Flip, Slip, Or Sip

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"Babe!" Grayson shouted, calling me to go into the kitchen. You pulled yourself out of bed and walked over, tired and not wanting to deal with his shit. "Flip this." He threw a bottle at you as you walked in, hitting me in the collarbone. You did as he asked and it didn't land, walking away he called you back. "Now you got to answer this or drink that." Leaning against the counter you waited to hear what he was going to ask. "Have you ever did one of the following with my twin brother before we got together. Make out, have sex, gone out, or made love with him." You immediately took the bottle, about to drink the liquid inside before thinking about it. Looking at Ethan he couldn't help but laugh, knowing what had gone down in the past. "Do I have to state which one or can it just be a yes?" You asked, trying to find a loop pole. He had agreed on just saying yes to spare his feelings. But not risking on spilling that tea on yourself, you gulped down the nasty ass drink then went to the bathroom to throw it all up. "WHICH ONE WAS IT!" He screamed from the kitchen, wanting to know the answer.

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