Temptations III

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Coachella Day 3


Grayson's POV

We were both finding it hard to get out of bed today. Knowing how there probably is only about two people who are worth seeing, so we took more time in bed than usual. Aria didn't fully wake up until 10 and decided to stay in bed for another hour before getting ready for day three. Which I was really debating on going too. Ethan had texted telling me the same information that I had been feeling, so instead, we got dressed and took pictures and hung out instead of doing the full coachella day.

Aria, being completely lazy today she came into the livingroom with her blanket and sat right next to me, cuddling up. I threw my arms around her and pulled her closer to my chest, kissing her cheek multiple times.
All our friends have came over, trying to figure out a plan for today and use our wristbands instead of wasting that couple thousands of dollars on them. "I don't want to go at all today and trying to get home tonight." Aria mumbled, getting off the couch to take her vitamin C and other medication she brought. Mads had seconded on it, following Aria to the room to take her vitamin as well. "Grayson. Babe, here." I looked up and put out my hand and waited for her to hand me the water bottle. "Wait did I just hear a babe?" Mads had squealed, like this was her best day on planet Earth, hearing Aria calling me babe. "Aw, I'm happy for you two." She came up and hugged the both of us, but not everyone in the room was as happy as Mads.

"Dude, what the fuck is your issue?" Aria had just called out Emma, basically tired of her bagging on our relarionship. Emma had just continued to snicker and laugh, just to piss people off. "Just funny how you think you two are in a relationship." She shrugged her shoulders and continued laughing, silencing the room. "Stay fucking dry humping Ethan and get the fuck out of my room. Or you can wait until I drag you out by your hair." Aria got up off the couch and opened the door, waiting for Emma to walk out but of course, she stood there and smiled. "Technically this is dote's room. So no."
"I didn't come with dote you headass. I can actually pay for my own shit and dont need people to sponsor to come to places like this. Now get out before I drag you out." We all had just taken a step back and waited to see if it would simmer down or take charge of the situarion and make sure nothing happens. "Ethan just take her and go." I whispered, but of course, he wanted to see how this would end.

Not giving Emma a chance, Aria had did what she said she was going to do. And of course, Emma didn't like it. So what had broke out, a fight.

Pissed off at the both of them, I walked into our room and started yelling at Ethan. "I fucking told you to take Emma and leave. But because you think your girl got hands, you wanted to see it escalate. Now look what happened." Helping out Ethan clean up Emma, I was on the side texting Mads to see if everything with Aria was okay.

Conversation with Mads

Mads: She's just upset. Can't really say anything else about it.
Mads: You pushed her to the ground to stop the fight. Made it seem you were protecting Emma over her.
Gray: I had too, she can't defend her own. Emma has a big mouth, doesn't have the physical strength to back that up.
Mads: Okay, Ethan was there. He could've defended his girl and you did yours. Now look what you caused.
Mads: Might I add, you pushed like she doesn't weight 5 pounds.
Mads: All I am saying is that, you could've just made her feel like you had her back instead of someone else's.
Gray: What else was I suppose to do, pulling her off wouldnt have done anything. She just would have fought with me instead. So I did what I had to do. Even if that means shes pissed off at me for it.
Mads: You really don't see what you did wrong?
Gray: No.
Mads: Then Congratulations, you might be officially single after day.

Ethan stayed with Emma, so I met up with Bryant and Deon just to basically walk around and drink water. There was nobody to listen to besides Khaild, but that's not until a few hours so we waited a long ass time.

Walking around, taking pictures with fans, and minding my own damn business, I saw Aria and Mads walking around. They both had looked a little pissed and on a mission to look for someone. Making eye contact as I was in the middle of taking a picture with a fan, they walked up and gave Bryant a hug. Completely ignoring me. So I stood there like an outcast in the friend group. "Yeah, let's go and do it now so you two can get going." Bryant had said, grabbing his camera and following them to the stage. I trailed behind, not really caring for whatever the fuck we were about to do.
Acting like they were actually having a good and looking cute, I wasn't surprised that they had fake kissed eachother just for a picture. It was a normal thing for them to do as weird as it sounds. "Gray, get in there." Bryant pushed me toward them, I kinda just stood there awkward not knowing what to do. Aria had stood in front of me trying to get a single shot but that wasn't going to happen, I grabbed her hand and spun her around, making her face me. Putting my hand on the bottom of her back, holding her close she looked up at me and smiled. "You okay?" I asked, wanting to know that she was okay from earlier. She nodded her head, biting her lip before giving me a solid answer, "Yeah." Pushing her hair off her shoulders and out of her face, I lifted up her chin and planted a kiss on her lips. "Good."

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