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Dating someone who in the Military was never your plan. But when your boyfriend of two years signs up for the Coast Guard, you didn't know how to react. It was a huge struggle only getting to see him on certain weekends and sometimes possibly for a whole week during his holiday vacation. During this whole thing Grayson had always kept the promise of, no matter where he was located, how much money it would cost, date or time. That he would attend your college graduation. And that day came quicker than the two of you have ever thought.


I fiddled with my bracelet, trying to get all the nerves out before walking across that stage. My family and close friends were here, just one person was missing. Everytime my phone would ding, my heart started to race. Thinking that it was Grayson. But it was never him. My parents had been quick on catching up with my worry for Grayson not coming. They tried to distract me from the whole deal by taking pictures and helping me finish getting ready. None of this was working, the only person on my mind was Grayson. And how he broke his promise. "Ella, you know Gray, he wouldn't break his promise." My sister had held my hand, trying to make me feel better.

During the ceremony my hands were clammy and my stomach was in knots. I couldn't tell if I was just really nervous or upset that the one person I want to be here isn't.
Just as they dismissed my row for our diplomas, I stood up and didn't bother to look around for my family, knowing that I would just be disappointed.

Waiting in line was the worst, everyone had their family and friends cheering for them. My stomach was too much overwhelmed and of course my mind was everywhere other than where it was suppose to be.
"Ella Grace Sutton." My family had screamed as I walked on stage. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that I went five years of hell and made it out alive.

Walking around, looking for my parents, finding them was almost impossible. But when Dad had yelled, it had got a lot easier. "Congratulations!" My Mom, with mascara running down her cheeks, looking like a mess, came and hugged me. I held onto her tight, happy that I can see her this proud of someone she raised. Hugs and presents went all around, and pictures of course. But looking around, I didn't see him. My heart had broke and my happy tears quickly turned into sad tears. "He didn't come?" I asked my brother, who just so happened to be one of Grays close friends in the Military. He had shook his head and patted my back. "Ella, it's fine. He wanted to be here. He tried. That's all that matters." I tucked in my lips and looked down at the floor. It was more than just him trying to make it to my graduation.

Heading out to the nearest restaurant, I didn't have the appetite to eat. Everyone was enjoying themselves and as bad as I wanted too, it seemed impossible. It had got to the point where I had to excuse myself from the table just to take a quick breather. Sitting outside and feeling the cold breeze. Just trying to realize that he isn't coming and it's not because he didn't try hard enough but that's just his job. Not everything is easy when being in the Military.

As my Dad was making a cheesy speech, my phone had buzzed, not bothering to check it, I continued to listen.

*text message from Grayson

I'm so proud of you baby. I wish I was there in person, being able to celebrate. Hug you and kiss you. My beautiful bebe graduated! I probably sound like your Mom, saying this a million times but, I'm really happy and proud of you love. But I promise! I did watch you graduate. I cheered when they called your name and I shouted from my bunk, getting a couple of my buddies to be proud of my wonderful, sexy, lively wife! We all are proud of you Ella. Promise.
I'll be home soon... Xx

Enjoying the time with my family, I sat aside my phone and finally forced all my time and engery on them.

Heading back home, I was tried and beat from today. Just wanting to go to sleep and pick this up tomorrow, when we all have the energy to do something.

Grayson's POV

Tyler, Ella's brother had texted me that they had just pulled up in the driveway. My hands were sweating and heart was racing. It's been about six months since I've seen her. The moment the front door opened, I freaked. Standing up, not knowing how to pose. But it was too late to figure it out because her sister had walked into the family room and saw me. Covering her mouth as I told her to be quiet. Her parents walked in and had the same reaction Cassandra did. "I wanna go to-" She gasped when she walked in and saw me. Covering her mouth, eyes watery, just as expected. I smiled wide at her and she stepped back, not believing that this was a really situation. Slowly walking over towards me, I inched closer and then embraced her into a hug. "Congratulations bebe, I'm proud of you." Picking her up and holding on tight.

"Baby, why you crying?" I laughed, wiping her tears off her cheeks with my thumbs. She was still in shocked, going straight back to hugging me tight.

Around 4 in the morning was when we had officially decided to go to sleep. Showered and changed, she cuddled up right next to me, not saying a word. Probably the quietest I've seen her been. Running my nails up and down her arm as I stared at the ceiling, trying my best to stay up until she fell asleep. But my body was giving up and I was slowly falling asleep. "Grayson?" She whispered, shaking me awake. Not letting me sleep, the usual. I hummed, answering as she called my name. "I can't sleep." Knowing this routine, I sat up and leaned my back up against the head board of her bed. "Okay babe, what did you have in mind?" She gave me smile before getting off the bed and putting on shoes. Trusting her, I had followed. Going on an early morning adventure.

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