Baby Daddy

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During the middle of your senior year you found out you got pregnant. Not even questioning of who the Dad was, you already knew. Ethan Dolan. The two of you had a thing for a few months and ended up hooking up at one of your mutual friends party. When you had told him, he freaked and tried to convince you it wasn't his. Adding hurtful names as well. So you went through senior with the support of only your Dad. A few years later Ethan hits you up asking to see his baby.


Dallas: She's fine without you Ethan. Her low life Dad isn't needed right now.
Ethan: She's my kid too!
Ethan: I helped to create her.
Dallas: Wait? Really? I just thought I was the schools slut and got around with any guy that came across me.
Dallas: Sound familiar.
Ethan: Okay I'm sorry for that. I should've took full responsibility for it. But I grew up. I'm twenty years old.
Dallas: And I'm 19, want a cookie?
Ethan: No, I just want my daughter.
Dallas: Why are you so interested after three years? What finally hit you in the head to make you hit me up this late and ask about my daughter?
Ethan: My sister is pregnant. She's a senior in highschool and seeing that her boyfriend is 100% in for it, makes me feel like shit. 
Dallas: It should. I had only turned 17 Ethan. Imagine how I felt when you told me that you didn't want anything to do with OUR baby.
Ethan: Okay Kaia, I understand. It was wrong for me to leave. And I'm really sorry for that. But please just let me in her life.
Dallas: Fine Ethan. We can meet up sometime this week. Just give me a minute to think about this. I don't want to let you in then you get scared of this parenting role then leave again.
Ethan: I won't. Promise.

Few days later

Finally convincing Kaia to meet me for lunch, she had agreed and Friday would work best for her. Since, she is a hard working Mom. Meeting up at a little café that was very popular in her town. Just walking up had brought good memories from back when we first started talking. When I walked in, I looked around and saw her sitting in the back entertaining the baby. It made me smile a little. Also made me feel stupid for missing three years out of her life. "You look good." She said as I walked up and gave her a quick hug before sitting down. "Not to bad yourself... Hi!" The baby had given me a little smile then covered her face. "Willow, don't be rude." Willow had leaned against Kaia and laughed, pressing her face her Mom's stomach.

We talked about everything for the first ten to fifteen minutes. Just catching up and being like we were in highschool. Then we got into the real stuff. About Willow, taking care of her, schedules, when would be the best time to pick her up. Things like that.

Going on for about an hour now, we actually were having a good time. Despite our past together. Being able to be with her and spend the day with both of them, made me feel almost complete. When we were leaving, I walked her to their car, continuing our conversation from instead. And just by our hour talk, I was able to feel the feelings come back. But more like they never left. "I'll see you later Ethan." She gave me a hug, a warm, fresh, hug. They were never stale and always were the best. "See the two of you soon." I gave Willow a little wave and again she covered her face after showing off that pretty smile of hers. "She looks so much like you. It's literally a mini you." I looked at her one more time as she opened the back door and got in. "Acts like you though. Her little annoying ass and always asking for pineapple pizza." I laughed, just thinking about it. "It's great honestly. Keeps me a little bit sane." We were both looking at her as she was slowly falling asleep in the back seat. Trying to stay up but clearly couldn't. "Well Dolan. I'll talk to you later." I gave a little smirk, "I'll be waiting Dallas."

Ethan: I think I might actually have a shot of winning her back.
Ryan: Lmao. Why?
Ethan: You should've seen our chemistry. Just like back in the day. But more mature and less touchy. Or a lot less touchy.
Ethan: I know my girl. Her feelings are still there.
Ryan: Then shoot your shot boy!
Ryan: I'm just waiting for that loop she's gonna throw you through.
Ethan: Wym?
Ryan: She's hot, has a kind heart, and a fat ass. There's no way she's still on the market.
Ethan: She didn't mention a boyfriend. I mean she would've.
Ryan: You're sorta of her ex, of course she wouldn't.
Ethan: So what are you saying?
Ryan: She's possibly playing you. Just to get you back for leaving her.

Dolan Twins Imagines And PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora