All I Want is You IV

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With a long lived crush, on your childhood friend, your feelings grew. Everyday it gets worse and worse. There's no way for this treatment because damn, Grayson Dolan has you real good. Or has it always been the other way around?


Bell's POV

Walking up to Grayson's front door after not seeing him in weeks with a present and balloons was probably the most embarrassing thing to do but, I've done worse things with him. "Sorry I missed your birthday." He gave me a little chuckle and pulled me into a hug. Just being held in his embrace had made me feel safe and secure. Like it always had. "My Mom was getting worried about you. MA! LOOK WHO'S HERE!" He yelled. Holding my hand as he pulled me through his house looking for his Mom. Walking into the family room, she was reading a book while trying to keep on eye on Daisey, Grayson's little sister. "Bells, baby. I haven't seen you in forever." Getting up off the couch, pulling down her book and giving me a hug that was well needed, she played with my loose stains of hair and asked many questions. She sighed, "We missed you in the Dolan Household. And Grayson- well he hasn't stopped talking about you." I peeked behind me to look at him, he had turned to face the other way. Avoiding eye contact.

Staying for a little while longer, I had to spend time with Daisey and Grayson. Which doesn't happen very often because Daisey always steals me away from him. But this time it worked out, the sun was setting and their Mom was going out on a date. For which we all rooted for. It's been awhile since Momma Dolan has gone out on a date. And with that, Daisey had went to bed as well. Just leaving Grayson and I in the tv room, watching a random film that Daisey wanted to watch. "Mom! What time are you leaving?" Grayson shouted in my ear. Not realizing how close I was sitting next to him. "In two hours!" She yelled back. I looked at Grayson, who was staring up the stairs, trying to think. "Okay, let's go." He pressed on my thigh to push himself up  then grabbed my hands and pulled me off the couch.

Getting in the car and traveling thirty minutes out of town, he took the road to where his Dad would take us all the time when we were kids. But this did not settle in my mind because it had changed so much. Houses were now built on the trails that we had so many memories on. "I haven't been up here in forever." Just mesmerized by the little beauty it still had the further down the road we had went. This has made words hard to form properly.

Going off trail, he went a different route, stopped and parked in the most random spot. It had a beautiful view of the river that had flowed near by and the woods with the deers that would come once in awhile during the winter.

"Remember when you said, that on your 18th birthday you just wanted to be isolated from everyone and everything." I nodded my head and watched him get out of the truck and open the back seat, grabbing the random blankets and pillows he just had back there. "And just watch the sunset. Cheesy I know but we were eleven." Following him to the bed of the truck, I put on my hoodie and crossed my arms, shivering. He continued on with something I had said on my 11th birthday party after we hide from everyone for two hours, getting lost in the woods close by my house at the time.

Helping out with making the bed in the back of the truck, we had turned on our flashlights as it got darker and darker. Enjoying each others company and just talking about old memories we have from back in the good old days.

The sun was officially down and the stars had quickly appeared, we were having such a great time. Laughing and not having a single care in the world. "Wait, I have something." He jumped off the side of the truck and ran over to the passenger side. Just enjoying the night sky for a moment, it had made me feel at home. Like nothing was wrong and everything was back to the way it was. "Here." Grayson interrupted my thoughts and handed me this little box. "Happy birthday and Merry early Christmas." I was just in shock, I didn't know what to say. "Grayson, I-" "I don't care. Open it." I let out a heavy sigh and did as he said. Seeing a jewelry box, I handed back to him. "Stop. You never let me get you anything. Just open it. Please."

Opening the box, there was a necklace with three little charms on it. I was a little confused and looked at him not really knowing what it had meant. "Okay, I was expecting this look." He tilted the box so he was able to see then pointed his flashlight on it. "This one is, the compass, has all the points for direction. And on the back is yours slash our astrology sign. This little strip has numbers and such, I'll explain that later. And this, well, this the letter G." I looked up at him as he went on with explaining all the little details that come with the single little letter.

Smiling like a complete idiot, I drew my attention back to him explaining everything else. "Last but not least, this one is for-" His smile had such an affect on me, I couldn't help but let out giggles. Getting a little nervous around someone who I've know for the past 15 years, this has never happened. The tip of his index and thumb had touch my chin ever so softly, "I love you Bells and not in a friend type of way." My heart dropped, "What? Grayson, I-"

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