Friends with a baby...

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Ever since you were little Grayson and Ethan have been around. But the older you got the more reckless you've became. About to end senior year, you had found out you were pregnant. Not knowing who the Dad was you felt like complete scum. Hiding this from everyone was literally impossible because every few weeks you had got a little bit bigger than you were. Out of everyone you had told Grayson first because he's the only one you had trust. And from there on, you had made an effort to tell your parents and siblings.

Grayson had offered multiple times to take full responsibility of being the father. But being there for you was already doing the most. When you came out and told your parents, Grayson, without warning said it was his. Surprised and disappointed your parents took it easy on you.

You graduated, being one of the many who got top in your class. This was the biggest accomplishments you had made. But there was one things that was on your mind the whole night. The argument you had a few nights ago with your parents. Completely kicking you out of the house because they didn't want a reminder of a disappointment in their family. This you had kept to yourself.

A few weeks after graduation, you figured things out. With the money you have been saving, your live savings. You managed to buy a fairly cheap but nice apartment. Just a few minutes away from your local college. Ethan and Grayson had supported you through the whole thing. As well as their parents. Thinking it was the grown up thing to do, not knowing that your parents didn't want anything to do with you.

Going into your final weeks of pregnancy, Grayson was there for you a lot more than expected. Most nights he'd sleep on the couch just in case you needed a ride to the hospital. He's was doing the most for you. More than expected.

The night you had gave birth, again, right by your side. Grayson was there every second of the way. Making this labor a lot less painfully than it actually was.

Grayson had held my baby girl and immediately fell in love. Not wanting to let go he was mumbling to her, rubbing his thumb down her cheek. In that moment in time you fell in love with your bestfriend.


A few years later, you held your babies hands, walking into the gates of hell... Kindergarten. Thinking this was every parents dream, you were wrong. She kept you company on the most loneliness days. Now that Grayson had moved on with his life, soon to be married and having a kid on the way, there was no longer anyone there for you. All your highschool friends had moved on with their lives and still haven't had contact with your family in almost six years. Life was going good, up until her first day at school.

Y/d/n wasn't even the one crying. You were.

On the way back home, you stopped at the store, picking up a few things for dinner to make before y/d/n came home. As you were there you ran into Ethan. He looked clueless and you couldn't help but laugh. Making easy conversation, the two of you clicked really easy. He asked about your life and of course you couldn't contain yourself and started crying at the fact it was your baby's first day of school. Once you finished you asked about his. Not really surprised that he was still single and just finished school, like yourself. He began to tell you his plans on becoming a professional photographer. As he's been on the hunt for his first project outside of school.

Ethan had came home with you, seeing your house for the first time since you moved out of your apartment. He took a look around amazed with what you had done with the place.

"I'm really proud of you y/n. Had a baby, moved out on your own by 19, finished school and managed to look as bomb as you did back in highschool." You rolled your eyes, sitting on the couch after handing Ethan a cup of juice. "I'm just surprised you and Grayson didn't even have the smallest relationship after knowing eachother for what almost fifteen years?" Knowing that it was a complete lie, you nodded your head.

Before Grayson had fell in love the two of you had tried things out. Which didn't work. Many arguments and he for some reason couldn't handle the fact that your entire life was revolved around your newborn baby girl at the time. So things quickly ended and he moved out. Very small conversation between the two of us since then. And it doesn't help that his fiance doesn't like you. So the distance is a lot further than what people may think. You had explained this to Ethan, who was shocked once he heard it didn't work.

Joining you on picking you y/d/n from school, Ethan was excited to see his little booger. It's been a few months since he stop taking her out almost every weekend on little dates. Ethan almost quickly stepped in after Grayson got engaged. He just had to leave for awhile since it was his final year of school. About to get off the car to look for her Ethan had told you to stay as he went to get her.

Staying for the remainder of the night Ethan had enjoyed our company. Hoping he can come join us once again. But this had quickly changed as you were about to walk him out. Your princess was asleep and it was just the two of you. A quick goodbye hug lead to more than just a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

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