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"Loners and jocks shouldn't be together. It's just not the right fit."


"Hi I'm new can you show me... Okay, just walk away." Being new to such a big school, a lot of personalities are everywhere. And it's senior year so it's worse. Nobody wants to come to a new school their senior year. Then making new friends, yeah, that's hard for one. So most of the time I just had my head down and mind my own business. But that doesn't work, "Watch where you're go- Oh shit my bad." This huge ass dude had went soft in the middle of being a hard ass. I dropped my phone but caught it by my earbuds just before it hit the floor and spilled my coffee on myself. When I saw this douchebags face... holy shit. He was literally perfect. Like God spent some time on him. "Oh my God, I'm sorry. He speaks before thinking." His girlfriend, I believe had said, trying to soak up the warm coffee from my shirt. "Here. I think I have a sweater in my locker." She handed the guy her bagel before dragging me along with her.

Being nosey, she was asking questions about me, my old school, and my family. "Oh and by the way." She opened up her locker and pulled out the sweater, "I'm Wren. Ethan Dolan's nonofficial girlfriend." She rolled her eyes after telling me. "Uh.. I'm Tess. Officially taken by single." Almost like she was a barbie doll, being talked for, she laughed at my stupid joke of trying to make fun of her. Getting along very well, the guy from earlier had came up and kissed her cheek, giving a side hug. "E, this is Tess. She's new." He took a good look at me and nodded his head, "Ethan. You know who she should." Wren had quickly covered her mouth and smiled, backing away for a minute. "Yo E, I ran into this really- Her. Sorry about earlier." My brain couldn't process what was going on. God is truly blessing me with twins right now. He really is. "Oh it's fine." I waved Wren's sweater then check the time.

Class had began and guess who was in first period, Wren. Who didn't tell me that she was friends with the cheerleaders from earlier. They all had gave me a disgusted look as the teacher gave me the empty seat right next to them. "This is going to be hell."

Me and cheerleaders just dont get along. At my old school, they would just always pick on me for always hanging out with the guys. Call me lesbian or just hurtful slurs that I didn't know existed.

Second through fourth period, Ethan. Then the next few were with nobody. But I had quickly made friends. Don't get how a lot of people here are just so nice and not douchebags like everyone else at my old school.
"And here we are again." The twin with the dangly earring had said as I mistakenly bumped into him, trying to leave class of course. "Since this is happening so often. I'm Grayson." He shook my hand and being completely awkward, I just smiled. "Oh shit sorry, Tess."

Over the next few days of being at a new school, I was well greeted almost everyday by Grayson. Well, just the ones where he's not with his friends. After my first week, he had invited me over to his place to hang out. But being me, I had respectfully denied because my strict parents who are very protective over me. So instead he had came over and met my parents, who surprisingly really liked him. And my baby brother like him also, which is funny because he isn't a fan of boys.

A few weeks had passed and Grayson was around so often until one day he stopped. Almost everything had changed, my parents were asking about him and so was I. He just sorta disappeared. I see him everywhere around school, just doesn't say hi anymore. Which is fine, it was all expected. Especially from a person like him. Very popular and of course everyone likes him. Me, yeah no. People know who I am because those cheerleaders had set out a bad name for me. So now it's watch out, Tess is going to steal your man. It's annoying and the same exact reason why I had to had exchange school.

"Grayson." My brother pointed to a group of guys who were just chilling at the park with their skateboards and girlfriend. Just thinking it was because he hasn't seen him in forever, I ignored it and walked down to the playground. "GRAYSON! GRAYSON!" He shouted again, pointing to the guys who had now started to stare at us. I put my head down hoping that they wouldn't come over or say anything.
"Hey Jordan." His voice had came behind me and scared me a little. Going up on the jungle gym, Jordan got happy and wanted him to pick him up. "Where's you sister?" He asked and I acted like I wasn't even there. Since he does the same to me at school. "Tess! Tess!" I looked up, and they both were looking down at me.

Being completely rude and fake, since his friends were watching he started to get really touchy and aggressive with me. I pushed him away multiple times but then his friends would egg him one. "Come on, just go with it." He whispered. "I'm not part of your little game Grayson." Pushing him one last time, a whole 'nother side of him came out. "Damn thought you would give me some. Since you're so easy." He smacked my ass and I tried to defend myself but my brother beat him to it. Sticking his hands through the bars and pulling his hair. "Don't touch my sister." Adding a little smack to the face, Grayson pulled his hand out of his hair and walked away.

After everyone left, Grayson had tried to stay behind and apologize. But I didn't take it. "Please. I didn't want to look bad." He followed me to my car as I buckled my brother in. "So you make me look bad." I slammed the back door and opened the driver side door. "You're a sweet kid Grayson and I'd love to have you around but once you pick your rep over friendship; its over."

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