Coming Out

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As the rumors run around, you had became more worrier about your friends who had associated themselves with thus person. Knowing how uncomfortable they felt with the subtle remarks. Mainly Grayson, who was always attacked by these types of comments without fail. And after these several stories that are being told and coming out, you just wanted to know the truth.


Cassie's POV

After all stories had came about, I had noticed that Grayson had became distant and lacked any affection or effort in our relationship. The nights became long and restless, he would ignore my facetime calls and leave my text messages on read. Due to this outbreak of horde news I had recieved the outcome of it. And he did not chose to hide or fake any type of way that he was feeling. Ethan is also refusing to give me any insight of what is going on in this time. Now, I just sit here worry and over think.

Joining Grayson in bed for our movie night, I attempted to cuddle up and just be close to him. But as he has been doing lately, pushing me away was his go too. Making me feel like I had done something to wrong him. Placing a pillow between the two of us, putting a border making me feel that he just doesn't want tonight to happen. Frustrated and confused, I got out of bed, grabbing my jacket and shoes from the closet. "Where you going?" He softly asked, putting the movie on pause, finally worried about what I am doing. "Going home." Collecting my stuff, including my over night bag, I grabbed my keys off his desk and began to head out. "Night Ethan." I quickly peeking into his room before walking myself out.

Waiting at the front door for a minute or two, then in my car. I was begging that he would just come and ask for me back in the house. But he didn't.

Text Conversation w/ Gray

Gray: Make it home safe.
Cas: Sure
Gray: Okay, I'm gonna head to bed now.
Cas: Whatever
Gray: Is there a problem here?
Cas: No. Everything's fine.
Gray: Are you sure? You didn't seem fine when you left.
Cas: I'm doing amazing Grayson. Thanks for the concern.
Gray: Babe, don't play games. Is there something actually wrong? So we can sit down and fix this.
Cas: Oh all of a sudden I'm your 'babe'
Cas: Chose what you want Grayson. I'm not going to sit here and play pretend any longer.
Gray: What are you talking about?
Cas: Okay now you dont know what I am talking about. That's fine, I'm not even bothered by it.
Gray: Can you stop this act? Tell me what's wrong!
Cas: Grayson, you literally ignored me all this week. Didnt answer any calls or text. I try to cuddle with you and you pushed me away. What's going?
Cas: After the whole thing about JC, you've been treating me different.
Cas: Did something happen between the two of you?
Cas: If something did you need to at least tell me, no details no nothing, I just need to know why you are acting different.
Gray: Babe.. I just don't..
Gray: Come over in the morning, we need to talk.

Next Morning

My heart was hurting and there was this pit in my stomach. How can he do something so cruel? I trusted him with everything and him knowing every single aspect about mine and Grayson's relationship. Even about our sex life and for him to go and do this to me like this. I felt disrespected in every way. After hearing what he had felt so comfortable with telling me, I couldn't help but just hold him in my arms. "I'm sorry baby. I really am."

Staying with Grayson during this time of need, we had layed in bed and I tried my best to comfort him. Wanting him to know that I am her for him no happen what he is going through at the time. "Guys, sorry to interrupt sexy time but, have you seen twitter?" Ethan came running into the room, forcing us on Twitter and seeing this all blow up. It wasn't a surprise that the twins fans would pull all this shit together, they have videos and pictures, proof that what he had did and the discomfort with Grayson. "Gray, you need to clear this up. Come out and bring up your story, don't just sit in the silence." Ethan begged his brother. Not placing an input, I was going to support whatever decision that he had decided to do.

Going through the day, stressing out completely, Grayson did not once think about or have anything else on his mind. Which had lead to him having a intense anxiety attack. And this one had put Ethan and I into complete worry mood.

"Okay, where is the.... rubber bands." I asked Grayson searching for the little rubber bands that I had told him to grab before forcing me braid his hair. Knowing what facial expression was, I rolled my eyes and made him hold the little tail of his braid so I can get up and go grab the rubber band. "Asked for one small thing, literally." Making him laugh, "I know something that's not so small." Giving me a smile, I rolled my eyes but he wasn't joking around.

Picking me up and spinning me around, I couldn't help but laugh. "I really don't know what I would do without you." Holding me, he had given me a tight hug. "I love you Gray, there's no way in hell that I would let you go through this by yourself." Resting his forehead against mine. Sitting in each other's silence, he started to breathe heavy and almost to panic. "Babe, Gray, it's fine. Breathe, baby, breathe." Releasing from his hold, I gave him a worried look but instead he began crying, not wanting me to let go of him. "Don't leave me." Crying into my shoulder, I sat him down on the bed and held him closer than ever. "I'm not. I won't."

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