know who just wanted to fight. I placed my hand on the bottom of her back and opened the passenger door for her. Just looking back at the guy who wasn't leaving and stared as I got in the car.

Back at her apartment, she seemed a little pissed about what happened. But didn't dwell on it too long.
"Are you staying over?" She yelled from the bathroom, as she turned on the water to let it warm up a bit. Not really knowing, I shrugged my shoulders and just went on texting Grayson.


I couldn't stay away. I just love writing too much and this idea has hit me out of nowhere. So I had to write and it was almost too good not to share. Especially because the preview was a little snippet from what I went through when I was younger. Just not the last part. But going throughout the day and finally finishing school, I learned that way am I going to stop something that keeps me going and keeps me sane because people didn't like the content that I write. So what was on my mind was... what if I write a few more characters then make a full on imagine book just for you guys

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